All Chapters of Enslaved By The Mafians : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
88 Chapters
Further action took place that morning, and the next stop was now at the other end of the city, at Aleksandr's mansion.He was seated in his bar area, which boasted some of the world's finest wines and a very comfortable sitting area that looked like the VIP section of a reputable lounge, holding a glass of wine from which he sipped while on the phone with an associate. Although it wasn't even 11am yet, Aleksandr was definitely not one to look at the clock before popping bottles."Listen to me, Dani.. I was away for a long time.. All the shit that went down between you and my cousin has nothing to do with me.."Then, he paused to listen to the protest of the fellow on the other end, who was one of the Mexican drug lords who Andrej had offended and provoked into ending their business with Tequila. As he listened, he shook his head and took another sip of wine.Then, he cut in, "You won't have to, Dani! That bastard is dead.. I made sure of that.. He fucked up a business relationship th
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Mercedes watched from her window as the Lincoln Continental drive out of the compound, escorted by two other small cars, and with each passing second, the rate of her heart beat sporadically rose. When she was totally certain that Don Fabrizio and his men had left the compound, she raced towards the door and pressed her ear on it, willing the footsteps she wanted to hear to be approaching. She was feeling a high level of excitement and thus, she couldn't contain her joy when she began to hear the footsteps.She ran to her bed, now and began to count in her mind from one till whatever number it would take for that door to be unlocked from outside and for the one she was expecting to walk in. It usually took until the count of ten, but those ten seconds always felt as long as a month.One. Two. Three..The sound of the key being taken out of its place, which had become familiar to her over the course of her involuntary stay here, was heard. Four, Five, Six ,Seven..The sound of the ke
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Even if the whole world was imploding unto/into itself, there were three things that had always/would always remain guaranteed: death, taxes, and Sensi Colpani doing whatever the hell he wanted.Later that same afternoon, despite being fully aware that he was wanted in the streets, despite having only gotten out of a confrontation a couple of days ago in which he was scraped bald and almost killed, Sensi was craving the fried chicken, macaroni and cheese that were served at a mid rated restaurant in the city, which was coincidentally situated in the heart of their territory, where he, Gio and everyone from their family were being sought for, and he was determined to do what he wanted, damning the consequences."These motherfuckers won't make me cower and hide away, not now, not ever.."These were the words he muttered to himself as he rode his Ford Taurus towards the restaurant.He had strapped himself up by tucking in four Glocks into his pants, and had concealed them by wearing a c
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Finally, the afternoon had come to an end, and it was now time for the day to be wrapped up with two major events, the first of which was the pre planned meeting at Ruby's house between her, the host, Snyder, her colleague and Omari Sutton.It had been a struggle for Agent Ruby to keep calm all through the afternoon until 7pm that day, because the mere reminder that Omari Sutton was in the same building and sphere as her was thrilling. She'd been unable to sit still, and had been going to insane lengths in order to 'get ready' for what was supposed to be a regular, casual meeting between people who were supposed to be working a case of organized crime.By 6pm, she'd prepared meals with which to entertain Snyder and Omari, and then, from 6:25 to 6:50, she'd been ransacking her wardrobe and checking out every outfit that was in it, while standing in front of a mirror, trying to find a 'perfect' dress.When she tried on her gowns, she found that they revealed her breasts and ass, which w
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Snyder and Lois stood outside by his Sedan as Amy packed up her stuff inside the house. The day was coming to a close, with the neighboring houses turning on their lights and the moon increasing in strength by the minute. Lois, naturally emotional and prone to sentiments, was pouring her heart out.".. I did everything for her, Snyder.. I took up multiple jobs to be able to pay our bills and give her as fun a childhood as a child could need, I learnt Math to be able to help her with her homework, I let her friends come over and let her sleep over at her friend's, I let her boyfriends, and they were numerous, call the home phone and even got her a smartphone with which I never knew what she did.. I didn't date any man who made advances because I didn't want her thinking I was replacing you.. I made sacrifices, Snyder, I did my absolute best for her, and then what does she do? She goes and writes in an essay that she doesn't have a mother.."She was breaking down into tears, now, and Sn
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"Woah, woah, woah, what the fuck is going on? Why are you all at my house?"Snyder had parked his car haphazardly and sped, out of it, towards the crowd of officials that were in front of his house. They'd all looked so busy, with either taking notes or searching he surroundings, but the moment he said 'my house', they all stopped and looked at him. This wouldn't have bothered Snyder on a normal day, the attention, but he was itled by the fact that they all seemed to be looking at him with pity. He just hoped that it was not what he was thinking."This is your house, sir?" One of the detectives, a short, stocky man asked him.."Damn right it is.. What's going on, here?""Sir, I'll need you to calm down.."Snyder then looked towards the door, "Calm down for what? And where's Mindi?"He charged towards the door. The irony of the entire situation was, he knew that these officers wouldn't have bothered to come down here if Mindi was alright; he knew in his heart, after many ears of dealin
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7am. Next Morning. Ruby's house. Living room to be exact. She was lying astride Omari and face down on his chest, with the latter lying faceup and wrapping his hands around her waist while they both lay on her couch in the living room, where they'd both drifted off to sleep after their escapade the previous night had been concluded with Ruby riding her new lover intensely, driving them both to climax. Both were stark naked, and the rays from the morning sun were lighting on them as the day broke. It was all nice and quiet until Ruby's phone which had been on the table began to vibrate. And this vibration must have made its way into her head and interrupted whatever she was dreaming of, because she opened her eyes almost immediately. She woke with a start and dismounted from Omari's body, while trying not to wake him. She grabbed the phone and was very relieved to see that it was Snyder; underneath all the pleasure with Omari, she'd been deeply worried about her colleague. "Hey, Sn
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"You look just like she did.. The way you walk.. Your eyes.. The color of your hair.. Your thick lips.. I've never seen you laugh, but I believe you laugh exactly like her, too.."Mercedes had awakened that morning to more pressure by Don Fabrizio, who was dressed, seemingly for an outing, and had sat by her on the bed. She'd opened her eyes to him sitting by her and since then, he hadn't stopped speaking, forcing her into a conversation.".. How can I laugh, Don? I have no reason to.. I'm locked in here, stripped of all my rights, and yes, I have been treated fairly, but I am not happy.."".. And it's all your own doing..""What? How can you even say this? I didn't create myself.. I didn't make myself look so much like your late wife, and I am not obligated to take her place and fulfill her duties..""No, you miss the point, still, Coochie.. You don't simply look like her, and you are not merely her replacement.."Don Fabrizio's hand moved from her face to her chest area, and Mercede
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70. This was the number of times Detective Dan James, the officer who'd been on hand at Agent Snyder's house after Mindi was killed, had watched the surveillance tapes outside the house just before the attack and just after. He'd watched it 70 times from that night until the following morning. He'd watched it meticulously until he slept off in his office, and when he woke up, he resumed watching it again. He was looking for something to hold on to. Anything.Ever since the previous night, he had been unable to rest, feeling very distressed at the manner in which the poor woman, Mindi, was killed, at how much she'd had to suffer, judging from the marks and wounds on her body, and also at how much pain he'd seen in the eyes of Agent Snyder, who'd looked shaken, a sign that he'd really cared about the woman.So far, he'd had no luck, but he was determined."Good morning, detective!" A voice bellowed.Dan James looked up to see Naomi Wallace, his protégé, holding his door half open an
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"So, how did you come to the United States?""By plane," Sensi replied, laughing.After the meeting between Don Fabrizio and all his regional capos, which had gone smoothly, as opposed to how fiery it had been billed to be, with both sides being very reasonable and coming to a peaceful, mature agreement where everyone had ended up shaking hands, Sensi had decided against going home with his father or brother, opting instead to visit Marie at her house, seeing as that day was her off day at work, and he wanted to be with her. The feelings had been mutual on their first meeting, and he'd memorized her address on the day when he'd dropped her off. However, he made sure to let Gio know exactly where he was, just in case he got into any trouble.Right now, they were seated on her bed in her humble but tidy one room apartment which, although it wasn't fortunate enough to boast of a couch, had been managed as dexterously as it could have been, with books, clothes and a cooking area all carv
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