All Chapters of LunaLola-The Moon Wolf: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
163 Chapters
Chapter 0131
Lola's POV She chuckled and took a seat beside me after bowing lightly to Damon. "Serena, what are you doing here?" I asked again. She placed a hand on my shoulder and I shook it off, I'd really love to not be touched by a two-faced bitch. She sat back in her seat with grace and chuckl
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Chapter 0132
Lola's POV I looked at Fay in astonishment and it did not take me long to connect the dots that it might actually be true. The looks she gave me, the subtle touches with Damon, the words as I left the room all added up and that was when I realized that I might actually be in danger. But I was
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Chapter 0133
Lola's POV Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to stay in your room and avoid everyone? Well, that was me for the rest of the day. I couldn't bring myself to leave the safety of the room, so I spent the rest of the day cooped up in there. However, I knew I had to thin
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Chapter 0134
Lola's POV When I woke up the next day I was pumped and anxious simultaneously. I was pumped because today is the day I finally leave this pack. I was also anxious because it might not turn out well. I was still on my bed thinking about how tonight will go when a knock sounded on my doo
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Chapter 0135
When I saw her. I burst into tears again as she held me close to her body slowly rubbing my back and whispering soothing words into my ears. “I was so scared, Fay. I thought he was going to rape me, I thought he was going to do it”. At the mention of rape, she pulled back from me in shock. “He
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Chapter 0136
Adrian's POV It's been almost a week since Lola got kidnapped but it felt like eternity to me. My whole life had been turned upside down and I had no idea how I was going to move on with my life without her. Daxon wasn't on a rampage anymore but I could feel him slipping away. He connected
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Chapter 0137
Lola's POV When I came to, I was expecting to see Adrian's face first but instead I was met with Rose's. Her eyes looked so sunken and she looked like she had lost a lot of weight in the amount of time I had left the pack. She looked so happy, yet so sad when our eyes met. She couldn't
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Chapter 0138
Lola's POV Their mouths were practically hanging open when I finished narrating what happened with Lotana. I was waiting for them to speak but they didn't say anything for a long time. Avianca had a lost and hurt look in her eyes while Lyla just looked like she wanted to go on a murdering spree
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Chapter 0139
Lola's POV Serena's breathing quickened as we all stared at her in shock. I had never seen the stoic witch get shocked, not to talk to her getting into a panic mode. Adrian was the first one to break out of the trance and he stood up from where he was sitting to lead Serena into a chair. As
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Chapter 0140
Lola's POV All air left me and I sat back in my chair with a sigh. I knew we were dealing with a psychopath but I did not know she was so unhinged that she killed her own mother. "When I saw that she killed mother, I stabbed her through the heart with a poisonous stake and that was how I
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