All Chapters of I'm The Billionaire's Soulmate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
202 Chapters
Chapter 101
DAMIEN"How could you make such a mistake?" "I don't just know." I cried my eyes out. My best friend consoled me. She was the only true friend that I made since I came to Vegas. I got pregnant for President Flores but I knew that he wouldn't accept the pregnancy so I decided to push it to Damien over a one-night stand. That was my main aim of visiting his office. There was no way he wouldn't cater to the child. At least I would be collecting enough money from him till I must have established myself. "Now what do you intend to do?" "I don't know. I have lost the pregnancy and I need to try again.""Jasmine, I will advise you not to do that again. This time around, Damien will be very careful after seeing you bleed. I am sure he knows that his father is responsible." "I doubt. He might not even reason at that level. I would apologize to him for coming to him while on my period."My friend looked at me and chuckled. "Damien can't be fooled." "So what are you suggesting?" "Nothin
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Chapter 102
DAMIEN"Pregnant? You mean Jasmine is pregnant?" He asked with so much enthusiasm. His face was neutral so I couldn't dictate if he was happy or sad. "How did you find out?" I don't know if I should tell him what happened in my office. He might think that I have something to do with her. "Damien, I am listening. Did she tell you or you heard it from someone?" "Her friend called me and told me." "Hmm, but she never mentioned it to me. We were supposed to meet today but she told me that she was on her period, so how come she is pregnant? Jasmine I know will not make such a mistake." I stared at him for a while in shock. "You are even vouching for her. If she can't make the mistake, then why will you make a mistake to release inside her?" My father looked at me in disgust, "Are you asking me that? This is not my first time. I am always careful. I never released inside of her and she knows it." "Maybe you weren't too cautious." "I don't believe you. That friend of hers that gave
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Chapter 103
DAMIENI can't remember inviting someone into my house and I can remember that I told my gatekeeper not to allow anyone to step foot into my house, so what is this man doing here?"Young man, any problem?" The young man smiled, with his legs crossed. No respect to show that he was in my house. He couldn't even stand to acknowledge my presence. "Damien, I am here to see you." "See me?" I sat down quietly on the sofa, he adjusted on his chair and was about to speak when he got a call. "Excuse me," he said. He screamed and began to rush out. "What's the problem?" He didn't respond to me and ran out of the living room. The way he drove out was very alarming, raising dust everywhere. I was very shocked and wondered what could have happened to him. I have never seen such in my entire life. The way I startled when he screamed could send me to an early grave. Clara came out to meet me in the living room, I was standing close to the window. "Damien, what happened? Why did you scream?
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Chapter 104
SANDRAIt's been a month and a lot has been happening around me. I have almost lost my senses. I have been sick for a while now and I can't tell what has been wrong with me. I have prescribed a lot of drugs for myself but it's not getting any better. My mother keeps telling me that it is because of what I went through at the hands of my kidnapper, that is why I am down, coupled with shock. But it is getting out of hand already. Maybe when I get to the clinic, I will run some tests. I had to carry myself and start preparing for work. I have also lost my appetite. When I wore my clothes, I noticed that I was a little emaciated. I got down the stairs and met my mother eating her breakfast. "Hey hun, won't you join me at the table?" "No Mom, I am late for work," I said, wearing my wristwatch. She walked up to me and touched my neck with the back of her palms. "You are seriously running temperature and you look somewhat emaciated," she said, turning me around. "Mother please, I
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Chapter 105
SANDRA When I read it, my eyes were so open that it felt like falling off. "What! Pregnant?" I felt like my head was spinning round and round. The entire room looked somehow blurry. Who could be responsible? I can remember waking up in the Mayor's house, in a very beautiful room and Chris was lying beside me. Could he be the owner or Armando? What a big problem I have gotten myself into. What do I tell my mother? How will my staff see me? Nobody will believe that I am a decent lady. Now that the scientist is aware, I am sure that her mouth will not be sealed, it must run like a tap. Oh my God! This is too much for me to bear. I am not sure that I can handle this. I placed a call on the scientist. "Hello, ma'am." "Please come right away." When she arrived, I threw the paper at her. "What's the meaning of this?" "Ma?" "You made a mistake and I will get you fired for making such a silly mistake. How can you collect my blood sample and tell me that I am three weeks gone, are y
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Chapter 106
SANDRA Am I dreaming? I slapped my cheek to be sure that I was fine. I dipped the second one and it came out the same. I rushed and brought out the packet, I continued till the fifth one and it was the same. I decided to take a lot of water and also eat my dinner. Maybe it will help to regulate but the seventh one came out positive. I locked my room door, lay on my bed, and wept. My pillow was soaked because I was thrown into confusion. I don't know what to do and I can't believe that I made this mistake. The only option left for me was to evacuate the pregnancy. I can't keep it because how do I start? How do I face shame? Whoever knows the reason why I fired my staff, will mock me when they start seeing the baby bump. "Nooo!!!!" I screamed, crying seriously. I was very free to cry because nobody could hear me, my room was bulletproofed so I had my privacy. A lot was speaking to me. Another thing told me to keep the pregnancy and hook it on Armando. If these things didn't ha
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Chapter 107
SANDRA I believe everything Chris said to me. I had to believe that the child I was carrying was that of Armando and I needed to let him know. When will the president lift the curfew? I have lost his contact number and I need to reach him now that it is still early, so that if he rejects it, then I can now know what to do next. A patient was brought into my office and that was the first person I attended to. "You are welcome." "Thank you, Doctor. I have a complaint." I nodded my head and pulled out my drawer to get my pen but I couldn't find it. I had to scatter my bag and eventually, a card fell out of my bag. My eyes were wide open, that was Armando's complimentary card. I felt happiness sweep all over me. I composed myself before the patient and decided to take down all the complaints. I had to make sure I focused on the patient in order not to allow my joy to carry away my mind. I couldn't wait for the consultation to come to an end. After the patient left, I told my assi
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Chapter 108
CHRIS"Do not walk out on me!" I paused immediately, with my hands in my pocket, I turned around and faced my father. "Dad, why are you being this difficult? I can't keep on forcing her. I never had interest in her, you are the one pushing me into this." "That lady has potential, son." "For crying out loud! This is what you have been saying. She has potentials, she has potentials, and I have asked you what the potentials are but you haven't answered me." "Can't you look inward and see it?" I shook my head because my father was just making things difficult for me. I feel terrible for forcing a lady to marry me. Not that I love her. "Father, if eventually she yields to my pressure, just know that we are going to have problems in the marriage because we don't fit each other." "Don't say that. You both can still love each other as time goes on." I chuckled. I never believed what he was saying to me. I walked out of my house and went to the bar to join my friend. "Chris, you arr
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Chapter 109
CHRIS"Chris, what's the matter? You sounded so disturbed over the phone." I held his wrist, "Follow me," I took him to the veranda. "Please sit." We sat down on the wooden chair. "Chris, I ask you again, what is the matter?" I sniffed, "Joanna is back." Henry was startled, he adjusted on the chair and looked around. "You mean, she is around?"I nodded my head, "she is right inside, although still sleeping." "Hmm, this is a big issue. What are your plans?" "Henry, I am so confused right now. I couldn't even sleep. She asked me to make love to her but I refused." "She will suspect easily." "Joanna believes that I worked tirelessly yesterday and she didn't disturb me. She is planning on visiting my father today." "Huh? You have to stop her." "That is the issue." There was silence because we both knew what was actually at stake. Henry snapped his finger against his thumb. "What is it?" I asked him. "Maybe you can tell your father that she is pregnant and carrying your child
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Chapter 110
SANDRAIt's been two weeks since I started communicating with Armando and it seems this curfew won't end soon. What do I do now? I don't know if I should inform my mother about this pregnancy before it becomes obvious. On the other hand, I would love to inform Armando about this because I can't keep on hiding it to myself. I need him to also take responsibility. Who do I confide in? I need to talk to someone before I make a mistake. I began to ask myself a series of questions. What if he gets offended? How am I going to handle it? I should say this now before the fetus begins to grow big and by then, I will be left with no option but to carry it. Oh shit! This was never the plan. I picked up my phone but I couldn't even have the courage to dial his number. What the heck is all this? If not for the curfew, I don't think this would have been an issue. I need to see him instead of talking with him over the phone. I concluded that I would have to meet with Damien and at least let
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