All Chapters of The Alpha, the breeder, and their triplets : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
128 Chapters
Turning Against Him
(Lydia Richmond's POV) I went to the door when I heard those voices arguing. I didn't make any sound so as not to cause suspicion. I was a runaway prisoner and it wouldn't be unexpected if people were looking for me. I put my ear on the door in the bid to hear what the voices were saying.But I didn't hear a thing.Those weren't voices. What I had been hearing was actually the sound of the breeze. I now knew that I had been imagining too much. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. After doing this, I went to have a seat.I didn't know why but I felt unsettled after Jake had left the house. I paced back and forth while wondering about the next line of action to take. I had mixed feelings about everything at the moment.Anyway, I knew better. I had to settle down to have some sleep. I did this but I still ended up rolling back and forth on the bed. The bed wasn't so comfortable and the thoughts on my mind made me more uncomfortable. I didnt feel relaxed at all.At last, nature took con
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Trouble and More Trouble
(Lydia Richmond's POV) I was so afraid at that moment. I thought I had killed Jake. I moved stealthily towards him with the aim of checking his condition.Jake wasn't moving. He laid unconscious where he was. I moved in to check his pulse now. I could still feel life in his veins. Now, I knew he had not died already. He was still living and I still had to save him. However, I didn't know how to do this. I knew no herbs or roots that could rescue him from this.I was directed by impulse to check his head where I had hit him with the piece of wood. I checked and the area wasn't bleeding. However, it was swollen. I wasn't comfortable with this as he could be having an internal injury. I had once read that in those cases, a person's life was at risk as it could cut short the blood flow from the brain. It could also cause excessive blood flow to the brain. I pondered on all these but still without a solution. Suddenly, I saw Jake began to come out of his consciousness. This was good news
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Another Escape and Another Refuge
(Lydia Richmond's POV) I heard the voice clearly. This wasn't a mix-up at all. As I heard this, my heart began to pound loudly. I had heard Jake's name and since he was the captain of his squadron, the remaining men in the squadron were probably looking for him.My first intent was to find a piece of clothing to cover Jake's mouth lest he shouts and let the men know that he was in. However, I was so shocked that I remained rooted to a spot. I thought severally of the next line of action to take. I was shaking feverishly but out of fear."Captain Jake!" I heard the same voice once again. This was a confirmation that I wasn't daydreaming. Jake was looking at me now. If I could read his mind correctly, he was probably thinking of answering the caller so he would be saved. This was something that would actually happen. I had no weapon to threaten Jake apart from the big stick around. I knew the men calling Jake were soldiers. They would have swords to combat me. If Jake managed to answe
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A Refuge In Danger
(Lydia Richmond's POV ) I was shocked on seeing the man. He had scars all over his face. I fell down not unconscious but with my heart beating louder than ever. He was a beast in my eyes and I expected him to tear me into pieces at that moment.But he didn't. I watched him more and saw this caring perspective of him. He looked startled after he had gazed at my stomach. He must have seen that I was heavily pregnant."How come you are here, young woman? You should be with your family…" the scary man told me. He moved towards me and helped me up. This got me surprised. I wasn't expecting this from him at all.He began to help me dust off my clothes. I knew he would want a reply to the question he had asked before and so, I decided to cook up a lie. That was probably a way to escape from his hands. He was definitely from the Pack and if I told I was escaping from Lord Stone Sumach, he would want to hold me and take me back to where I have been escaping from."My uncle is an evil man.
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The Beginning of a New Bond
(Lydia Richmond's POV) He led me to escape. I followed him without muttering a word. One thing I liked in him was the fact that he was knowledgeable. We were currently in the forest and he literally knew everything in there. He knew where to put his leg so as not to fall into danger. It was due to his knowledge that I finally escaped from Jake and his men who could have caught me.Jake didn't see me though. I had only heard his voice from afar.Soon enough, I got to his place. The man lived in a hut in the secluded part of the forest. I knew that Jake and his men wouldn't come here because of the danger that they would have envisioned. True enough, nobody would think of making a home there."My name is Andy…" the scary man told me. He handed me a cup of cold water. I wasted no time in collecting the cup from him. I didn't even care if the water was poisoned. I went on to gulp the cold and cool water. It was really satisfying."Thank you…" I told him and handed the cup to him. Af
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Bond and Bonding
(Lydia Richmond's POV) I wondered what would happen now. But first, I had to exclaim. This was unexpected. "What!" I exclaimed. "You have been a fugitive? Like you also once escaped from prison? Do you mean this Pack's prison? Like from the hands of Lord Stone?""Yes!" Andy replied still with a smile on his face. "In fact, I can only stay calm now that I have heard your story. We are in the same shoes, Lydia. We will have to stick by each other from now on."I was finding this difficult to believe. I really needed him to expatiate."Can you expatiate, please? I don't seem to understand this…" I said again. I wanted to make sure I wasn't thinking wildly.He sighed. I waited for him to start talking. I was going to wait till the end. This wasn't time for me to be too forward about anything. I had to keep things cool."Yes, I will," Andy told me now. "Three years ago, I also entered the Pack illegally just like you and still like you, I was caught, arrested, and thrown into prison.
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A Set of Healthy Triplets
(Lydia Richmond's POV) I knew I still had to watch my back. I trusted Andy but not too much. If Jake could turn on me, Andy could also do this.That night, Andy provided me a place to sleep in his hut. He only had two rooms in the hut. One was a bedroom and the other was meant to be a sitting room. He made me sleep in the bedroom while he cleared a spot for himself in the sitting room. This worked for me but I still had to protest because I wouldn't love to inconvenience Andy at all.But as I had expected, Andy waved it off. He made me know that he was only doing what he was doing for goodwill's sake and nothing else.I couldn't sleep that night as I wondered what Andy had in mind. Did he want to sell me off secretly? Was he lying about the whole story? Could he be planning something evil against me? All these thoughts flowed through my mind. I tried to sleep but I had a nightmare. I could see Andy sneaking in my room and stabbing me with a sharp knife. After I had this nightmar
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Triple blessings, Triple troubles
(Lydia Richmond's POV) It wasn't easy managing three children at the same time. If not for Andy, I didn't know what I would have done.Andy was a very supportive person. He treated me like we had known each other for years. He made me believe that our meeting was fated. I literally couldn't live without him.I had been shy around him before but after he took my delivery, I let all that go. I was now interested in getting well. I didn't care what it took. After I gave birth, I was so weak that Andy was the one who bathed me for about three nights. He had seen my nakedness but this helped me feel more comfortable. All I hoped for was that Andy saw me as a sister. I wouldn't like it if he had a soft liking for me and wanted me to be in a romantic relationship with me.I knew there was no way he wouldn't be horny after seeing my nakedness. This wasn't to be proud but I had a hot body. I was slim, curvy, and beautiful. Being slim didn't mean that I wasnt full in the right places. I had en
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A Risk and the Aftermath
(Lydia Richmond's POV) "What! What did you eat that's giving you so much confidence?" Andy asked me now. He was sounding angry. This was the first time I had heard him shout at me."Calm down, Andy…" I replied. "This is my choice. I can't stand being here in the dark with trees around me. This place is cool, yeah! But still, I can't stay here all my life. I am going out there and that's it! Nothing is changing this. No one would change it as well."Andy stood up now. I knew this was the height of it all. This was our first argument in months. Andy had been patient with me all through. He probably couldn't shelve his feelings here. I clearly understood him but I also needed him to understand me. I was beginning to feel suspicious about Andy. I was feeling like I was being kept hostage."Fine!" Andy shouted at me. "Do whatever you wanna do. Like you have said, the choice is yours and it's your life. Do what pleases you but remember that I will have no hand in this. Also, if anything ha
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A Kidnapping Incidence
(Lydia Richmond's POV ) I was walking around the market buying nothing. All I did was to get the feeling which I had missed. It was the feel of people's presence. I had missed that and I had to take it in more because I didn't know the next time I will be having this feeling.This was the moment when I saw him. It was that familiar figure who had made me almost traumatized.Jake.I wasn't expecting to see him. He was also surprised to see me. I had been too hooked to run away. Like usual, I was fixed to a spot due to anxiety.I watched as Jake came towards me. He had no weapon but his presence was enough to weaken me. I didn't know what to do. I stood on that same spot."Hey, Lydia! It's been quite a long time!" Jake told me carefully. He was smiling carelessly. This only made my heart beat harder and louder. I felt like my heart would fly out of my chest at this moment. The pressure was too much."Yes, Jake," I finally replied. This took a whole lot of courage from my part. But
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