All Chapters of The Billionaire and His Hidden Wife : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
129 Chapters
Maelie doesn't want to look defeated again
Two days had passed...Tiffany's moods were dwindling as Erland had truly died; he no longer contacted her nor returned. She also failed to get a response from Franco when she tried reaching out, making her think that this was all because her husband wanted to distance himself from her. It led her to speculate that he had started remembering his past, which would make him hate her just as he did before."This feels like the bomb I've always feared, and it's exploding now," she said despondently, stirring her drink with a long, red-and-white striped straw."And when you know a bomb is going to explode, you should find a way to protect yourself from getting hurt," replied Miranda, who was sitting across from Tiffany."How?""You already tried by getting pregnant... But I guess that wasn't enough to make him pay attention to you.""It seems impossible... I don't even feel any remaining affection or love from him... Everything just seems to pass without leaving any impression..." Tiffany
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chaos in Switzerland
Maelie frowned, her heart pounding, as she pictured Tiffany’s face."She's pregnant!" Thomas asserted again. "Are you going to let Erland abandon her again?"Maelie remained silent but clenched her fists, remembering how Tiffany had asked Leo to kill her without caring that she was pregnant. This made her think there was no point in pitying her or considering her feelings."She needs Erland right now ... She has never been far from him, she is not as strong as you. So, wouldn’t it be better if you let Erland be with her again? After all, you are used to being without him ... You ...""No!" Maelie shouted before Thomas could finish speaking.Thomas fell silent, staring in astonishment at Maelie, who turned her face away."This time, I won't give in!" Maelie said firmly. "She was so cruel to plan to kill me, forcing me to escape to save myself and my brother, to save my baby ..." She continued, then looked back at Thomas."All this time, I have always given in ... I didn’t let Erland di
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Memories come back, but he ends up arguing with Maelie
"Erland, Erland!"Maelie immediately embraced Erland, cradling his head and looking at him through her tears. A few seconds later, Ava and Aiden joined in."Daddy, Daddy, wake up!""Daddy!"Thomas stood frozen, his eyes wide open, his body trembling, as if unable to believe that Erland had been hurt because of his actions, his selfishness."Mr. Gerald!"The voice of someone who had just arrived startled him. Thomas turned to see Tommy arriving with Amanda and a blonde man."How could you do this? You just wanted Erland to follow your wishes without considering his safety. You’re insane, absolutely insane!" Tommy shouted, venting all his frustration while pointing at Thomas's face. "What kind of father are you? Your treatment of Erland isn’t that of a father to his son but of a devil to a slave!"Thomas swallowed hard, glancing at Erland who was still unconscious and surrounded by his wife and children."If you dare bother them again, you’ll be dealing with me... I’m not afraid. I have
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Maelie's honesty
Maelie looked down, unable to meet Erland's angry gaze. "Just because she’s carrying my child doesn’t mean I have to go back to her!" Erland insisted, pointing to Aiden and Ava, who were standing a little way off. "I want to focus on them... I'm staying with you not just because of you, but also for them. They've suffered enough because you prioritized Tiffany's feelings..." Maelie remained silent but started crying again. Erland sighed, put his hands on his hips, bit his lower lip, and looked at Maelie in frustration. "In the past, you hurt me because you didn’t want to hurt Tiffany... In the end, it only hurt yourself," he said. "And do you think it's fair to blame me when you started it?" Maelie asked. "I wanted to end it, but you stopped me!" Erland snapped, pointing at Maelie. "You... You always said I had to be fair, you threatened to leave me if I didn't keep Tiffany. You left me confused... I cared for her feelings, as you wanted, and now she's pregnant... She's pregnant
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their impatience
Alaska ...In a minimalist, monochromatic house, Tiffany woke up and hurried to the bathroom, still only in her red underwear, while Leo remained in bed.Once in the bathroom, she immediately vomited and then rinsed her mouth.She panted, leaning her hands on the sink while staring at her reflection in the mirror."Oh my God, I think I’ve been overdoing it... This is my first trimester; I should be resting more," she whispered anxiously, then touched her still-flat stomach. "Or maybe I shouldn't have this baby? After all, Erland doesn't care about me. If I weren't pregnant, it would be much easier to leave him and give myself to Leo.""Tiffany, Tiffany!"The voice from the door distracted her, making her open it and see Leo looking at her worriedly."I heard you vomiting, are you sick?" Leo asked curiously, noticing Tiffany’s somewhat pale lips and flushed face."Um, I’m just a bit tired," Tiffany replied nervously."Are you sure?""Yeah..." Tiffany smiled, then approached Leo and imm
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suspicious of Tiffany and Leo
Amanda approached Maelie, who was cooking, but she felt awkward about starting a conversation, especially since her sister had been silent with an angry look, and she knew that she had just fought with her husband. "Why are you following me here?" Maelie asked, apparently aware of Amanda's presence behind her. She was still busy stirring the spices in a medium-sized black pan and then started adding shrimp. "Of course, I would follow you ... I can't live without you," Amanda replied sadly. "Uncle must be very angry with you.""I don't care about him, he just wants to manage my life, he doesn't know what I need." "But your life would be easier without me. I've only been a source of suffering for you all this time." "Why do you say that?" Amanda asked, positioning herself to Maelie's left. "But it's true, isn't it?" Maelie asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing at Amanda for a moment while her hands were still focused on handling the shrimp. Amanda exhaled roughly. "I admit we h
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Confession and curiosity again
11:00 PM Swiss TimeAmanda was still at Erland's house, wearing Maelie's clothes since she didn't bring a change of clothes, while Tommy borrowed Erland's clothes because all their clothes were at the hotel where they were staying. The girl didn’t go to sleep immediately but sat daydreaming on the porch while watching the darkening sky. Occasionally, she slapped her arm or some parts of her body bitten by mosquitoes."I think this will make you more comfortable," said Tommy as he came out with a mosquito spray and then sprayed it around the porch area. "In this humid season, the mosquito population is uncontrollable, and their bites are very annoying!"Amanda gave a faint smile, amused by Tommy's complaints."I couldn't sleep in the room at all," Tommy said as he sat next to Amanda, glancing at her looking sweet in a maroon hoodie, almost matching him as he wore a maroon sweater. "By the way, our clothes are similar," he continued with a smile.Amanda smiled faintly and looked at hers
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exchanging stories and theories
Erland returned to the room after discussing with Amanda and Tommy. He closed the door again and saw Maelie lying on her side, hugging a pillow, but her body was slightly moving, and he could hear her crying. The man approached the bed and sat on the edge."Why are you crying?""It's nothing.""There must be a reason; you wouldn't cry without one," Erland said with a flat expression. "Please, don't hide anything from me, don't handle your problems alone... It makes me feel useless as a husband," he continued anxiously, trying to push away his annoyance, still feeling disappointed in his wife.Maelie remained silent, recalling what had happened that day."You don't want to tell me?" Erland asked again."Even if I tell you, it won't change anything," Maelie whispered."Maybe I can... If it's about keeping us together, I'll do it, because that's always been my goal," Erland responded firmly.Maelie sighed deeply."I've made too many mistakes, and all of them had serious consequences... a
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Maelie's anger
Early in the morning, Maelie was already awake to prepare breakfast before her children woke up. This was because their babysitter did not stay overnight but would come from morning until afternoon.The woman made pancakes, added her homemade blueberry jam, and also fried eggs, sausages, and nuggets. She arranged everything on plates, and then brought them to the dining table."Sis...""Hey, you're already up," she said as she saw Amanda entering the minimalist kitchen that was integrated with the dining area. "I only made a simple breakfast... But maybe later I'll make a special lunch, and of course your favorite," she continued with a smile, walking back towards the pantry.Amanda fell silent, watching her sister who was so busy preparing breakfast and even planning to cook her favorite meal later while she would be going to Alaska with Tommy. This made her anxious, feeling hesitant to ask for permission."Do you want hot chocolate?" asked Maelie as she took out several glasses from
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Happy or Sad
"There is nothing better than letting her stay here instead of going with Tommy," said Maelie, her eyes staring straight ahead.Erland exhaled harshly, recalling Amanda's face, remembering how she begged to be allowed to go with Tommy."Honey, but she wants to go. Keeping her here when she doesn't like it and wants to go to Alaska will make her feel tortured here... It will make her suffer," he said anxiously."And she will suffer more if Tiffany or Leo finds her and does something bad to her!""I'll tell you once more... She's not a little girl anymore; she knows what's safe and dangerous for her, good and bad... She can take care of herself... She's a smart girl, and living in hiding isn't new to her since she hid with you for two years, right?" Erland asked, raising his eyebrows. "Think about it, did she ever do anything that could endanger herself or you? Did she ever do something careless that almost revealed your identities?"Maelie was silent, still staring straight ahead, reme
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