All Chapters of THE CEO'S THERAPIST: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
166 Chapters
“Now, you’re being delusional…” I said to myself, as I drove at a slow steady space behind her car. Despite the possibility of her calling the cops on me, I persisted in following the trails that I believed she was leaving behind for me to follow.I had hurriedly left Dolph’s company as I had feared that I would never get the chance to run into the beauty that had captured my heart at first sight. There was no way I could go to Tamika for her number, as I thought that to be nothing but demeaning. I believed that I was on one of those journeys in which a man had to walk on his own without any assistance from anyone. “You’ve got this…” I muttered again to myself, as I kept a slow and steady pace. All through the journey, I was resisting the urge to just speed up to the side of her car, and just ask her her number. I just had to cling to my self-restraint as tightly as I could. I still had questions about how Dolph had been able to end up with the phenomenal Tamika Fisher. But then, I
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“No... not again...” I was having yet another one of those Dolph dreams, where I was getting married to him. There were just too many things about that dream that threw me off, especially the fact that a part of me was beginning to enjoy the whole scenario.From my experience in relationship therapy, I could tell that getting married to Dolph was the dream of many girls. A young, wealthy, good-looking guy who just had it all. But then, the thought of getting married to him just happened to scare me. “It's all a for sacrifice your career,” I reminded myself, as I got out of bed. If I was planning to make a comeback, I had better begin making adjustments to the real Tamika Fisher. I had to return to my usual morning routines that made me who I was before Dolph would interrupt them rudely. There was no telling what he was going to be up to after yesterday's ordeal with Julia. Instantly, the phone buzzed, bringing me back to reality. It was Julia, and that had me wondering just why she
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Waiting was one of the hardest tasks for me, and I didn't know why the stranger on the phone was putting me through it. “Eleven...” I winced as I took a glance at my watch. The bastard had told me to meet up with him by ten in that busy morning, at that busy cafeteria. My eyes were already rolling in my direction as I had been comfortably seated there for over an hour. I took up my phone to dial his number. But instead, I ran into a text Sara had sent me a couple of minutes ago. It was hard for me to explain what had happened to the both of us ever since I saw Tamika with that bastard. It almost felt like seeing her with another person made me realize just loved her and wanted her to be mine. That had made me suddenly lose all the interest I had in Sara.In our time together, I had thought that she would never be able to find any happiness from a source that wasn't me. But then, she had pulled off the rug from underneath my feet when I saw that she had moved on with Dolph. At the
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Having my hands on those steering wheels had me wondering if that moment was happening to me there and then. Did Dolph just let me go? Without making a fuss?It still didn't make much sense to me. I was afraid that it had all been a setup for something terrible. But then, he didn't look like one who had the time to plan a prank or any unforeseen evil for me to fall into.Just when I wanted to drive off, I recalled that I was Tamika Fisher and that I was famous, and that entailed me having to disguise myself to comfortably appear in public. “Crap...” I sighed, as it all came to me in a flash. It meant I headed back into the house to get a proper disguise attire that would conceal me perfectly. That would mean having to run into Dolph yet again, and that was bound to be beyond awkward. But I had to do that or risk getting mobbed by the paparazzi and by fanatical fans as well. Perhaps haters too. The comments I'd read lately online had made me realize that I had way more haters than I
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“Oh no...” I muttered to myself, as suddenly froze in shock. Why was Randy even there? With... “What the...” I was about to lose it when I saw who he was comfortably seated with— Dolph's older brother.“Tamika!” he yelled yet again, as he was now on his feet, screaming like a lawyer giving an objection. “Please wait...”It was all beginning to feel like some sort of setup by Julia, to get me to meet with Randy. Without stopping to think, I turned for the door, not even minding where Julia was seated. All the heads were turned in my direction, as everybody began taking a closer look at me to see if I was indeed the real Tamika that they suspected. Their murmurs made me realize that my cover had been blown. “Mika...” Julia called out from behind, as she hurried after me. I could feel the desperation in her steps as she hurried. I hoped that she had a suitable explanation for what had just happened.“I'm so not forgiving you for this...” I said as I hurried for the door. The eyes and
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“I'm sorry, Ms. Fisher, but we don't think we can work with you...”Those words delivered a blow to my expectations which had been swollen up until that moment. It felt like the entire purpose of my risk had been shattered. “No...” I sighed to myself before I could gather enough composure to speak to her. “But... why would you invite me just to turn me down immediately? That doesn't make any sense...”“I understand your confusion...” the young woman seated behind the desk said with a sympathetic tone that made it clear that there was no hope for me at all in that. “The management had wanted to work with you up until this afternoon when that video of you popped up.”“What video...?” Julia asked as she was uneasy in her seat beside mine on the other side of the desk. “This one...” the lady said, as she took out a tablet and put it up in our faces. Soon enough, I saw the video of Randy kneeling in front of me, and then myself backing away to the other side of the car and speeding away.
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I just couldn't get why Tamika had been so eager to take things into her hands, to the point of making a mess of things. But then, I was glad that she had come to the point where she had begun to realize that I was her best shot at regaining her place of prominence.The ride to the casino was quiet, as I had expected it to be. At that point, I was sure that she was still beating herself up for making that bad decision for herself. As though to add salt to her injury, the media had tagged her as controversial and confused after her ordeal with her obsessive ex. In the public eye, she had gone from a relationship therapist to a victim of relationships.That was beyond pitiful, as it has all happened in such a short space of time. I kept thinking of breaking the ice that was settling in the car, at least to make her feel a bit better. But then, I didn't think it necessary. It was a contract marriage after all, and there weren't meant to be any emotions. All that mattered was our perf
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“Do you want to do this?” I was having one of those weird conversations with myself which anyone could easily tag as crazy. “A date at the casino? With some weird guy that ran after you yesterday? Come on, Julia… you're better than this.”But there I was, standing and waiting for him to come and pick me up at our agreed rendezvous. I was a walking paradox as I was doing just the opposite of what I would usually do, and Tamika's rules.I excused myself with the fact that even the relationship therapist had been met with circumstances way beyond her. Though I felt guilty while doing that, it was the truth of the matter. Michael happened to be different from every other person who had come into my space, and that was the best explanation for my unusual behavior. Soon enough, his car soon came into view. There was something unforgettable about that grey Lexus that could make me recognize it from a couple of miles away. I took a glance at my watch and marveled as I could recall how he h
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“Amelia…”My past came flashing right before me at that table. Memories I had tried to bury at all costs, were all popping up right before me, as I stared into the eyes of my ex.I tried my best to keep my cool, as I was looking at the woman who had wrecked my life into unfixable pieces, without taking a second thought. All the vengeful thoughts I had needed therapy for were seething underneath me, threatening to explode. But somehow, Tamika's hand on my shoulder was able to keep me in order. “Who the hell is she?” Tamika whispered from behind, as she leaned over in a romantic way that had even more eyes rolling towards us. “Why's she talking like some psycho?”I wanted to tell her that she was overdoing the whole couple act. But then, she was just the reason I could keep it all together. “Because she is one…” I replied, trying as much as I could to keep my gaze from becoming the hateful one that I had in mind for her. “She is one of those psychotic exes that never go away.”“Oh…”
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I don’t know what it was about Amelia that made me resent her very presence. Deep down within me, I knew that it was way beyond trying to put up a perfect act as a perfect partner for the rich, young prodigy.But I was beginning to own the character just a bit too much, and sadly, a sense of ownership had slowly begun to creep in with every passing moment. I had to stop, as I could see the shock that had come on Dolph’s face. “Tamika…” Dolph called out my name to break the spell of silence that was settling over the sudden encounter. I turned to him, expecting to see a shocked expression or that of disapproval. But then, he had a slight smile on his face. “Let’s get going, shall we?” Dolph replied, making sure that his smile got the message across to Amelia. “There’s nothing for us to talk about, Amelia.” He took my hand again and turned to the car with all his guards still around. “We have caused enough stirs for one day. I guess we can close the curtains here and now,” he whisp
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