All Chapters of My Lycan Mate Rejection  : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
Chapter 41: Protecting the home front
Ansari's povMy eyes were wide open from shock and pain as well.“Get her up!” The cruel old voice of Adolphus seared my hearing. I was dragged to my feet by two strong pairs of hands and I was brought face to face with him. We were standing outside the cells on a high elevated platform. I was looking down at a full gathering of wolves who had come to watch what would happen.My people.He looked at me with cruel hateful eyes, the complete epitome of hate and jealousy.“You really do not learn do you?” He asked.He must think I was the one responsible for the death of the guards and every other person that Darius murdered.I chuckled. The old fool was so sure of himself.“Why did you do this? You know better than trying to escape this place. There is no escape from your crimes. You kaut be punished and you will be punished so why murder your own people? People doing their jobs.” He asked, his voice thick with anger and confusion. But I knew deep down within him he was glad.They had p
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Chapter 42: Daughter's love
Ansari's pov“HOLD HER!!!” Adolphus screamed, but he was not the one being stared at. The guard let go of my hand and backed away. Good. I struggled to my feet and looked down at the crowd. I looked down at my brothers and sisters.I pointed at Adolphus and looked back at them. “Is this who you want to follow? You all know the words, you all fought that night. Instead of Selene, it could be your children, it could have been your mothers, it could have been your wives. That night we all came together and fought, why?” I pointed at my heart and then at the ground. “ Because this is our home, these are our people and I'll be damned if I allow so devil take it away from me. You call yourselves wolves, well now is the time to prove it. Who fights for their home!!!”And there I stood with not a single response from the crowd. I looked from one face to another, looking for a positive response, any response but they all stood there and watched, they all watched me without saying a single wor
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Chapter 43: Never Too Late To Try Something New.
Magnus's povThe smell of the air, the way the population sank into your system and corrupted every single aspect of you, that was what almost defeated me at first and then I saw his face.The feeling in the air was not something that needed an explanation even for the most inexperienced of people. It was evil, pure undiluted evil that had risen from the depths of hell. The evil had come for everything that I had held dear. Daruis's formerly dead body floated in the air with a ghastly-looking smile on its face.“Rise to your feet!!!” He roared and a strange force carried me up in the air. I tried fighting it but I felt like a three-year-old wrestling an adult.“You stand before the one who came and conquered, you stand before the demon lord of old Azareal, you stand before the one reason I haven't killed you already.” He turned around to the opening mass on the wall of the cave. Smoke rushed into our world, black and horrid smoke that almost blinded me. A faint orange glow was visi
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Chapter 44: Friends with a lot of people
Gabriel's povMy legs hurt and the distant feeling of vomit sitting at the back of my throat like some final boss was not helping me on this trek. It has been a good two days since we arrived in Iceland, and the entire company was completely exhausted. I could not vouch for anyone but I could bet that I was the most exhausted one out of the three of us. From time to time I remember a time it had been four of us. An extra one that had been my responsibility to care for, one I had allowed to be corrupted and destroyed.“It's beautiful here,” Selene remarked. I looked around at the scenery here. I left Iceland a long time ago but even in my memories, it had been a place of extraordinary beauty. It was a good thing that it had not changed. “Yes, it truly is,” I replied. It was hard not falling asleep while driving but Magnus was a terrible driver. Selene was completely out of the question. Completely.“So this is Akur…”“Akureyri.” I helped. She rolled her eyes and nodded.“Rolls off t
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Chapter 45: Terrified of you
Selene's pov.I listened to the sound of the rain as it drummed against the hood of the car. It was almost hypnotic. Sleep, sleep, sleep that was all that I wanted right now but it seemed the universe could not grant me that one single wish.“Hey.” My father said but I was not in the mood to reply to him or even look at him for that matter. I turned my face away and looked outside at this whole new strange place. Magnus turned in his sleep and snuggled close to me. I looked down at his handsome young face. Some people had it all in life. A mom, a dad, and a whole extended family. But my… “Selene please talk to me!” My father pleaded. But what was there to talk about? I had had no idea that my mom had been fighting with her illness for so long, that she had been in pain longer than I had been in this world. A sigh escaped my lips. “I'm sorry about everything.” He said and sighed.” I'm sorry for leaving you and your mother, but the thing is …” he ran one hand through his hair, “I wa
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Chapter 46: Ex-convict
Selene's povThe car came to a stop in front of a quiet-looking cabin at the top of a desolate hill. My father stopped the vehicle and stepped out. I stepped out too and so did Magnus.“Is that the place?” I asked. It looked like the place someone who could help with an awoken demon lord would live.“Yes, this is the place.” Replied my father.“Why did we stop over here?” I asked. The cabin was still a good way off and the ground was level enough for us to just drive through.“You'll see why.” My father replied.The place was serene and beautiful. I don't know what exactly I had been expecting to see but this was not it. It was way better than what I had envisioned.The cabin was a simple building, made entirely of wood, like something out of a Vikings movie.My father looked back at me and Magnus. “Wait here.” He said before making his way slowly and cautiously towards the cabin.He walked strangely, looking down at the ground and studying the trees that were around.“What is he doi
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Chapter 47: She's different
Magnus's povI could hardly breathe from how hard I was laughing. Selene had a look of absolute hate on her face. I could tell she was thinking about all the beautiful ways she could skewer us up. I dropped the empty bottle down beside my chair and looked up at the place for the one-thousandth time. It wasn't much but I fancied it. It was somewhere I could see myself living in. Or grandma even. The thought of my grandma threw me into a sober mood. We had to leave Moonstone at a moment's notice, I wasn't even meant to join Gabriel. It was one of those moments, one where you knew you had to make a decision. Watch him leave with the girl I loved and go tell grandma and the entire counsel or help. I was stupid enough to have done the latter. But I haven't talked to Mom for so long. She must be so worried, I sighed miserably and ran my hand through my hair.“You okay Magnus?” Selene's voice drew me out of my sober thoughts. I turned to her and smiled.“Yeah, I'm fine.” My smile must hav
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Chapter 48: Confession
Magnus's pov“I know, I know,” Gabriel said While looking down at his feet.“And what exactly do you need my help with? You really should think properly. You're having problems with Saltos and you run to me for help? What the fuck do you expect me to do?” Gabriel sighed and turned to Selene before turning back to Olivia. “We need help reaching your mother.” Wait we weren't even here for his ex but his ex's mother. I had seen the way his ex had reacted to seeing him talk less of her mother. Olivia looked away from us in a dejected manner. “I can't, she doesn't talk to me anymore.”“Please Olivia, I already know what it is.” he pleaded. I looked around uneasily.“But the end of the world is almost imminent, we need her.”I turned to him out of curiosity now. Who the hell was her mother?“You should know by now that she doesn't care about lesser beings,” Olivia said. She wanted to walk away, I could already tell. “The moon goddess has a responsibility to her people, she has a respon
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Chapter 49: Charmed by his eyes
Ansari's povBlood was everywhere around me, on the pavement, on the houses, and on the poor dead people who had gotten crushed.“Good God,” I whispered. And then the ringing came to my ears, a low but intense high-frequency tone that threatened to destroy my eardrums.“Mum?” Mira called desperately.“Mom, what's wrong?” Her voice was growing very distant and I turned to get away from her.A boulder landed right in front of me and threw me off by several feet. “Arggh!” I groaned out in pain but managed to get to my feet. Why was I panicking this much?...I walked into the empty council building with determination sketched onto my face. I don't even understand the way things go anymore. I woke up this morning feeling happy, we were finally on the good side of something. I even had a new young stud next to me, the old one was beginning to become too much to handle. My daughter had a phone call several minutes later. She had just received a call from her child, my grandchild. Magnus r
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Chapter 50: Old rivalries
Ansari's pov “You alright” I paid no heed to the man as I ran down the corridor.A hand grabbed mine and I was flung into someone's chest.“Shhhh.” The baritone voice said. I knew that voice. I looked up to see Conner looking down at me. “Let me go,” I whispered.“No.” He whispered back. Conner was the only person who knew about what I had become, the only one who saw the true me. I had loved him so much and I still did, but he could never.“Please let me go.” I cried.“I have loved you, and this won't ever change things. Never.” He pulled his collar away from his neck and looked down at me, “ if you being this way would keep you away from me then… make me one too.”“You don't know what you're talking about,” I said.“I do it because I love you.”….I watched as one of the children cried out In pain as the cold dagger tore into his heart. All around us the robbers cheered and laughed. “You see that!!” Their leader yelled into a phone.” if we don't get our money anot
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