All Chapters of Bonded to the Exiled Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
242 Chapters
Chapter 0151
“Keeping staring for a bit longer and you’ll transform into a poet.” I don’t bother looking at the person whose footfall my ears had caught ever since he entered the hallway. “I might. I can say nothing in the matter of the results.” I say evenly Lukas steps in my felid of vision, blocking the vi
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Chapter 0152
From what I could tell, the Emperor would’ve wanted for his daughter to take the throne after him. Personally, I think the Empress Regent has the makings of a general, rather than a king. “Can’t the Regent Empress put in a good word for you to the Emperor?” “Rosalina might be the Emperor’s favorit
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Chapter 0153
The old woman was shaking with anger. Sure enough, in all her years, no one must’ve handed her a tiny bottle and told her that one spoonful of poison was enough to kill, and painlessly at that. She opened her mouth, likely to curse at me, but I spoke before she could. “You wanted death to be a mer
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Chapter 0154
The Crystal Palace is quiet when I enter. The hallways are familiar to me by now, and in nearly three minutes, I find myself standing in front of the door to the room. The door is unlocked as it usually is, and when I walk inside, the room is warm compared to the outside. From inside the bedchambe
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Chapter 0155
There is a 90% probability that this is indeed a curse. But if so, why haven’t the witches or warlocks sent word to the church or crown? Why have they been targeting arbitrary people? What is the reason behind putting such a powerful curse into effect? “By drawing the culprit out, do you mean to ch
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Chapter 0156
“The one good thing that came out of this is not having to take my lessons for a few days.” Dinah tells me, composing herself “Oh! The Empress told me I’ll be meeting the ladies from the other High Houses.” At once, all the ease I feel has vanished. “Since Arzen hasn’t met his soulmate yet, there’
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Chapter 0157
Dinah is leaning out of the window, dark hair flowing softly in the breeze, looking at the garden below. “When you step on the windowsill, it’s enough to reach for the windowsills of the rooms above this one,” I lean out as well, and point upwards “After three more, we should reach the roof of the
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Chapter 0158
“I apologize, My Lady,” I keep my hands on her arms, lest the strength hasn’t returned to her legs yet. The smile doesn’t leave my face “It was too tempting.” Dinah narrows her eyes at me, half disbelief and half irritation, “Why are you like this?” “Like what, My Lady?” “Never mind,” She grum
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Chapter 0159
“They keep me grounded.” Dinah smiles, amused “Like emotional support knives?” My own mouth quirks up “Something like that.” There is no reason to speak further of it. But it seems that just as Dinah can’t tell me anything about her life, I’m all too eager to tell her everything of mine. “I name
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Chapter 0160
Ch. 44. I wake up the uncomfortable feeling of being warm on one side and cold on the other. A shudder rakes through me, and I scoot closer to the warm side of the blanket, rather than reaching back to cover the other side with it too. I just want to sleep for a little bit long. “Tweet, tweet~”
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