All Chapters of The Hunt for Shawna and Trixie: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
327 Chapters
Chapter 151 The Book Of Life part 1
Lennox’s Cave POV: “New York! What the hell is in New York and why would they go there?” Urrale asked as she finished the locator spell. “How am I supposed to know, I didn’t wasn’t trying to help them find two dead people. They didn’t have any idea where they were. They had brought in two more humans who was supposed to help them locate the Doc’s whereabouts. Apparently they were good at locating things that’s hard to find. So, if they are going to New York that means that something there is going to help them find the Pure Pheonix.” Shaid said as the wound on her wrist closed. She still didn’t trust Urrale she tried to remember the words she spoke; she will make sure there wasn’t some hidden spell attached to the location spell. She will try and make a bargain with the other witches to tell her if Urrale stabbed them in the back. “We will go to New York; take the information they need and get the hell out of there and find the girl your looking for.” Urrale sai
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Chapter 152 The Book Of Life part 2.
Lennox's Cave's POV: Lennox turned back to his sister. "Listen, Urrale put a spell on the front exit but she doesn’t know about the secret tunnel below the watering hole you will have to swim through the tunnel to get to the sea below the sea has dangerous currents that will be hard to swim with a baby you will need to shift and fly outta there.” “So, you want me to leave the baby?” “Yes you have no choice, even if he can hold his breath long enough to get to the ocean the current will carry you both away and kill you, even in your dragon form it will be hard.” “NO! I will not leave the baby behind I will find a way to get us both out of here.” “Nix you have to listen to me.” “No Lennox I will not leave him. Do. Not. Ask. That. Of. Me.” Nix said as small sob escaped from her mouth and he knew immediately that his sister will not leave the baby behind not this time. “Fine, when you get out of her do not search for anyone you need to go into hiding go to your cave u
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Chapter 153 The Book Of Life part 3.
Moon Goddess and The Dragon God: “Where is he?” The Dragon God asked as he walked into the Moon Goddess’s Chambers. “One day you will learn to knock before you enter.” “Yea I wouldn’t wait on it I have been doing it for millennia and I don’t see me knocking in the near future. So where is Triton?” The Dragon God answered. “He is on his way to the Mediterranean Sea.” “Do you think he will find the book of life.” “I don’t know, we can only hope he doesn’t find it.” “But what are we going to do if he does? He will come back here probably with an army to get the keys.” The Dragon God asked. He didn’t want to have to deal with the Ocean God when his dragons are in the midst of a battle. “Even if he does bring his army he still won’t be able to find the keys. Did you do what I told you to do with them?” “Yes I did, but do you think it will work. You don’t think he will figure out what we did with them?” “We can only hope that I was smarter than an Ocean God, and that my o
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Chapter 154 What in the fresh hell is this?
Outside the Underground city's POV: “Uh I hate to break up this family reunion, but we need to leave. That grenade only blocked this exit, I’m pretty sure there is more exits and the Doc is gathering more of his men aand arming them with weapons to hunt us down. We need to leave and get some distance between us and them. First things first can anybody tell us where the hell we are?” Trixie asked. They all looked around and see nothing but a dark forest in front of them. “How can a forest look so dark when it’s a hot sunny day.” Shawna asked not liking the looks of that forest. She hoped that they would decide to go around it and not in it. “I don’t know but that is where we need to go, there is a lot of places to hide in there.” Trixie said, and started to walk towards the forest. “Really, you just had to pick the one thing I didn’t wanna do. We leaving one monster to walk right into a forest with a whole bunch of monsters.” Shawna said, shaking her head. “I’m not s
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Chapter 155 Do I look like Spiderman to you?
Dering wood's POV: “Bitch do you see what the hell was that hole? Because I sure did, it was people. This is a scary movie in real life and how many black people scary movies have you seen? Exactly, do you know why? I’ll tell you why. because when we see shit like this we know to get the hell outta there no questions asked. We don’t go deeper into the scary forest, we get the hell out of the scary forest. The End, I swear sometimes it’s like I don’t even know you. You see a hole full of dead bodies and you want to go towards the monster. Who the fuck does that? I don't know who, but I know who the fuck doesn't do that damn shit, me that's who.” Shawna said mumbling to herself as she push the kids in the direction back to the opening where they came from. “Shawna wait, we can’t go back there. If we go back you will never see your boys again. Didn't you tell the doc you would rather die out here free, then to be a prisoner in there.” “Bitch did you see the same hole
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Chapter 156 Do I look like Spiderman to you? continued
Dering woods POV: continued "Oh man that's crazy, we were there for weeks and not once did Balze mentioned he was Mina's mate. He had a whole girlfriend, I wonder how she took that? I hope she wasn't bat shit crazy like that dumb ass Summer." Shawna said, realizing she missed a lot while she was being held prisoner. "Oh she didn't take that shit well at all. She tried to kill Mina, so I put a knife through that bitch mouth." Trixie said, casually. "WHAT! so you killed the damn girl." Shawna said, in disbelief. Shawna was smiling as her and Trixie gossiped it kinda took her mind of the dangerous monster in the woods at least for a minute. "Oh and I forget to tell you, when they went back home to rescue Mina, they found out that O was a fucking mermaid this whole time." Trixie said, excitedly. She wasn't with them when they found that out, but it shocked the shit out of her like it was doing Shawna whose mouth was opened in shock. "Get the fuck outta here, I missed a lotta
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Chapter 157 Manhattan New York
Manhattan New York: Urrale, Summer, Shaid, Lennox, and The White Tiger: “So how will we find the wolves? This city is crawling with humans. There is no way we will be able to find them in this place.” The White Tiger said, as a man walked by and looked at him suggestively. “What the hell are you looking at human? I will snap your neck like a tig.” The White Tiger growled out at the man. “Hey, you have to remember you are in a woman’s body so men will look. Stop threatening them, we don’t need to draw any attention to ourselves. Finding them will be easy, we have two pack members that should be able to sense their packs connections. I will drop the shield and they will use their connection to the pack to find out exactly where they are. ” Urrale said, as she limped down the busy streets of New York. “No, you can’t do that, if you drop the shield Shadow will also know that I'm here. He will come after me, he thinks I’ve been kidnapped, so if he senses me here, he bri
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Chapter 158 Manhattan New York. continued
Urrale, Summer, Shaid, Lennox, and The White Tiger: “Oh,please stop your whining. You know, I liked you better when you were under my control, you were less emotional. I will make sure no one knows you’re the one helping us. All you have to do is take the potion that will allow you to take the form of the person whose DNA is inside this vial. Lucky for you I have one that has Maria’s DNA in it.” Urrale said, with a look of sadness on her face, she truly missed her friend. “Oh god I hate that potion, the transformation is a killer and transforming back to yourself is like you're being stabbed repeatedly while your violently throwing up like you were drunk the night before.” Shaid said, with a look of disgust. She had only used that potion once and refused to ever take it again. “You either drink the potion or go as you are, it doesn’t matter to me either way.” Urrale said holding the green vial up for Shaid to take. Shaid snatched it from her knowing this was her o
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Chapter 159 The Mission Begins!
Thirty minutes earlier: New York: Manhattan: In the Jet: “Alright folks it’s time to get off and get this show on the road. We have three SUV’s waiting outside everyone knows what team they are on and what we need to do. The first team will go out and canvas the area make sure it is safe for us to head to the SUV’s.” The Alpha said as five warriors unlatched the jet’s door and hopped out. The girls went to the back and grabbed the babies, they hugged each of them kissing their cheeks and tickling their neck until they giggled. They hated leaving them on the Jet but this was the safest place for them. No one knew they were on the Jet, plus they had a bunch of bad ass werewolves and a Fae Queen watching over them. “Alpha do you think it is wise for young Charms to be going on this mission with you? She is just so tiny and young and this could be dangerous. You don’t think it’s best that she stays her with the rest of the children?” The Fae Queen asked as she walked
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Chapter 160 The Mission begins: Continued
In the Jet: continued Hearing her say she doesn’t care about herself but only her daughter that made him think again about Charm’s father. She nor Charms have mentioned him at all. “Who is Charm’s father?” Taji asked, not even caring that it wasn’t any of his business. Lucky seemed shocked by his sudden question, opening and closing her mouth as if searching for an answer. Does she not know who her daughter’s father is, what type of woman didn’t know who she gave her body to. He thought angrily or was it jealousy. “He’s dead, her father died before I gave birth.” Lucky said, finally. Taji looked at her as she turned to look out the window. His eyes narrowed, wondering if she was lying or not. He had a sneaky feeling that she was lying to him. He was about to ask her if she were, when the jet doors opened suddenly and the alpha’s men boarded the jet escorting three women with them. “Trista.” Taji said in disbelief. Lucky quickly sat up and looked behind her at the thr
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