All Chapters of THE CEO'S THERAPIST: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
166 Chapters
The drive to the station was short. It had been quite a day full of a lot of activity, ranging from close call seductions, kisses, and now a trip to the police station. I got out of the car, hoping that I wouldn't come up empty in the interrogation of the two culprits. They had been caught in the act and there was no way they could talk themselves out of it. “You there yet?” Michael asked on the phone. As a reward for nailing the culprits on his own, I had let him take the rest of the day off on a date with Julia. It was the least I could do to make up for getting carried away in the ordeal with Tara's seductive nuances and then with Tamika…I wanted to keep Tamika out of my mental space for the time being as it would help me in no small way in keeping to my end of the agreement of no attachment. “Yeah, I'm at the station. How are things going over there?” I asked as I followed the lead of the officer who took me to where they were being interrogated. “Pretty well. Julia says hi,”
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“Are you sure about this?” Kyle asked one more time as I was about to step into the interrogatory booth. “It just doesn't feel right for you to enter...”“I'll be fine,” I reassured him as I stepped in. I had never thought that being one of the most powerful men in the city was going to pay off in the form of a privilege like the one I was about to enjoy at that point.“If you say so…” Kyle just couldn't refuse my decision.I noticed both of the culprits as they briefly raised their heads to see me. But then they quickly faced downwards again, as they were afraid to see me there. They rarely saw my face at the casino but there I was, standing before them like some demigod about to pass their judgement to them. It was all a matter of how I presented my cause, and that made me put a lot of conscious effort into thinking through my words. “You know more than anyone that Dale doesn't care if you live or die. There's no need still trying to protect him.” I was beginning to get impatient
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The kiss had me surprised and had me wanting to be surprised even more by Michael who never seemed to possess such a tendency to be that audacious in his advances.But then, it turned out I had misread him in no small way. The feeling of his lips was quite inexplicable. The texture was just… right on mine. I wanted to be kissed even more but he seemed to slowly withdraw from me.“Oh my… Julia, I'm so sorry, I just happened to lose control of my impulses and I just…” he seemed a bit scared for having taken his chance when it had presented itself. “I'm sorry that you—”Without wasting one more moment on words, I pulled him back into the kiss. He didn't know just how urgently the sparks were flying within me. There were just a lot of unsaid words about how much I treasured him that could only be said in those kisses. He wouldn't dare to deny me the chance to express myself on his lips. “Julia…”I wasn't going to give him any breathing space whatsoever. Was I trying to suffocate him? Hel
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“Tamika…?” I whispered to myself as I was staring at the video in awe. I could barely move as I watched the video of Tamika Fisher being…I didn't even have the words for what I was watching at that moment. It was just so… My word bank had suddenly gone bankrupt as I couldn't get myself to stop watching the video which had me even more infuriated with each passing second. The sound of her moaning over heavy breathing had me feeling horrible— jealous as I watched some unknown man who was behind the camera as he was having her to his utmost satisfaction. The way he treated her like she was some sex toy that he could twist and bend to his pl, ease. I just couldn't take it anymore as I pressed the screen of the phone against the couch. My mood had changed into something foul which I couldn't stand at all. It wasn't clear to me why that video affected me so much even though I wasn't emotionally attached to her… yet. There were just too many things unclear to me at that point, the firs
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“It was all the stupid things I did with that bastard and he just wants to use it all against me right now…” I was probably regretting the fact that I had ever run into Randy, let alone date him. Dolph seemed agitated about the video. It had gotten to him, regardless of how much he had been trying to hide it from the very start. He had barely looked me in the eye since I had come downstairs.That made me feel even more ashamed of myself as I felt so cheap and demeaned. My self-worth had plummeted all the way down to the deepest depths imaginable. It made me feel unable to stand myself. I took a seat beside Dolph who was silent, like a disappointed lover. We had agreed we wouldn't let our emotions get in the way of anything but there we were.“I'm sorry this is all taking you by surprise…” I tried to break the ice that was beginning to settle between the both of us but the coldness he was showing me at that point was simply impregnable. “This is a mistake from my past which has come
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“Oh…” I was shaken out of my sleep by the buzzing of my alarm clock. I wanted to get out of bed, but Michael was all over me, and I wanted to stay that way underneath him and under his influence. I turned off the alarm clock immediately and let myself enjoy Michael's company while I still could. The morning sun was yet to take its place in the sky and that made me feel a bit more comfortable about not waking up for my usual five o'clock runs.For some reason, I could tell Michael was already awake as his hand had moved to my breasts. I lay on my left side with my back turned on him, which made me feel his hardness pushing against the softness of my ass. All of those just couldn't be mere coincidences.“Michael…” I called his name teasingly as a smile curled up my lips. I flipped my lying position, just so I could see him. He looked quite adorable while sleeping— pretending to sleep rather. A mischievous smile came on his face while his eyes were still closed. His eyes opened slowly
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“Where's she?” I questioned myself as I was looking around everywhere for Tamika. I was beginning to get scared that my coldness towards her had resulted in her doing something way overboard.Her room was intact. Everything was in place except Tamika in her bed. She never got up that early for anything. Had she decided to get help for herself after my show of jealousy-inspired coldness? It seemed most likely.There wasn't a single trace of her in the room. Not even a goodbye note to let me know if she was leaving for good. My heart was about to explode from the unbearable feeling of having lost her.“I’ll have to call you back, Michael. You can head over to the office and cover up for me until I'm back.” I was trying my best not to show the emotions that were boiling within me as they threatened to spill out into my voice.“Sure thing…” Michael said as he hung up instantly, leaving me all alone to face the music I had decided to compose for myself. My mind was going crazy with all so
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“I’m at your front door,” I said without any show of emotion whatsoever. It was hard imagining what was about to come next, but then I had myself steadied for it. “Hurry now…I don't have all day.” “Relax. Tamika. I should be the one in charge of the timing of this meeting. I'm the one with all the leverage so I should be the one calling all the shots here…” Randy replied with a cold tone that made me hate him even more. “Are you coming down here or not?” I questioned as I was sizzling from the fact that I was waiting for him. He had taken matters too far by sending those videos to Dolph and for some reason I had seen it all coming.“You're audacious even though you know that your nudity is a few finger taps away from being shown to the whole world.” Randy was intentionally trying to reinforce his upper hand at all costs. But then, I paid him no mind even though I knew that I was at his mercy. I pushed the doorbell repeatedly as a means to transfer my frustration to him wherever he
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Was it weird? Hell yeah, it was. But then, I just had to drive with Julia to Randy's place as that was the only way I could locate Tamika.The ride had been utterly quiet so far as she hadn't begun directing me to where that bastard lived. I just couldn't wait till I got my hands on him. I was going to make him pay for putting us through all that trouble. “Hello…” Julia had me feeling weird with the way she said that to me. It felt like she was trying to say, ‘I’m right here, don't just act like you don't see me.’I had zoned out into my thoughts to the point where I had almost thought myself to be all alone in the car and she had just brought me back to reality with that.“Sorry… I was just too caught up in my thoughts…” I apologized still with my eyes on the road. “You're Julia, right?” I instantly felt weird for asking such an irrelevant question in an attempt to spark a conversation. “Of course, I'm Julia. Why else would I be in the car if I wasn't.” She laughed as she said that
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“Your Showtime's over…” Dolph stood there, facing off with Randy as I hid behind Dolph from the effects of the possible explosion that was about to take place there and then. “What are you doing in my house?” Randy questioned as he stood to his feet to square up to Dolph who seemed ready to go physical on Randy even though he was all suited up. “I interrupted your little shoot…” Dolph said as he stared him deep in the eye. “You think I didn't see your buddy holding the camera back there? Well, think again.”“What?” I suddenly let out as I couldn't believe that even in his moments of sincerity, Randy was also up to a lot of mischief underneath his sleeves. “You were filming all of this the whole time?” I was scared as I was slowly coming to realize what that meant. Everything had been caught on camera… even that forced kiss as well. It made me feel foolish how I had fallen for the same truck over and over again. “Tamika… it's not what you think…” Randy let out as he sounded less ag
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