All Chapters of After This Night: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
152 Chapters
Chapter 100 - Can't Let Go
"I'll have our things and my child's belongings picked up from your house later. I'm just letting you know to avoid mistaking the one going there for a thief," I said while keeping my gaze fixed on my laptop. I don't want to see him.I was surprised to find him in my office that morning. Pau didn't know what was going on, so she let him stay there."You don't need to do that, Celeste. Can we discuss this again?" He pleaded. His voice still sounded hoarse. It seemed like he was unwell.I glanced at him. His nose was runny, and his eyes were red and puffy. He's clearly sick."I can't talk right now, Arik. Don't you have a job? Don't you run your own company? Because I do, and I have plenty." I said firmly and stood up.I walked over to the shelf to look for the book I needed. Suddenly, frustration was overwhelming me again. Besides not finding that book, I couldn't understand my own feelings.And I knew that in searching for that book, I was venting my ir
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Chapter 101 - Forcing to Remember
"Are you the family of Mr. Rioflorida?" the doctor asked, her voice gentle but tinged with professional gravity.I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yes, I'm his partner, Celeste. This is Lucas, a close friend."The doctor explained that Arik had been taken for a battery of tests, including scans and blood work, to determine the cause of his sudden collapse. She reassured us that the medical team was doing everything they could to diagnose and treat him.However, she couldn't provide any concrete answers just yet, and that uncertainty gnawed at me like a relentless monster."Ms. Celeste," the doctor inquired, her eyes fixed on what seemed to be an iPad, where she reviewed Arik's tests and medical records. "I've seen his medical records, and he has amnesia, correct?""Yes, doctor. Is there a problem? He had an accident recently, and that's why he's experiencing amnesia," I replied, feeling a heavy knot of anxiety in my chest."I can tell," she resp
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Chapter 102 - Uptown Oasis
The evening was bathed in an aura of heightened anticipation as I meticulously prepared for the grand gala night at one of our family's magnificent towers, the Uptown Oasis.It was an event where various business ventures were to be unveiled, and only the crème de la crème of society had received coveted invitations.By my side was Arik, my handsome date, equally engrossed in his preparations. The theme of the night was a masquerade, and we were both resplendent in our enigmatic disguises."You've been quiet for a while. Is something bothering you?" Arik asked as we were in the middle of our journey toward the venue.I cleared my throat and briefly set aside the text I received from Victoria Yuchengco last night."I've just been thinking. Are you really serious about buying a new property? Did you already put your house on the market?" I changed the subject between the two of us.I knew that we still needed to discuss everything that had h
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Chapter 103 - Delusional Step-Sister
Upon arriving at the 28th floor, I was greeted by an eerie emptiness. I stepped out into the lavish penthouse corridor. The extravagance of the place only fueled my anger.I made my way down the ornate hallway, the echo of my footsteps on the polished marble floor reverberating in my ears.I saw a woman standing in front of the Grand Fountain in the middle. I was so sure it was her because there were no other people here except for the two of us. I immediately approached her. Victoria, her black gown and mask concealing her identity.She had been waiting for me, standing beside the elegant water feature. My heart was heavy with anger and resentment as I approached her.The memories of that traumatic day when I had almost fallen off the cliff and was saved by Arik had haunted me for so long. I had believed all this time that Victoria was the one responsible for my ordeal."Victoria," I said, my voice trembling with emotion.
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Chapter 104 - Ticking Time-Bomb
My mouth hung open, and I felt even dizzier with the new information. It suddenly brought to mind the events of the past few months: Arik's increasing forgetfulness, his changing moods.Were those the symptoms? Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't anyone inform me?"Poor Celeste, but don't worry about him anymore. I'll take good care of him once you're gone," she said and released me roughly, turning to the two men who seemed to be preparing something from a bag."Hurry up, attach it!"I had no choice but to watch in silence, paralyzed by the unfolding events. Soon after, my heart pounded wildly when one of the men approached, and I was quickly in his grasp."No, no. What's that? What are you going to do?" Desperation laced my voice."I thought you were smart. This is the one thing you don't know? That's a bomb, Celeste. You're going to explode here later on," Hannah said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.
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Chapter 105 - Undying Love
The cold sweat on my brow bore witness to my escalating fear, and I desperately tried to make sense of the bomb's mechanism, but the enigmatic wires and blinking lights left me paralyzed with frustration. It was like deciphering a cruel puzzle with a merciless countdown.As I heard Arik struggle with the unyielding door from the outside, the helplessness of my situation gnawed at me like an insatiable beast. My emotions churned within me like a tempest, a turbulent storm.First came denial—I couldn't believe this was happening, couldn't believe I was about to meet my end in this forsaken place.Anguish and anger surged through me as I came to terms with the cruel fate that had befallen us. The bomb was a malevolent specter, and I longed to cry out at the world for the injustice of it all. Why us? Why now?And then, like a lightning strike, the unalterable truth hit me: I might never see my daughter again. Her innocent smile, her laughter, the feel o
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Chapter 106 - Suffocating Bond
"Hannah has been returned to the mental facility. Unfortunately, she cannot be incarcerated yet due to her current condition, which is affecting the investigation. But don't worry, everything is going well. She won't be able to leave there anymore," Oliver explained to me, his certainty evident in his voice.I glanced at Arik, whose expression remained unyielding as he focused on the documents before him.His lawyer friend was explaining something once more, but I couldn't grasp the details, my attention solely fixed on Arik, who appeared to be struggling with whatever he was reading.Then I suddenly recalled what Hannah had told me that night, the information Arik hadn't shared with me. Did he intend to tell me something? Were his symptoms resurfacing?My concern heightened when he clutched his head and closed his eyes tightly. I immediately approached him to get his attention."We can do this tomorrow or in the coming days. You don't need to do a
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Chapter 107 - Real Condition
After few minutes, I decided to just find him. When I stepped into the garden, I saw him talking to someone. It was Rusty."I hope she won't find out what happened back then. I know you remember everything, Rik. When do you plan to tell her about your condition?" Rusty asked Arik sternly.I stood there, frozen. What were they talking about?"You no longer have to worry about that. I only agreed to have you come tonight for her sake," Arik coldly replied."I also agreed to come here tonight for her because she wants me to be here. Don't you think she should know about your condition from you? She'll be hurt even more if she finds out from someone else, Rioflorida," Rusty stated firmly. His deep concern was evident.I heard Arik's string of curses as he muttered to the air and then suddenly knelt in front of Rusty. I was alarmed but unable to move closer to them."Stop interfering in my life, Serrano. She doesn't need to know because I'm going
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Chapter 108 - Little Sister
Rusty blinked twice. He looked even deeper into my eyes as if he didn't want our gaze to break. It seemed as though he was ready to answer all my questions if I were to ask him about it now.But that was interrupted by Arik's sudden approach."What the fuck are you doing, Serrano?" Arik's tone was harsh, which alarmed me.Rusty, however, didn't seem fazed at all. He just adjusted his seat and looked up at Arik."Ah, keeping your woman accompanied while you were with another woman?" Rusty retorted mockingly.Seeing the anger in Arik's expression, I quickly stood up and approached him. I also noticed Tatiana heading in our direction, which made me grimace."We were just talking about something, Arik," I calmly explained to him and glanced back at Rusty, who remained seated, looking unflinchingly defiant.I knew he was about to spill the beans, but Arik's sudden approach put a halt to it."Arik, why did you leave so suddenly? I still want to ask
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Chapter 109 - Need to Go
"Thank you for giving this to us, this moment, Arik," I whispered as I gently caressed his face.I couldn't help but remember the illness he carried, but I quickly pushed it aside.Arik's expression softened even more. His jaw clenched briefly as his gaze drifted to my lips and then returned to my eyes."No, I should thank you, Celeste. Thank you for giving me this chance to be with you again, and I'm sorry for everything. Forgive me," he said in a hoarse voice and hugged me."I will ask for your forgiveness for the rest of my life, my love. Even if my memory fades away... again."The small smile on my lips vanished, replaced by fear and sadness. I held him tightly and quietly wiped away my tears.God, please, don't do this to us. I can't bear it. Every labored breath he took felt like a painful reminder of the life we were slowly losing.As I hugged him, my heart ached with a heaviness I could scarcely bear. Arik had always been the anchor of my e
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