All Chapters of Revenge of the Heart: My Ex's Billionaire Uncle's New Bride : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
Nathaniel left for work early, his absence leaving an unsettling quiet in the house. I have gotten used to spending my days with him, but now that we are back, things need to get back to normal. I descend the stairs, missing the days where I had more to do than just sit in this massive masion thinking of my troubles.My mind is racing with the myriad of tasks that need to be tackled for the wedding. Liza is already busy around the kitchen, her plump figure moving gracefully between the counters.“Liza, good morning,”“Good morning, Megra. How are you feeling today? Ready to start planning this wedding?” Her smile is as warm as ever. Her friendship is my one comfort in this new life.We sit down for breakfast before I see the pile of wedding magazines and notepads covering the living room table."Liza, are you sure we need all those?” I ask her, my voice muffled.“Don’t talk with your mouthful, Manners maketh woman. And clearly, you have never planned a wedding.”The day is dedicated t
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Chapter 22
I hear the roar of Nathaniel's car coming to a stop. He bursts through the door, his tie askew and his eyes wide with worry.“Are you okay?” he demands, his voice a mix of panic and relief. “I got your message. Archer was here? I should have known ignoring him would make him take such measures. What happened?”I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “Your family is something else. Archer was awful, Nathaniel. The insults and insinuations. How do you live with such people?”“I don’t; that’s why I don’t use the family name.”“Archer repeated something Andrew said to me. He said that you are using me to finally fulfil your happily ever after with Anna.” Her name tastes bitter in my mouth.At the mention of his ex-fiancé, Nathaniels's face darkens with anger.“I am getting tired of everybody bringing that name up.” His voice is low and tense. “Archer had no right to come to my house and say those things to you. I promised to protect you, and I will. I need to talk to him and put
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Chapter 23
I wake up with a smile on my face, feeling a warmth I haven’t felt in months. My relationship with Nathaniel has transformed into something real, something hopeful. The wedding arrangements are going smoothly, thanks to the wedding planner Nathaniel has hired. Each detail is perfect. Apart from the fact that I have no one to invite, I am happy with the outcome. It feels like we are finally on the same page, and for once, I can see a future where we are both happy despite our arrangement.Liza meets me at the end of the hallway with a huge smile on her face. Her eyes spark with joy as soon as she sees me. “It seems you and Nathaniel are finally getting along.” She winks at me with her implication that we were loud during the night of lovemaking.” I laugh coyly, letting her know how right she is. "Well, that's all I have been hoping for; you both deserve to be happy.”I smile, feeling her joy infecting me. “Yes, he has been wonderful. He makes me so happy, Liza.”“What about the other t
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Chapter 24
As I walk back to the car, I can feel the tears starting to blur my vision. How can things change so quickly? I had been so excited to share the news with Nathaniel and for us to take the next step in our relationship, and now he might just be reconnecting with the love of his life. I feel kind of betrayed and insignificant. I have lost all control of my life and now my future.“Are you okay, Miss?” I can hear my driver ask as soon as I step into the car.“Just take me home, Michael.”I slam the door and try to calm down. I take a few deep breaths, holding in my tears. The image of Nathaniel holding Anna's hands and the way he looked at her make it clear that the connection is still there. How do I compete with a lifetime of love and memories?I find Liza busy in the kitchen. She can see the defeat on my face as soon as I walk in.“Back so soon?” she asks. I can see the fear in her eyes.I throw my bag on the dining table, and I sink into the first chair I can see.“What happened, lov
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Chapter 25
Nathaniel and I are in the living room, blissfully tangled up on the couch, our laughter filling the space between kisses. His hand traces lazy circles on my back, sending shivers down my spine. Just as he leans to whisper what I imagine to be something nasty in my ear, we hear a throat being cleared.Startled, we both jerk up to find Liza uncomfortably standing in the doorway, her eyebrows raised in amusement.“Can you two please get a room.” She teases. A playful smile tugging at her lips.Nathaniel chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mischief. I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I quickly try to cover myself with a nearby throw blanket. It is a much better feeling than the dread I felt earlier.“Come on,” Nathaniel says, grabbing my hand.We dash up the stairs, giggling like teenagers caught sneaking past curfew. Once we reach the safety of our bedroom, the urgency of our bodies takes over. Breathless and laughing, Nathaniel pushes me onto the wall, securing and pinning me
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Chapter 26
NathanielI hold Megra tightly as she falls asleep, her soft breaths brushing against my chest. Her red locks are plastered to my skin, a vivid contrast to my olive complexion. The warmth of our passionate love is still in the air, but it is overshadowed by the cold wave of guilt that crashes over me. I watch her, picturing her smile, her voice, her strength, and guilt gnawing at my insides, realizing Ive fallen for her. Despite the contract, despite me trying with all my might, she has barrowed her way into my heart. I love her.How did it come to this? I wonder about tracing a finger along a strand of hair. I feel trapped by the secret that I now have to protect. If she ever finds out what I have done, it will destroy her. My stomach churns with regret. I am happy with our union, and I am happy with the smile that overcomes me whenever I think of her. The events of my earlier mistake hang over me like a dark cloud.Sleep gives me a brief respite from my turmoil until my phone starts
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Chapter 27
NATHANIELAs I stand over Anna, I can't help but feel responsible. She looks so fragile. Guilt churns my gut. How can one small decision lead me here? I can still feel the love that we once shared. It's still there, a flicker beneath the surface of all the complications. She was once my life, but that has changed now. Even so, I couldn’t bear it if I lost her.Anna's eyelids flutter open. She dawns a weak smile and tears her lips apart as she calls my name. “Nathaniel.”“I'm happy you came,“ she whispers, her voice barely audible.I kneel beside her bed, taking her hand in mine. “What happened, Anna?” I ask, my voice laced with concern. Before she could answer, the doctor stepped in and calls me outside the room.“Mr. Coven,” the doctor begins once we are in the hallway. Shes okay. A few bruised ribs, a sprained ankle, and some whiplash. Shes doing well considering the circumstances.”I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “What happened?” I ask.The doctor looks at me with a
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Chapter 28
Megra.We sit at the dining table, the morning sun casting a glow over the room. Nathaniel sits across from me, his eyes focused on his plate, methodically cutting his toast. The clink of the cutlery against the china is the only sound breaking the uncomfortable silence. Since that phone call last night, it has been acting dodgy, and I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. The tension in the air is palpable, making every bite of breakfast hard to swallow.I am exhausted with his behavior. It weighs heavily on me. His emotions are like a seesaw, tipping between moments of warmth and sudden, inexplicable distance. One moment we are sharing our bodies in tender and affectionate passion, and I can feel some hope for us; the next he is cold and distant. Its exhausting, trying to keep up with where he stands, never knowing which version of him I would get, and wondering if our child would go through the same.Finally, I can't take it anymore. The silence is suffocating. “Have I d
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Chapter 29
The atmosphere in the house shifts dramatically now that Anna is staying with us. It's as if the very air has grown thicker and more oppressive. I feel her presence even when I don’t see her, a constant reminder of her history with Nathaniel. Every corner of this house now seems tainted with her presence. I can’t shake the feeling that she’s here to reclaim something I thought was mine.To cope, I’ve chosen to spend most of my time upstairs, hiding away from the tension she brings. I keep myself busy with anything I can think of, from rearranging my wardrobe to rereading old books. Anything to keep me from having to face her—to hear her voice, to see her face. I can hear her sometimes, her laughter ringing through the halls, and it makes my skin crawl.She has been exaggerating everything from her accident to keep Nathaniel close. Every time he shows signs of leaving her side, she winces or lets out a small cry, and he stays. His attentiveness towards her scares me; what if his feeling
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Chapter 30
I feel a wave of nausea wash over me, and my stomach churns uncomfortably. I make my way to the bathroom, trying to steady myself against the walls. Once there, I realize something is wrong. I see the spotting and feel panic surge through me. This can’t be happening. Not now. Not with everything else going on."Liza!" I call out, my voice trembling.I hear footsteps pounding up the stairs, and Liza bursts into the room, Nathaniel following close behind. His face is etched with worry."What's wrong?" he asks, reaching out to touch my arm."It's just cramps; I don’t think I have ever felt them this strong. Girl problems, you know," I lie, my voice barely above a whisper. "Can I speak to Liza alone, please?"Nathaniel looks reluctant, his eyes searching mine for any sign of what’s really going on. Finally, he nods and steps out of the room, closing the door behind him."Liza," I say, my voice cracking as I pull her into the bathroom. "I’m spotting. Am I losing the baby?"Her face pales,
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