All Chapters of The Mafia's Mercy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
101 Chapters
⊰ 21.5 | 2 ⊱ All That I Am: Part 2
⊰ Marcel ⊱ The minutes tick by as I sit on the edge of the bed with a fresh pair of clothes for Mercy in my hand. My mind is torn between the crushing weight of my own guilt and the desperate need to be strong for her. The room feels too quiet, too still, like the calm before a storm. I find myself staring at the bathroom door, listening intently to the sound of the shower running, the only thing that seems real in this moment. It’s a reminder that Mercy is here, that she’s alive, even if the spark that once lit up her eyes has been dimmed. How can I bring her back? How do I put her back together? I hear the shower stop, and after a couple of minutes, Mercy emerges from the bathroom. She’s wrapped in a towel, her hair damp and her skin flushed from the heat of the shower. I help her dress, my hands gentle as I guide the shirt over her head. “What do you need, baby doll?” I ask softly. “Tell me what I can do.”
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⊰ 22 ⊱ By His Side
It’s gotten easier. Since that day on the balcony, three weeks ago, I’ve spent a lot of time doing some self-reflecting. In that time, I’ve tried to get a sense of normalcy back, despite the occasional nightmares. Even so, instead of trying to bury my trauma or numb it out in the most detrimental of ways, I took up baking, reading, working out, and occasionally slipping into the lab to work with the engineers. It’s a strange thing, to be helping others with the skills that have caused so much destruction, yet all at once, it’s fascinating. I’m now more than ever intrigued by the world of engineering, and I’m starting to think I chose the wrong field to study. This is so much cooler. “Alright,” I breathe out as I set down the tablet on the lab table, glancing up at Ben and Pablo. “I should probably get going.” Pablo nods half-heartedly, his gaze fixated on the circuit board in front of him as he carefully shifts the wires on it. “Alway
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S3 ⊰ 1 ⊱ The Price of Family: Part 1
The walls of the interrogation room seem to close in around me as I sit alone at the metal table, my hands clasped tightly in front of me. The fluorescent lights flicker overhead, casting an eerie glow on the gray walls. My heart pounds in my chest, a sickening feeling twisting in my gut. How did I get here..? My mind drifts back to just a few hours ago, walking out of class after taking my Electromagnetic Theory midterm exam. The cool autumn breeze felt refreshing on my skin after being cooped up in the stuffy classroom for hours. I had been looking forward to seeing Levi, who Marcel trusted to drive me to and from campus for the second time this semester—2 hours away from home. As I stepped out of the building, I saw Levi, sitting on a bench, waiting for me. With a small smile on his face, he stood up, asking, “So, how was it?” I couldn’t help but grin, the weight of my pre-exam anxiety quickly lifting from my sho
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⊰ 2 ⊱ The Price of Loyalty: Part 2
Sam’s expression doesn’t waver, his gaze steady as he leans back in his chair. “I told you, Mrs. Saldívar. Your husband sent me.” I shake my head, my heart racing. “No. No, that doesn’t make any sense. Why would you want me to tell them everything? Isn’t that the opposite of what you’re supposed to do?” A small smirk plays at the corner of Sam’s mouth. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone. With a few taps, he slides it across the table to me. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” I stare at the phone for a moment, hesitating. Then, with a shaky hand, I pick it up, bringing it to my ear. “H-hello?” “Mercy.” Marcel’s deep and familiar voice resonates through the small speaker, washing over me. “Are you okay?” At the sound of his voice, something inside me breaks. “No!” I cry, the tears I’ve been holding back finally spilling over. “No, I’m not okay! Marcel, they have Levi. They’re saying they’ll put him away. And they
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⊰ 3 ⊱ The Lies We Tell
The leather seat squeaks as I shift, the only sound breaking the heavy silence through the suffocating tension in the air as we speed down the highway. I sit in the back seat, my hands clasped tightly in my lap as I watch Marcel out of the corner of my eye. He sits beside me, exuding an air of restraint, his features tight and his gaze intense. In the front seats, Rick and Frank sit rigidly, their eyes fixed straight ahead. They had been waiting for me outside the detention center, ushering me into the car as Marcel spoke with Sam before he walked back into the building, likely to tend to Levi’s situation. Marcel hasn’t said anything. Not about what happened with me and not about Levi, and frankly, I can’t take the silence anymore. “What’s going to happen to Levi?” I ask, my voice small. Marcel doesn’t look at me, his gaze fixed on his phone as he texts God knows who. “I’m taking care of it,” he says, his tone clipped. Why does he seem so
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⊰ 4 ⊱ Chocolate and Confessions
The warm glow of the twinkle lights casts a soft ambiance over my study—the room Marcel had set up just for me 8 months ago. It’s a cozy haven where I can lose myself in my studies and find a moment’s peace. The beige couch and chaise are welcoming, the pastel yellow rug at the center of the room adding a touch of warmth beneath the wooden coffee table. My favorite books line the shelves on the wall, tying the room together perfectly. I’ve been here for hours, pouring over textbooks and assignments, trying to distract myself from the lingering tension of yesterday’s confrontation with Marcel. But even as I sit at the small desk, the warm light of the study lamp illuminating the keyboard of my laptop, I can’t seem to focus. Maybe I should just call it a day. With a sigh, I close my laptop, the weight of mental exhaustion settling over me. I push back from the desk, my swivel chair squeaking softly as I stand and stretch my tired muscles. The gentle mu
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⊰ 5 ⊱ Unraveling Before Him: Part 1
As I step out of the bathroom, the warm bath having soothed my tired muscles, I pause, adjusting the towel wrapped snugly around my body. My hair is piled atop in a messy bun, a few stray strands kissing my neck. The sound of incessant buzzing draws my attention, and I turn to see Marcel’s phone vibrating against the coffee table. He’s back? My gaze flickers to the sofa across from it, seeing Marcel sitting there, a glass of scotch in hand and brows furrowed in evident frustration. With an irritated sigh, he snatches up the phone, silences it, and tosses it back onto the table, the device skittering across the polished wood. And in a bad mood. Great. I watch him for a moment, taking in the tension that seems to radiate off him in waves. Alessandra’s earlier words echo in my mind, her insistence that what Marcel and I need is to reconnect. To reconnect his penis with my vagina. I blink at the memory,
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⊰ 6 ⊱ Home: Part 2
I stare at Marcel, my heart pounding in my chest as I fight the overwhelming urge to give in, to go back to him and lose myself in his touch, in his kisses. The desire to be with him, to feel his skin against mine, is almost too much to bear. But I stand my ground, knowing we can’t keep avoiding the issues that keep pushing me away from him. After a long moment, he senses my resolve, his features hardening to a stern look as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his gaze intent on me. “Alright, doll,” he says softly, his voice low and earnest. “Let’s talk.” I eye him for a moment, steeling myself before I finally begin. “Yesterday, with the ATF… I wasn’t trying to be brave or noble just for the sake of it. I was just… I was terrified, and so I figured if I didn’t completely fold within the first five seconds I wouldn’t seem so…weak.” His gaze sharpens, his brow furrowing with concern. “You’re not weak, Mercy. You were scared, rightfully. But terr
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⊰ 6.5 ⊱ Weapon of War
⊰ Marcel ⊱ The tension in the conference room is dense as I lean back in my chair, my gaze sweeping over the faces gathered around the table. Rick stands at the front, a stack of papers in his hand and a stern look on his face. “Word on the street is that Luciano is looking for a new vendor to distribute his product,” he says, his voice low and serious. “With us cutting off his transportation, he’s getting desperate.” I nod, a sense of satisfaction settling in my chest. It’s been a long, hard battle, but we’re finally starting to make some headway against the Reyes cartel. Luciano. A burning desire for vengeance has been consuming me since the day he laid hands on Mercy. The memory of her broken and bleeding, the child we created together ripped away from us… it’s a wound that will never heal. And Catalina, the venomous bitch who branded my wife like cattle, who scarred her beautiful skin… I want th
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⊰ 7 ⊱ A Dangerous Game
I lean back in my chair, my eyes fixed on the laptop screen as my fingers fly over the keyboard. The words flow effortlessly, the ideas for my dissertation project taking shape with each passing minute. I’m so engrossed in my work that I almost don’t hear the knock on the door. “Come in!” I call out, my gaze still glued to the screen. The door opens, and I glance up to see Frank standing in the doorway, his expression as stoic as ever. “Ma’am,” he greets me with a nod. “Marcel wants to see you in the conference room.” I tilt my head, curious. It’s not often that Marcel summons me anywhere, especially to the conference room, and certainly not in the middle of the day like this. “Did he say why?” I ask, already making sure my document has auto-saved and closing the laptop. Frank shakes his head. “No, ma’am. Just that he needs you there.” Intrigued, I follow him out of my study and through the halls, my mind racing w
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