All Chapters of Out of the Blue: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
248 Chapters
Chapter 91
Mihir's POV "Forget about others, do you like having a constant reminder that she is still between both of you? She is happily married to Shlok, why should he linger on?? " He said. " Dad, you are absolutely right in thinking that. It is wrong to keep her pictures in our room since she is married to Shlok Jiju and they would not like it. But why do you think he has still kept those pictures in our room? Do you think that he is missing her? No!! He has accepted the fact that she has gone forever. He has kept them there to remind him as well as me that she is there between us, as he is not ready to start a new relationship on rebound. Dad, please forgive him. He married me as he didn't want to give you any stress. But he is really stressed about it. I love him but he doesn't have any feelings for me. For him, I am still his ex-fiance's younger sister. So please don't expect him to switch off his feelings for her and start a relationship with me immediately. " She said. She said all
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Chapter 92
Mihir's POV I was shocked to hear her reply. She was so mature. Even my closest friends and family did not understand what was I feeling, but she guessed everything right as if she could read my mind. She could read minds?? I went to take a round and then went back to the room. Dad was drowsing by now, Dad’s condition had stabilized further. Vihan informed us that he was responding well to treatment, but the road to recovery would be long. As we sat beside him, I looked at her but did not know what to say as she was not even looking at me. " Tami... Thanks..." " What for? " She asked. " Er... umm... If you had not brought him here in time..." I tried, but my pride did not let me frame the sentence. She took my hand in hers. “ Don't worry, he will be fine, soon We’ll get through this,” she said softly.It was a gesture of comfort and solidarity, and I held it tightly and nodded. I just nodded, unable to find the right words. But in this moment of shared grief, there was a g
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Chapter 93
Tami's POV I got up immediately as soon as I saw Mihir entering the room. The overnight vigil had been long, and I was eager to head home to make breakfast for Mihir's Dad."Great, now that you are here, I will go home. Dad has to have his breakfast at 8:30 AM. I will be back before that." I said, grabbing my bag. Just as I was about to leave, Dr. Rajvanshi walked in. "Well, if you are going to make breakfast, please make some extra for me as well." He said with a grin.I nodded with a smile and walked out. I couldn't help but feel a bit of warmth at his request. It was nice to be appreciated.Once home, I hurriedly prepared breakfast, thinking about Mihir and his father. I hoped everything was okay. Though our marriage was a practical arrangement, but it didn’t mean I didn’t care. In fact, I wished that Mihir would open up more. His stoic nature made it hard to know what he was really thinking.I packed the tiffins and rushed back to the hospital. When I walked in, Mihir stood up f
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Chapter 94
Tami's POV The morning passed in a blur of routine checks and quiet conversations. Dad seemed to be improving, and his spirits were high. I stayed busy, making sure he was comfortable and eating well.“Dad, I applied for the internship here as yesterday was the last day to apply. My internship will start soon,” I said, hoping to share some good news.“That’s great, beta. Mihir, you must join back, then you both can work together,” Dad said with a smile.“Dad, I have already resigned. I will work with Shah Jewels,” Mihir said.“But you are such a qualified and excellent neurosurgeon. Why do you want to join the office? You can join the business on paper and work on and off while you can practice here,” Dad said.“I can’t work here anymore, Dad.”“Fine! As you wish,” Dad shrugged.Around noon, Parshav popped back in, a mischievous grin on his face. “So, what’s for lunch?” he asked. I couldn't help but chuckle at his timing.“Well, you’re just in time. I brought some extra for lunch too
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Chapter 95
Tami's POV At the hospital, all the new intern doctors and dieticians gathered in the auditorium. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air as we awaited our first assignments. We were to be paired with mentors from different departments, and the process was designed to be fair and unbiased: names were drawn from a bowl.Among the senior doctors present were Vihan, Parshav, Siddh, Roohi, Chachu, and Vikram uncle. Sri and I were open to working with any of them, but I could sense the nervousness among my fellow interns. Sagrika, my friend, seemed calm. She knew most of the senior doctors too, except for Parshav.Just then, the doors opened and Mihir walked in, accompanied by my father. My heart skipped a beat. What was he doing here? Was he planning to join back? We all got attentive in our seats just as the assignment process began. The names of the intern doctors and dieticians were put in a bowl. One by one, the senior doctors came forward to draw three chits each. Th
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Chapter 96
Tami's POV He didn't say anything but Dad grinned. “That’s great! You’ll do amazing, Tami. That young man seems to be pretty good. It's good that you already know each other so well. ” he said, I nodded and looked at Mihir through my eyelashes. He was still annoyed. But why?? Was he annoyed with Parshav? He seemed to flinch at the mere mention of his name. But why? Was he ... jealous? No, what absurd... He wanted a divorce, why would he be jealous of my friend? ****As I left the hospital that evening, I reflected on how much had changed in such a short time. Despite the challenges, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I was here to help others, just as I had always dreamed. And with my family’s support, I knew I could face whatever came my way.The next week was a whirlwind. Dad wanted to get discharged from the hospital but since Mom was still in Surat, my Dad and Vikram uncle insisted that he stay at the hospital. Each day brought new patients and new challenges. With Parshav
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Chapter 97
Tami's POV I was about to fall when someone caught me but I eventually fell with whoever it was who tried to save me. We fell on the floor with me on top of him. I realized a pair of strong arms around me, those arms were creating some kind of sensation in my body. They were holding me to his body and I felt a current running through my blood. What the hell!! I tried to get out of them immediately. So pushed the person on his chest to get away from him. I was shocked to see that it was Mihir, his eyes were closed and he was groaning. " I am sorry, please get up, please say that you are fine. " I said and tried to get him up. He got up and steadied himself. " What was the problem? Why were you running as if you were running for your dear life? " He scolded me, getting annoyed, for running like that. " Sorry, Dad called and asked me to come, he also said that it was an emergency. I was scared that he was not feeling well. " I explained while he was rubbing his forehead. Strange,
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Chapter 98
Tami's POV The sunlight was falling on me and I stirred, my eyelashes fluttering as I slowly woke up. I blinked a few times, my eyes adjusting to the light, and then looked up at Mihir. For a heartbeat, we just stared at each other, the world outside our little bubble seeming to fade away. I realized that I was sleeping in his arms. "Good morning," I said softly, my voice still husky from sleep. I glanced at Mihir, then away, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Why did waking up in his arms feel so natural yet so awkward?"Good morning," he replied, his voice steady but with an undertone of something I couldn’t quite place. His presence, so close and intimate, made my heart pound."Mihir? What... where are we?" I asked, still trying to make sense of my surroundings."In your dad's cabin. He insisted we stay here since it was late," he explained."Oh," I said, sitting up and running a hand through my hair. "I must have fallen asleep.""You did. You were exhausted," he said,
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Chapter 99
Tami's POVEverything was going fine and Mihir's behaviour had become better if not absolutely normal. I was going to my department when I heard Gauravi's voice. I turned to see that Gaurvi and Shlok Jiju were coming my way. They smiled as soon as they saw me. I greeted Jiju and he hugged me lightly. " Hey!! When did you both come back from your honeymoon? " I asked. " Last night, and we came to have the first scan. " She said. " Oh, okay! All the best. " I said. " Hmmm thanks, Shlok, I am feeling hungry and I am craving to have my favorite pasta here at the hospital cafeteria. Let's go, today I will treat both of you to my favorite pasta. " She said. Pulling us to the cafeteria. We went there and occupied one table. " I am so excited to see if our little peanuts are as pretty as her mom or are going to be as charming as me. " " Peanuts?? " I asked. " Yes, peanuts... Plural in numbers. We are going to have twins. " " Wow!!! " I said with excitement. " It is too long before
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Chapter 100
Mihir's POVThree weeks later...I was working in my office when my advocate, Mr. Mehta, barged in without even knocking. He looked frantic, his usually calm demeanor replaced with palpable anxiety."What have you done, Mr. Shah? I told you not to do it! You've spoiled everything. I'm sorry, but your impulsive action will cost you a lot more than you expected," he said, almost breathlessly."Calm down! What happened?" I asked, my irritation barely masking my growing concern."Your divorce papers have already been filed," he said, and I was shocked."What? How? When and why?" I asked, the words tumbling out of my mouth without me even realizing it."They were filed today. Their advocate filed them and informed me since I had prepared the papers."But why didn't she say anything before doing it? Why would she, after everything you did? How could you do and say all that? My inner voice retorted immediately."Oh... okay... well, if it is already done, what can I do about it? Tell me what
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