All Chapters of Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan king : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
157 Chapters
Layla looked outside the window hoping that someone would come across the door. It's been three days since Nolan locked her in the room and since then, she had not laid her eyes on him.It was as if she was placed in a lockdown, no one came in to see her, her meal was sent to her and that was all. She badly wanted to meet Nolan and speak to him. She had no idea what happened, she was innocent. She didn't know if he believed her or if he was so angry with her that he did not want to see her face anymore. Layla's mind was racing with questions, her thoughts spiraling. She didn't know what to believe anymore. She didn't know if Nolan trusted her, or if he believed the accusations against her. She knew she was innocent, but she couldn't help but feel like she was being punished for something she didn't do.She couldn't take it anymore. She had to do something, anything, to clear her name. She had to make Nolan see the truth.She rose to her feet, pacing the room. She had to find a way t
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“Take care.." Keisha whispered to Layla as she disappeared from there.Layla opened the door and she walked into Nolan's office, she didn't know how to face him, hit she had to him.She saw him there, looking heavenly as ever, he held a cigarette between his fingers.“Nolan.." she called in a cracked voice as fresh tears flowed down her cheeks. Nolan's head snapped up, and he dropped the cigarette in surprise. "Layla?" he called, his voice filled with shock. He stood up, walking towards her. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be up and about.""I had to see you," Layla said, her voice breaking. "I have to tell you the truth. I didn't cheat on you and never will. I don't know how I got there..” she sobbed explaining herself.“Why are you here? I thought I asked you to stay indoors.." he asked, wiping the tears off the corner of her eyes.“How can you be so cruel.." a sob slipped her lips.“You left me in the room and didn't even speak to me nor gave me a chance to explain myse
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“How dare you?" Nolan's blue eyes blazed in anger as he stared at Carla with disappointment. She was the culprit.She knew how he operated so well that she was able to clean her tracks so she'd never be caught. Nolan could feel his wolf stirring, ready to take control. He could feel the anger and betrayal boiling up inside him, and he knew he had to stay in control. He couldn't let his emotions get the better of him, no matter how much he wanted to.“You did it right?" He asked in a low voice as Carla suddenly went pale.“You set Layla up and just have added something to her drink?" He asked and Carll who looked like she had seen a ghost started looking for ways to vindicate herself. Carla's eyes widened, and her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. She seemed to be at a loss for words, and Nolan's suspicion grew. "No," she denied, her voice shaking. "I didn't do anything like that. Why would you even think that?"Nolan narrowed his eyes, studying her. "You've never b
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The sound of the slap echoed around the room, and Carla's head snapped to the side. She looked at Nolan in shock, her cheek red from the blow. “You're a traitor and a liar. You've betrayed my trust, and you've hurt Layla. I will never forgive you for that. You're a disgrace to this kingdom. You really disappointed me! “ Nolan yelled at her. She stooped so low and did a lot of stupid things."It's all because of you!!" Carla yelled as she pointed angrily at Layla."You destroyed everything, You! You! Yes, you!!!!" Carla screamed like a mad woman as she ran her hands through her hair.Layla stood there, stunned by the outburst. She had never seen Carla like this before, so full of anger and hatred. "I didn't do anything," she began, her voice trembling. "I didn't want any of this to happen. I'm sorry, but please believe me, I didn't do anything wrong!"But Carla wasn't listening. She was too caught up in her own fury to hear reason. "You ruined everything!" she cried, tears streamin
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Screams were heard as Nolan and Darren stood anxiously outside the room.Layla was currently in there trying to deliver her baby and it had been taking too long.The only Nolan heard were screams and it left him worried.“What the f*ck" he cussed fighting the urge not to break into the room.He could feel that Layla was in pain. Nolan's heart was pounding as he stood outside the door, listening to the screams coming from inside. His stomach churned with anxiety, and he wanted nothing more than to be able to help Layla in some way. But he knew he had to stay out of the way and let the medical staff do their job.“That's it, I'm going in.." Not being able to take it anymore, he was about to barge into the room when Darren held him back.“I don't think you should do that. Exercise patience..” he stated trying to calm Nolan down." Patient?" Nolan scoffed, running his hands through his hair. He was literally on the verge of losing his mind. "Nolan, please," Darren pleaded, his voice urg
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“Aww, she's so cute.." Aurora fawned as she knelt in front of Layla's child crib.“Your child is so pretty, Layla. I'm definitely stealing her away from you… “ Keisha teased as they all laughed joyfully. Layla smiled, a warm feeling of contentment settling over her. She had never felt happier than she did in this moment, surrounded by her friends and her new baby girl."Thank you, everyone," she said, looking around at her friends. "I couldn't have done this without all of you.""You're welcome, Layla," Keisha said. "And don't worry, we'll all be here to help you out with the baby."" She looks so much like Nolan. Baby Noelle..” Aurora read out the name that was printed on her pillow.She was just two days old and the palace had been filled with so much joy since the day Noelle was born.Everyone could see the Alpha smiling from ear to ear as he was in the best mood ever. Layla looked at the baby, who was fast asleep in her crib. She could see the resemblance to Nolan, with the bab
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FIVE YEARS LATERLayla walked into her daughter's room to see her still sleeping. “Noelle dear" Layla called as she opened the curtains." Noelle get up. It's time for school.." she announced walking over to the bed. Noelle opened her eyes slowly, letting out a big yawn. "Mommy, I don't want to go to school," she yawned, her voice still groggy with sleep. "I want to stay here at home, good morning morning" She added slowly. Layla smiled, unable to resist Noelle's pleading eyes. "You know you have to go to school, sweetie," she said, trying to sound firm. "It's important for you to learn and grow."Noelle pouted. "But it's boring," she yawned again. “Come on sweetheart. Get up” Layla urged as she picked out Noelle's uniform from the closet.Five years had passed and her daughter had grown into a beautiful girl.She was smart and kind, above all very stubborn.She acted in her own will and hardly listened to anyone and got into trouble all the time.She was always up to one mischi
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Layla and Nolan climbed down the stairs with Nolan in his arms. She was fully dressed for school.“Noelle, what took you so long?" Keisha's daughter, Kira asked the moment she saw Noelle.Noelle shrugged. "I was just taking my time," she said with a grin." How are you, Malcolm?” Layla asked Malcolm who was patiently waiting for the two girls." I'm good. Good morning.. “ he greeted." What about you Kira?” She smiled at Kira, who smiled back at her." I'm fine Aunt Layla.." she responded. “Noelle, you should get going. You're already late. You'll have your breakfast in school. I'll send words to your teacher.." Layla informed as Nolan dropped Noelle on the ground as she ran to join her friends. “Okay Mommy.." she replied.“Bye, dear. Have fun.." Layla waved, planting a kiss on her forehead.“I wish I would.." she uttered with sarcasm." I love you sweetheart" Layla threw a kiss at her.“I love you too.." she retorted with a firm face as their Nanny led all of them to the car.“Bye
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Noelle ran happily to her parents' room and she opened the door, barging into the room.“Mommy!!" She squealed happily as she jumped in the bed. Layla was asleep. “Yes, dear…” Layla groaned her eyes stuttering. She just finished serving Noelle her lunch a few minutes ago and decided to have some rest. What on earth did she want again? Layla thought as she slowly sat up from the bed." Baby mommy needs to sleep.. “ she yawned as Noelle immediately sat in her lap, wrapping her little hands around her neck. " You know mommy is pregnant with a little brother, so I need maximum rest. What do you want? “ Layla asked knowing the only reason Noelle would come was because she wanted something from her.She was taking some lessons with her governess before Layla left her." I want to go the the park!” Noelle announced her face beaming with smiles and Layla groaned tiredly." Come on Elle. Not today..* she pointed out.“Please, Mommy. Take me to the park, you need and daddy.." she requested p
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Layla was in great shock as she couldn't believe that someone would actually try to kidnap her daughter. It all happened so far and now Noelle is gone.It was like a nightmare come true. And now, her daughter was gone, and she had no idea where she was or what was happening to her. It was a parent's worst nightmare, and Layla felt like she was going to go crazy with worry.“Layla where were.." Nolan, who seemed to be waiting for her, asked the moment he saw her walk in.He couldn't find Layla and Noelle and they seemed to be taking long to arrive. She entered just when he was about to send out guards to look for them.Layla, who felt lifeless, fell into Nolan's arms as she didn't even know where to begin in telling him that his daughter was missing.“What happened to you and where the f*ck is Noelle?" He asked, alarmed as he couldn't shake off that foreboding feeling that something was wrong.“I… I… “ Layla began stammering as fresh tears flowed down from her eyes.“I seriously have
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