All Chapters of Contracted Mate To Alpha Konan Of Oceanwolf Pack : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 Chapters
ALPHA KONAN'S POVI was momentarily entranced when I saw Madeline draped in the outfit— the black gown that accentuated her curves and enhanced the bump on her stomach. A sense of pride and awe swept over me and Elyan responded with a quiet , appreciative growl. But why was I feeling this way about her?. During the meeting, I noticed her shifting on her chair, holding a scrunched face and instinctively rubbing her back and her stomach. It was time for the vote of thanks and I noticed she wasn't anywhere inside the room. Where had she gone to at a time like this?. I could go through the remaining events of the night without her, but I craved deeply for her presence. Dan walked into the room and whispered something into my ear."WHAT!!!. You've got to be joking Dan. What do you mean she has been kidnapped? When did this happen?""Alpha Konan, there was a letter on your table addressed to you. It said it is from Damien.I face palmed. Why would uncle Damien do this?"What did the letter
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ALPHA KONAN'S POVI paced round my study as I waited for Rosaline's arrival. The sound of my shoe soles on the tiled floor were the only defined noise I could hear. Anger and worry simmered within me making my insides hot and I was forced to ask myself for the umpteenth time why I was feeling this way towards her. This feeling was new, it was very pristine."It is because she's carrying your child. So it is a tangible reason for you to behave and feel this way." My subconscious answered.Exactly!!!, and I couldn't agree less.Rosaline came into my study panting heavily from running."What did you say happen to Madeline," she asked worried lines evident on her forehead. "The servant girl was kidnapped by Damien, my uncle.""Is Damien around," she asked."I have no candid idea," I replied. "He only made his presence known by kidnapping the servant girl and dropping a letter.""What did the content of the letter say," Rosaline asked."I don't care. I only need to save Madeline and my ch
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Madeline's POVThe darkness crept in, swallowing the room whole. I saw the room closing in on me and felt suffocated. The shadow of a man danced on the wall with a glistening metal knife in hand, trudging towards me."Please, please..... Don't hurt me. I did nothing wrong to you, I am not the one you seek," I begged. As he came closer, I saw the dangerous face and wicked smile of the man who held the metal knife. He lifted the glistening metal above his head aiming straight for my growing stomach.Sweats filled my face as I struggled to wake up, but the nightmare held me captive in its glued grasp. In reality, I squeezed my pillows and wriggled from side to side till I let out a blood curdling scream and jolted awake.When I woke up, Petra was beside me together with nurse Maude. Beads of sweat lined my forehead and cheeks and I felt sore in every part of my body. My throat was parched and my stomach churned badly."How are you feeling," Petra asked.I kept mum because I couldn't tell
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PETRA'S POVMadeline's kidnap had me exhausted. I couldn't get any ounce of sleep the previous night. Come to think of it, this was the first time Madeline was hiding an ordeal from me, a very serious one.I was able to eavesdrop and heard how alpha Konan talked down at Madeline. I couldn't get the whole gist of what happened during the kidnap, but I pitied her—i really do pity her.I understood her predicament and I knew she was going through a lot and I don't want to hurt her.I went back to the servant's quarters to freshen up and grab something to eat before I went back to work. To my surprise, I found my room door ajar and I found Kong standing close to the window with a dangerous smirk on his face when he saw me.I was shocked and taken aback. "Kong, what are you doing here," I asked with a hushed voice."Godfather requests your presence.""Now," I asked."Yes," he really does want to see you."This is daytime and I can't leave my work to come see him. "Do you have any idea as t
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PETRA'S POVMadeline almost caught me last night, but thanks goodness she didn't confront me about my strange behavior. Phew, I almost gave myself away.Throughout the night, I couldn't seem to drift off. I tossed and turned and I couldn't shake off the feeling of what I was about to do.I definitely had to prepare and begin my duties for the day. I did the necessary things and I went straight to Madeline's quarters. I was greeted with a startling scenario. I found nurse Maude crying in Madeline's arms."What exactly is going on," I asked myself. The only way to find out was to go in and ask."Is everything alright nurse Maude," I asked, my voice dripping with every inch of curiosity.When nurse Maude heard my voice she wiped her tears and tried to compose herself. She tried wearing a calm face despite the tumult of obvious sorrow she was feeling. "I am so sorry for bothering you Madeline. I.... I just received some terrible news," she snorted.I just lost my son."I gasped."He was
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ALPHA KONAN'S POVAs the day dawned on the day of the duel, I prepared myself for the fierce battle ahead. I knew it was going to be a tough fight. My pride, my unborn child and Madeline were all on the line. But I was determined to secure and protect them—no matter the cost, emerge victorious and put uncle Damien in his place.My muscles were all tensed and a work out would really do. I went to my makeshift gym in the study and worked out. During my workout, Madeline face kept flashing in front of me and Elyan was highly elated. "Was I already falling for her?"The time for the duel was drawing near. From my study room, hands placed in my pocket , I saw all the pack members rigorously trying and scurrying around to find seats to witness the greatest battle of all time—a fight based solely on physical strength, a battle of fists."Alpha Konan, are you sure you can trust Damien about this," Rosaline asked. Why would Damien suggest a duel based on physical strength with no use of wolf a
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MADELINE'S POVWhat is happening!!!Everything is happening in a whim. It all looked like something out of a movie scene. My initial reaction was one of shock and total disbelief. Thank goodness for Rosaline. She was quick to drag me out the pack square chaos and instructed some warrior wolves to escort me back to the mansion.I instinctively placed my hands on my growing bump as I was been escorted back to the mansion. The sound of snarls, breaking of bones and primal roar in the distance sent shudders through my spine.I was halfway to my room when an already shifted rogue wolf jumped right in front of us. From the appearance of the wolf, its eye gleamed with brutality and destruction. The warrior wolves around me sensing danger charged forward to subdue the wolf, but they were all wrong. The rogue wolf was stronger than the warrior wolves put together. In a twinkling, he knocked all of them down. It's long, pointed canine digging into their flesh.I was shrouded in horror and terror
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ALPHA KONAN'S POVI sat alone in my study and the events of the last few days replayed in my mind like relentless storm. Most importantly, I couldn't shake off the image of Madeline, trembling and disoriented. My mind currently was a whirlwind of emotions—rage, anger, confusion, you name it.The weight of the surprise attack pressed on me. Everyone demanded answers especially the pack members whose lives were endangered because they all came out to show their undying love and support for me.The attack seemed too well coordinated to be a mere coincidence. There's a mole in the pack. Someone who knows the in and out of the pack ratted us out—it is someone very near, very close. Damien was my die hard suspect. He could do anything in whatever way to get whatever he wants. Damien suggested the duel and the people who came with him to support him could have done that in conjunction with him. The duel might have been a distraction for them to carry out their ploy.But in the same vein, he
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GODFATHER'S POVIt's been ages alpha Gritus had summoned me. Answering to his summons, uneasiness got the better part of me. Alpha Gritus has been the bane in my life, the bane for my greediness. If greediness could make me survive in this harsh, cold world. I was ready to be a servant to alpha Gritus.The mere mention of alpha Gritus sends shivers down the spine of anyone who knows him. He was highly revered in the dark world for his gruesome experiment with wolves, people of his own kind. He is well known for his depravity and the cruelty he was capable of. He is someone you could tag as crazy and insane—his heart black as the night sky.Alpha Gritus had deep seated hatred for Oceanwolf pack. He had waged a long and bitter war against them in the shadows and he had sworn to entirely destroy them and annihilate them from the surface of the earth.Since he had given me another chance to live, I decided to pledge my allegiance to him. Because of my faithfulness and loyalty, he entrusted
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MADELINE'S POVThe pack doctor flashed the torch into my eyes. I felt uncomfortable and I blinked a thousand times. He let go of them and he swiveled his chair back to its original position.With all your examinations done in the past few days, you are now better. Miss Madeline, you didn't particularly suffer from face blindness. You suffered from post traumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD. It is due to the extreme stress you subjected yourself to. Your brain deciding not to remember people's face for the time being was because of the bad experience you witnessed and according to what you told me, you have been kidnapped and you witnessed the last pack attack in your condition. So it was very likely to happen.But not to worry ma'am, I can see you have been punctual with your drugs and I am happy you can recognize the details on people's face clearly now. "Thank you so much doctor," I said."Doctor please can you keep my coming here a secret?""You mean from alpha Konan?""Yes
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