Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
Chapter 21: Chase by Rogue
"Why not both?" I say and as soon as he hears that, he pushes me down on the couch I squeal in surprise as he starts to kiss my neck before going down lower.After multiple rounds of exciting, mind-blowing sex, we lay on the hallway floor together as we tried to catch our breath from our thousandth orgasm of the day. We abandoned our food hours ago to acquaint our bodies with each others. If you had told me a few weeks ago that I would be in the apartment with my alpha boyfriend, trying out different s*x positions for hours, I would've laughed so hard that I cried."I need a break" I whisper to him as I can feel my inner thighs screaming from using my flexible body for so long. I turn in Archie's arms to lay my head against his chest as I let out a long breath against his sweaty skin."Yeah, me too"' he whispers against my hair.All of a sudden, I heard his voice in my head say I love you and I turned to him, trying to figure out if that happened or if I was going crazy and he said t
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Chapter 22: Elder Collin's Visit
I woke up the next morning with my head against Archie's chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. It's been about two weeks since the whole grey wolf incident and today was finally the day that one of the elders was coming down to discuss everything with Archie, Robert, Jenny, and me since they've been doing their research on the rogue packs in town.After we got out of the car on that day, I wouldn't let go of my boyfriend all day because of how scared I still was. I found out later on that it was a rogue and he had on some sort of bracelet that had some number on it that one specific rogue pack made their members wear, So they went to the elders for them to help them figure it out since they didn't have the resources for that yet.Within the past two weeks, I had barely gone home because Archie and the rest of the house, including me, were worried that some rogue in the same pack would recognize me and try to attack me, so now I was never allowed to be alone until they get every
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Chapter 23:Telling my Dad about Archie
Elder Collins speaks up. "The elders sometimes have secret missions where we have someone prepared to sneak in with the hunters to get inside information for us if we have an idea that they're planning to hurt a member of our pack.""So Geece's brother, Talfie, had done these secret missions for them in the past and he'd gotten really good, so the elders always went to him first when they needed to do things like this. One time, we had gotten word from another pack that a hunter had gotten onto their property a few weeks prior, and as they had been trackingthem, they realized that they were coming towards our camp so they wanted to warn us, Austin explained."Okay, so he pretended to be a hunter and joined the group of them that were coming close to the pack?" l asked, still extremely confused.Robert nodded his head, finally speakingup for the first time since Geece's name had been brought up. "Yeah, we prepared him for about a week before sending him in to pretend to be a hunter t
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Chapter 24 : Unveiling Archie to my parents
I shake my head. "My dad won't understand, Archie. He won't care how we tell him or where or why or whatever, all he'll see is that I'm still gay while still dating a man that he will now think of as a predator. He'll start to question me about everything and just make everything worse and-" Archie cuts me off by pulling me into a hug as he starts to see me work myself into a panic attack. I grip his shirt in my hands as I try to calm myself down from everything just crashing down around me. Not only will there be a whole pack of angry wolves looking for me and my boyfriend, but now my dad will start to see me as an even worse person because of the man I chose to be with.Archie's hands run through my hair to emit sparks throughout my head. "It's okay, I'm here. I'll always be here." After we're able to calm me down, I start the drive back to my house, but the entire time, there's this voice in the back of my head that's just telling me to turn around. About 100 times during the rest
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Chapter 25 : My Choice
I nod my head. "I know." He looked down at the ground and I realized that this wasn't the only thing he wanted to talk about and by his face, it didn't look like something that would make me happy. "I'm going to get used to you being with a guy, but the guy isn't Archie." My eyes widen and I shake my head. Dad, but the guy is Archie."No, I don't want you to be seeing Joey anymore because the fact that he's this magical creature is too much for any of us to handle" he tells me, shaking his head."No, Dad, you don't understand. If I'm not with him, then I can start, but he interrupts me by putting his hand inmy face to shush me."I don't care, I've made my decision and if you respect me enough, then you won't tell your mother about this conversation of ours," he tells me as he stands up. When his hand reaches for the doorknob, I speak up. "What if I don't listen to you and I continue to be with Archie anyway?"He turns towards me with his arms crossed while he leans against the wall n
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Chapter 26: A New Female Friend
I walked into English class the next day, noticing how the three people I usually sit next to were staring and gazing at me as I sat on the opposite side of the classroom. After I get out my notebook and start scribbling along the white page, a hand comes down on my shoulder, making me jump back in surprise as I look up to see a beautiful African American girl and I realize that it's Ria, the girl who's my partner forthe dance routine that I had gotten the lead for."Oh, hey, Ria, what's up?" l ask, looking back down as my pen makes random lines on the paper and I can still feel the stares from the people across the room. My palms start to sweat as the feeling of being watched catches up to me and I have to run my hands down my joggers to get rid of the sticky feeling."I was wondering if l could sit with you? I don't have too many friends in this class and since you're sitting alone, I assumed that we could get to know each other since we're dance partners and all" she says to me l
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Chapter 27 :
"Ria Tyler ?" Nicole asks as she writes something on the clipboard before handing the card back to me as I give it back to the girl who sits in my passenger seat. The gate opens and the rest of the guards wave at me as I drive through the opening. As I get down the road, I see the huge quarter house sitting on the left side of the road while a bunch of other houses line up onboth sides of the road on the right. I ignore the house that I usually park at to go down the road I've never even been down before to wait for instructions from Ria about where to go.She points to a cute, light brown house that sits on the right side of the road with a huge front yard with a tree sitting in the front yard as it looms over the house. I park in the driveway that already has a car sitting in it that seems to be an old car that must've been restored by someone in thehouse."This is cute, "I tell her as get out. I admire the house with its wooden door matched with the wooden floor of the porch that
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Chapter 28
I shake my head, too angry at myself and the world to even respond right now. I keep walking towards my car, but I can still hear her footsteps behind me until Robert's face comes to stand in front of me and when I try to go around him, he grabs me to keep me in place as the anger pulsing within me starts to sting my eyes, making me look like a baby since I've cried the past few days in a row because of everything going on.Jenny comes back over to me to stand next to her boyfriend she crosses her arms as we stand in the cold. "What's happening? Why are you being like this to Archie? He didn't do anything to you."Something within me snaps and I pull myself out of Robert's grip, surprising him by my strength as I take a few steps back to contain my anger before looking back at them with this fierceness in my eyes. "No, he didn't do anything, but this isn't about him.This isn't even about you, all right? It's none of your goddamn business and you can't just scare me into staying here
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Chapter 29 : Finally Back Together.
I think for a few minutes because Jasmine still has no idea that Archie's a werewolf or that werewolf even exist in this world. "I'll tell you later, I promise."Mom scoffs. "Brody, just because Archie is what he is doesn't mean he's going to hurt our son. It just means that he's going to be a better protector than anyone that could ever possibly come into his life. I know you want to be our son's whole world, but we can't be. We need to let him go and let him be happy."Dad shakes his head. "I'm not allowing him to be in that relationship."I take a step forward, leaning my hands on the table again. "You don't need to allow me to do anything. I'm 18, I can make my own decisions.""You live under my goddamn roof! You'll listen to me," Dad yells at me, taking a step forward to point a menacing finger at me that almost makes me coward back, but I know that I need to stand my ground right now as Mom looks between the two of us to figure out what to do."Henry, what did he say to you?" Mo
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Chapter 30 : Thirsty for him
I grabbed his arm and he looked down at me, setting the bag on the floor to give me his full attention. "I'm so sorry, Archie, you don't understand how sorry I am. I should've stood up for myself and I should've stood up for you better and I'm just so incredibly sorry for all of this bullshit."He shakes his head. "It's okay, baby, I understand. You're going through a lot. I smile, wrapping my hand around his neck to pull his lips down to mine to have the first kiss we've had in the past week or however many days. His tongue ran over mine and I realized that the 15 minutes was almost up of the time we had to get our stuff before we had to leave, so I had to pull away, making him whine before trying to connect our lips again."I know, but we have to leave soon, right? We're taking them to the guest house" I ask him against his lips. He nods his head, going back into alpha mode to pick up the bag on the floor to continue putting stuff into it. My hand runs over the back of his jeans, ma
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