All Chapters of Pregnant For My Best Friend’s Son: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
104 Chapters
Hard work and efforts
Hera’s Pov Nothing was going according to plan, I was a mess, everything was too. I didn’t even care about being with Eggust anymore, I just wanted Juss to leave him, because that was the only way they would be separated. Eggust was bent on not leaving her, he seemed to be more in love with her than she was with him. It was almost pathetic and made him look weak. I couldn’t believe my Eggust was simping over some old pussy when I could give him everything he needed. “What am I doing wrong? What am I not doing right or doing enough?” I asked rhetorically. Everything I tried wasn’t working. It was almost like I was moving in circles, which I hated so much. An idea suddenly popped in my head, what if they had separated at midnight, and I didn’t know because I hadn’t checked yet. I dashed to my room and picked up my phone, excited to see the headlines that Juss and Eggust had finally broken up, but then I remembered they weren’t even public, so even if they broke up, I
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A woman, not a man
Marco’s Pov “Hola, mi amor,” Jessica said on the other end of the line. Something about it felt dry, but I chose to ignore it, I wasn’t about to let her throw a fit. “How’s the baby?” “Well, the baby is fine, until you do not take care of the responsibility. Then I will send the baby to a better place where he can have a better father. You know, Jesus.” “You’re only a few weeks pregnant, how do you know it’s a boy?” “I’m his mother, we know these things, our instincts are as sharp as they can be.” Yeah, its mother who keeps threatening to abort it if I don’t send money. As if life wasn’t already hard, Jessica made it harder. I wondered if Juss would have been like this as well, if he were having a baby. “Aren’t you going to say anything else, Marco? What has been going on? Tell me.” “What has been going on? Well, I don’t know I’ve been working hard so I can give you the money you need, so you don’t abort my baby.” I replied sarcastically. “Come on, my love,
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Only choice
Marlani’s Pov “I can’t do what you’re asking me, ma’am,” Ezekiel declared wiping off the stain he had on his lips. I had invited him to have breakfast so I could talk about Eggust and Juss. He was the closest to them, and I really just wanted to know what was really going on. He had been avoiding my gaze since he got here, I hoped to prey on his guilt to get some useful information. “So you’re saying you’re in support of their relationship? Is that why you didn’t tell me when it first started?” “No, I’m saying that Eggust is not a child. He is a grown man, he is old enough to decide for himself, and whatever he wants, is entirely up to him. It’s not my job to meddle in his affairs.” I had forgotten something about Ezekiel, he wasn’t one to be intimidated. It’s one of the reasons we hired him. So if I wanted to get an important piece of information from him, I needed another tactics. “You’re a father Ezekiel, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you le
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A possible chance
Juss’ Pov As I threw the seventh unrecognizable piece of toast into the trash, even Ezekiel sighed. He had been watching me for the last hour, trying to make a simple meal of toast and eggs. One hour! A full sixty minutes and I wasn't even close to achieving a mediocre piece of toast. I was mentally, physically and emotionally imbalanced. That had to be the explanation for what was going on because I couldn't explain it anymore. How had I forgotten how to make toast????? "Are you sure you don't need my help?" Ezekiel asked me again. Well, if you wanted to be helpful, you could have helped me escape, rather than run to Eggust. I certainly wasn’t going to forgive him for helping Eggust find me. But instead of telling him that, I shook my head and took out another slice of bread. "No, thanks. I can handle this." He watched in silence and I prepared the toast and put it in the toaster. "I think you need my help." “You know what? I did need your help a few days b
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Sweet and bitter
Marco’s Pov There’s nothing sweeter than technology and the advantages it brought people like me. I was never a privileged kid, I lived in a community where having a cellphone was a luxury that only the rich could afford. So, being able to come this far and to be able to provide my child with everything they need was a blessing to me. But first, I needed to actually get the money to give to Jessica, so my child could be born. The wonderful thing about technology is as long as you know a person's name, you could get any information about them. Most often from their social media accounts. But if they were popular, all that was required was a photo of them. You won’t need to search for them because they are everywhere. Simple as that! As soon as you had that, you could put it on Google search and Viola! That was exactly what I did with Marlani's photo. Yes, the lady that Hera met with was no other person than Marlani Riggs, Eggust's mother. From the
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Money and more money
Marco’s Pov I dialed her number over and over again, but it kept going to voicemail. I sent her a couple of texts too, to confirm if she was indeed the one I’d seen and not someone who looked like her. I didn’t remember her having a sister, perhaps she had a cousin with an uncanny resemblance, or was she kidnapped? That would be a logical reason as to why another man would be with her. As I brought up all the theories, something kept telling me to face reality and stop being delusional, if only the voice in my head knew that it wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t Black and White. I had invested so much in my relationship with Jessica, to be treated like a complete fool. “Fuck, Marco, you dumb piece of shit, this is your fucking karma.” I whisper-yelled. I wasn’t about to let myself get kicked out of the hotel. What the bloody hell was going on with Jessica? Had she really taken my baby to another man's house? I froze as a chilling thought occurred to me. "Was the baby
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Another one
Juss’ Pov. Eggust left two days ago and since then, the house felt so empty. He was thoughtful enough to leave Ezekiel behind with me, else, I would have gone crazy. Ezekiel practically moved in since Eggust left, and he was never far from me for long. He was constantly bringing up ways to entertain me and while I appreciated all he did, it still was nothing compared to Eggust's presence. I missed him. Knocking on my door, Ezekiel entered carrying a breakfast tray loaded with every mouthwatering dish one could imagine. I smiled and sat up. "Good morning Ms Indigo." "Good morning Ezekiel. With the way you're spoiling me, I might just decide to leave Eggust and marry you.'' He beamed. "I'm sure we can arrange something when he's back because I wouldn't want to let go of you either." I looked at the plate with adoration. "You really know how to take care of a lady." "I try my best." he replied modestly. Deciding to play coy, I winked at him. "So tell me, fine
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Missed calls
Eggust’s Pov It was hard to concentrate. I would be in the middle of an exam and my mind would just go blank, with only thoughts of Juss filling it up. Since I arrived in London two days ago, I had neither seen nor heard from her. I wondered if this was how love was to other people. My parents didn’t exactly set the best example, so I couldn’t actually tell, and I couldn’t make a judgment based on romance movies I barely even saw. I missed her, I missed her so much that sometimes when I think of her, I felt the coldness of her absence. I hated that she was suffering, I hated that I hadn’t kept my promise to her yet, I promised to make her happy, but here I was doing the exact opposite of that. I craved just to hear her voice and since she wouldn't speak to me directly, I resorted to listening to audio clips of her discussions with Ezekiel that he sent to me. Seeing her face would have been awesome but if she'd refused to take a simple audio call, then face time was o
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A ghost from the past
Marlani…. I ignored my phone as it continued to ring on my bed stand. As if I didn’t have a lot on my plate already, a ghost from my past had suddenly resurfaced, threatening to haunt me, to ruin the life I had built for myself and Eggust who had a hard time appreciating it. I tried to get some sleep, even though it was afternoon already, but the phone wouldn’t stop ringing and I knew the caller was persistent, if I didn’t attend to it, the caller wouldn’t stop. After several minutes of tossing and turning, I finally made up my mind. I would have a meeting with him and settle whatever it was, once and for all. I got out of bed and rummaged through my closet, to find something decent to wear. I opted for a peach off shoulder dress that stopped right above my knee, and paired it with silver wedge. I texted the persistent caller the location of the restaurant we would be meeting, his reply came almost immediately, like he knew I wouldn’t be able to stand my ground. So muc
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Marlani’s dilema
Marlani’s POV The thought of grandpa Oscar being here made my heart race with thoughts. He wouldn’t come to Manchester for just any reason, unless it was something very important. Eggust was the one person whom he cared most about. It wouldn’t be a coincidence that Grandpa Oscar was in Manchester the same time Eggust was in Manchester. Perhaps he found out about Eggust’s relationship with Juss and was here to reprimand me for not doing my job as a mother. Oh, Marlani, you had just one job to do and you completely ruined it. Now grandpa will lose faith in you. There was only one way to find out why he came, and that was asking him, but did I ask him? No. We’d been walking for a while and he still hadn’t said anything, he probably wanted me to speak first. His way of asking me to confess, but I wasn’t going to play by that rule. From now on, I would only play by Marlani’s rule. “Grandpa, why are you here? How did you know I was here?” I finally managed to say, bre
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