All Chapters of The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
98 Chapters
An Alpha’s Command
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate .Chapter 61: An Alpha’s Command .As Mattel drove back to the hotel from the airport, he mused that the lack of knowledge was honestly perhaps the worst thing about it. Generally werewolves never liked to think about their own death. Nobody likes to. Death is not a thing that happens to us, it is something we see happen to others, it is an unfortunate day for some poor kid in a third world country who happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time as the bomb exploded. But us? Well we’re going to live forever. Living in the midst of a death sentence was almost like staring into the barrel of a Glock and hoping there was no bullet down the end of that long dark chamber.And then Mattel wouldn’t let himself think about it anymore, because morbid thoughts weren’t helping… anyone?Mostly, Mattel was just hoping that Regina was alive. He thought he would feel it if she had died, but with all the weird things that were happening with the bond; for exa
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Southern Kingdom
The Alpha’s Runaway Mate.Chapter 62: Southern Kingdom .Mattel was worried. He could have sworn his mate was in heat. He wasn’t completely sure, it was more like a lingering knowing.And that wasn’t good.An omega in heat was an omega in danger. In heat, most omegas desperately needed an alpha to ease their symptoms. And considering the fact that Regina had been on her suppressants, the heat his omega would experience would be longer and perhaps more intense than a usual one. While in heat, Regina would lose control of her wits. She could be killed, raped or otherwise hurt. Mattel was now more worried than ever.He kept the tether open. Strangely, perhaps because Regina had reached for him, the bond between them had strengthened and he felt better than he had in a while. Regina’s reciprocation meant that the bond now went both ways and it was easy for Mattel to both visualize and reach for Regina’s mind across a great distance. However, he left the bond alone. Regina had e
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does it ever end ?
The Alpha’s Runaway Mate .Chapter 63: does it ever end?.Mattel was standing, drenched in rain, by the side of the some side road in Brazil. He stood under a canopy of endless trees and endless green. The rain falling blurred all the shapes and sounds around them, the cold seeped into everyone’s bones. The white jeep they had been riding was stalled on the road, tire slowly deflating, sizzling from the lost oxygen.One of the OCS agents was slowly removing the deflated tire and enduring Mattel’s angry glares.“Can we go any faster?” He growled at the beta.“I’m trying to go as fast as I can, sir” the nervous beta replied, “but if I don’t do it right then the tire could fall off the car and we only have one spare tire” the man explained.“Did I ask you for excuses, you whiny maggot? Shut up and get the tire on,” Mattel ordered.The beta flinched, and lowered his gaze, “Yes, sir”Boyd had let all of Mattel’s complaints go in silence, but even though he was a beta, he was no push
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What happens next?
The Alpha’s Runaway Mate.Chapter 64: what happens next? .Mattel stands at the Friendship Bridge, opened in 1965.Underneath him beams of steel reached into the greenish muggy river, where a few boats floated. A shirt drifted along, carried by the water, a lost item from a washerwoman. He could imagine her singing to herself softly as she washed the shirt by the river banks. The Sun, above him, glittering in all its intensity hit the bridge railings with power and might, lending an unearthly beauty to each bridge support. The upside down arch of the bridge stretched wide over the river bridging the two shores together in a forced embraced. A friendship bridge is the name for any bridge linking countries separated by only a river or strait, but Brazil and Paraguay could not be farther apart. The distance from one side of the border to another, 1,812 feet was the distance from slavery to freedom for some omegas, from one world to another. And it was here that Mattel had hoped to
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Bringing her back
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate.Chapter 65: Bringing her back .*EASTERN PLAINS* The door creaked softly as Prince Damien stepped into the dimly lit bedroom, the weight of the kingdom's troubles heavy on his shoulders. His wife, Jana, sat by the window, her features etched with worry as she gazed out into the moonlit night."Mattel says he's closer to finding Regina," Damien announced quietly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I fear it may be too late."Jana scoffed softly, her gaze flickering towards her husband with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. “Closer to finding her?" she echoed, her voice laced with incredulity. "He's had weeks to track her down, and he's only now making progress?"Damien sighed, running a hand through his hair as he crossed the room to stand beside his wife. "It's not as simple as that, Jana," he replied, his tone weary. "You know as well as I do how difficult it is to navigate the intricacies of Mattel's mind."But Jana shook her head, her
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To the East
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate .Chapter 66: To the East.EASTERN PLAINSThe night hung heavy with tension as Jana led Regina back to the safety of their castle, the weight of their shared burden pressing down on them like a suffocating blanket. Regina's heart still raced with the memory of her encounter with the alpha guard, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions as she struggled to make sense of it all.As they entered the dimly lit room, Jana guided Regina to a small cot in the corner of the room, the soft glow of the moon casting long shadows across the floor. With a gentle touch, she urged Regina to lie down and rest, promising to keep watch over her as she slept.Regina's eyelids felt heavy with exhaustion as she sank into the welcoming embrace of the cot, her body craving the solace of sleep after the tumultuous events of the night. With a weary sigh, she closed her eyes and let herself drift into the comforting embrace of dreams.Meanwhile, Prince Damien paced rest
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Her decision
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate . Chapter 67: her decision . As the sun dipped low on the horizon, painting the eastern plains in hues of orange and gold, Mattel arrived with his cousin in tow, the vast expanse of grassland stretching out before them like a sea of undulating waves. The air was crisp and cool, a gentle breeze rustling through the tall grasses as they made their way towards Damien and Jana, who were waiting for them at the edge of the clearing."Finally decided to show up, huh?" Damien quipped, a hint of irritation evident in his voice as he crossed his arms over his chest.Mattel offered a sheepish smile in response, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry I’m late," he apologized, his tone contrite. "I ran into some unexpected delays on the way here."His best friend lost the frown and went over and nudged him playfully in the ribs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Translation: Mattel got lost again," he teased, earning a chuckle from Mattel.Jana stepped f
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Can we?
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate .Chapter 68: Can we?.King Mattel visits Regina in the morning, after she has awakened, to reinstate the usual system of guards around the palace and her room both.When he returns, feeling already as though he’s been gone for far too long - despite it having only been a few hours - he finds Regina sitting on the floor of the room, dressed and wide awake.The girl is laughing.The curtains are wide open and a gentle breeze filters in, making Regina’s hair dance with the motions of the wind; her skin is awash in a warm glow, kissed by the light, eyes bright and dazzling as her laughter chimes like a song of bells in the room.Mattel can see sunbeams, blindingly bright, in the flush of delight on Regina’s cheeks, the curve of her smiling eyes. She’s dressed in a ruffled, balloon-sleeved chiffon blouse of daisy yellow, a lively, pretty brow tied at her neck; the sleeves, too, sway in the cool morning air.She’s resplendent.Dressed in the color of the su
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leaving again?
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate .Chapter 69: leaving again? .The Eastern Plains envoys arrive in a grand, stately procession, befitting of the honored and revered name of the great bloodline of their namesake. That goes to say, it is a much, much larger party that arrives that afternoon, than the paltry three carriages that had accompanied Regina on her trip back here.The horses are bedecked in the golden crest of their house, glimmering in the late sun, pulling a series of nearly ten carriages with them. Flanking each stately carriage is a small cluster of guards, they, too, bearing the noble insignia of the Eastern Kingdom, their swords gleaming proudly with every trotted step. And in the center of the entire group, a massive, portly carriage catches the eye - of polished white and gilded in gold, accented with royal burgundy curtains and golden tassels; all around the top is a series of pointed, golden fixtures, creating an appearance not unlike a crown.As the party nears the
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ask me to stay
The Alpha King’s Runaway Mate.Chapter 70: ask me to stay .“We weren’t going to leave you here,” Jana says. Her voice grows dark and abhorrent on the word here, as though she were saying- “With that, with him.”Regina grows rigid.Damien’s eyes watch her carefully, as Regina extricates herself from Jana’s hug, expression scrunched up into a frown. “Don’t say that,” She says.“Don’t say what?”“Don’t- talk about him like that,” Regina hunches her shoulders, crossing her arms uncomfortably. “Don’t use that tone when talking about him.”Jana stares at her. “Don’t talk about who like that? Him?”Regina stiffens even more. “Yes,” She says sharply. “He’s- Mattel isn’t-”“Mattel?”Regina curls back, stung by the sheer incredulousness in Jana’s voice. Damien steps in. “Regina,” he says patiently. “Tell us what’s going on in your mind.”For an individual whose prodigious telepathic abilities could present to him, at a moment’s notice, all the inner thoughts and secrets of any mortal man, D
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