All Chapters of REJECTED BY MY PACK ALPHA : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
79 Chapters
chapter 51
Alpha Jude heard a car drive in, Ava would not be back from work this early, so that could only mean one thing. He had a visitor and one he was not expecting as well.Curious as to who it was, alpha Jude left his desk and trudged to the window, he could see the entire front yard from the window so he had a clear view of the white SUV that was parked in his driveway.He waited patiently for whoever it was to alight, and a surprised look spread on his face when he saw who it was.Bold of her to come here, he thought as she walked towards the house, she looked professional, more professional than he had ever seen her look, and she had the sternest expression on her face. Anything to command some extra respect and power, he thought as he watched her sashay into the house. With a sigh, alpha Jude walked back to his desk, mentally preparing himself for the exhaustion that came with talking to her.He was still angry, furious at her for making his hard work go to waste because she could no
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chapter 52
Sighing as he walked into the house, Alpha Damon flung his jacket on the couch and watched a maid scramble to get it, taking his tie off carelessly and giving it the same fate as his jacket.Not only was he just physically exhausted, he was mentally so too. The aroma of deliciousness filled his nostrils, making his mouth water. Maybe having a meal before he freshened up was not so much of a bad idea, he thought as he walked towards the dining table.Princess was already seated with her back to him, she muttered a welcome, and he replied with a thank you as he walked to his usual spot.The table was silent as they both focused on feeding their selves. He was grateful that Princess's usual bubbly and talkative self was quiet today because all he wanted was to eat and have a good night of rest.He could feel her eyes on him, but he ignored them, staring back at her would only provoke questions, questions that she probably would not give him any answers to. “We never finished our conver
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chapter 53
Princess smiled when she heard his heavy footsteps against the wooden floor, his weary sigh gave her a pump. She had him just where and how she wanted him.Tired and weak, too burnt out to argue or turn her down, all she had to do was time him, say the right words, execute her best facial expressions, and get this over with, alpha Jude would be proud of her.She heard him pause at the door of the stairs, obviously contemplating what to do next, she had ordered the chefs to make their finest meal and put in their very best.A smile stretched her lips when she heard him walk towards the dining area. Well, guess the chefs did good, was all she thought, good enough to draw him here with just the aroma of their cooking.He just broke his routine of taking a shower and freshening up immediately after work. “Welcome,” she said, not too enthusiastically, and kept a straight face when he muttered a “Thank You”.He sounded too tired, she would have to give him some time and space to recuperate,
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chapter 54
The lake was calm, and the moonlight bounced off the surface of it, tall trees surrounded it, their reflection making dark sketchy designs on it. Crickets called in the dark and owls hooted, the flapping sound of wings and the cool breeze swooshing against the leaves blended to form a melody.He had never seen anything more serene in his entire life. For a moment he forgot his anguish, the pain and the anger inside of him quenched for a burning second of admiration as he took in his surroundings. His breath slowly steadied, and he sighed in relief, his raggedy pants silencing into even ones. This was all he needed to heal, nature. “Ava” he muttered into the darkness, never in a million years, would he have imagined her to do this to him. She seemed so pure, so innocent, so incapable of doing any wrong.Perhaps he had been in too much of a hurry to judge the book by its cover. He should have looked deeper down, and seen her content. Even using that to judge her would have been harde
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chapter 55
Ava sluggishly walked into the office, she had had little to no sleep the previous night, and it was telling on her greatly. She rubbed her eyes and yawned sleepily, holding on to the rails on the stairs to steady herself. There was a strange energy in the air, but she shook it off and walked into her office.Collapsing on her seat, she rested her head on the desk and took slow deep breaths. Stress did it look so good on her.She had spent all the previous night at her and Mika's favorite spot, it was just the breath of fresh air she had needed.That was where she had seen him, alpha Damon, she wondered how he had found their spot and most importantly, why he was out there until such an ungodly hour of the night. Yes, she had taken a secret drive down to West Wood, but in her defense, all she wanted was the serenity that only that lakeside gave her.And so she had snuck out of the house and driven down to get what she wanted, serenity. To think straight without any form of distracti
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chapter 56
Alpha Damon waited about twenty minutes after she got in for her to settle in before he sent for her. He wanted to barge into her office, hold her by the shoulders, look into her eyes, and ask her if everything Princess told him was true. But he could not, he did not want it to go that way. He wanted this to be as peaceful and civil as it could be. So he sent his secretary to get her.The whole time he practiced controlling his anger, he was expecting every and anything. He would hate to spiral out of control mid-conversation.Leaning his head on his desk, he waited for her rather impatiently, glancing at his wristwatch every second he got and staring at the door for when she would knock. The sound of light footsteps approached his door there was a brief halt, followed by a small knock, and he sat upright, she was here. He could feel her, he could already smell her. Muttering a small come in, he braced himself for the sight of her. The door pushed forward, and she walked in, paus
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chapter 57
Ava could feel her heart pound in her chest, what was he up to? What was he about to ask her? She had no idea, but she had a hunch, one she chose not to believe, there was no way he would have found out. Only Alpha Jude and Mika knew about it for now, and Alpha Jude’s ego was too big for him to want to disclose something of that nature to him. His gaze was not the usual soft and lovely one he always had for her, it was a rather fierce and angry one. A look even she was not familiar with, one that reminded her a lot of the alpha Damon from high school days.Her hands trembled slightly, and she fidgeted with them on her thigh. His gaze on her was hard, she could feel it without even looking up at him.“Okay,” she finally mustered up enough courage to answer him. “Are you pregnant?” He did not stutter, did not hesitate, did not ask like he just had a hunch, he asked like he knew what the answer to that was, like he just wanted her to confirm something he was aware of.She was stunned
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chapter 58
Ava stormed out of the room, her anger, and frustration boiling over. She couldn't believe the nerve of Alpha Damon, accusing her of being a whore and a gold digger. She felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.As she marched back to her office, she couldn't help but soliloquize. “How dare he? After everything I've done for him, he has the audacity to speak to me like that?” She slammed the door behind her and paced back and forth, trying to calm herself down. Her mind raced with thoughts of anger, hurt, and betrayal.She thought about all the times in high school when he was such a callous, selfish, and irresponsible man. She still gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was a changed person but there he was, showcasing what he knew how to do best. “Calling me a gold digger.” She thought as she slowly brought herself to a halt. Was this how he was going to repay her? By accusing her of being a gold dig
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chapter 59
Alpha Damon sat gently back on his seat as he tried to stop himself from going after Ava as she walked out angrily on him. “How dare her walk out on me?” He asked himself as he felt rage coursing through his veins as he thought of what had just happened between him and his supposed mate. His mind wandered off to what happened yesterday when he returned home and Princess showed him the photo of her and the other man that she was with. He tried to kill the thought, but it kept recurring in her mind as he could not stop himself from thinking about it.“Was it better not to have seen the photo at all? Talk more of hearing that she is pregnant for that strange guy.” He thought as he slowly brought his palm to wipe his face, heaving a sigh of frustration. “But, haven't I tried enough? Changing my ways just to get her to stay loyal, but she ended up fucking a stranger. And not just that, she had the guts to get pregnant for her.” He questioned himself as he took a deep breath to calm his rac
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chapter 60
The morning came longer than expected as princess rose from the bed. She sat up on the bed, heaving a sigh as she looked around the room as if she were looking for something in particular. She yawned, stretching out her arms and just then, she began to recall what went on the previous night when she told alpha Damon about Ava's extra affairs and her pregnancy. “That should keep him off her for a while and perhaps give me the opportunity to get back into his heart.” She wondered, yawning again as she slowly smirked. Suddenly, she caught a scent, and it was no other person than alpha Damon.“I don't want to see him nor talk to him this morning.” She whispered to herself and quickly laid back on the bed, covering up herself with the duvet. The way she laid, no one would not believe that she was not asleep. She heard footsteps approaching louder, and she stayed still, inhaling and exhaling like a sleeping person would do. Just then, the door opened slightly and she felt the presence of Al
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