All Chapters of The Rogue Alpha Kai: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
113 Chapters
Chapter 81
Kai:“What do you mean that they killed the men and you didn’t…?”“You couldn’t expect me to call you amidst the fuss that was happening, Kai. The man was out there, waiting for me to do so. If I made ONE wrong move, then I was going to end up…”“I was going to be able to get you out of there, Irina. What do you mean by allowing him to put you in such a pinpoint? The man could have killed you and you wouldn’t have…”“I would have fought him off, but he was putting me in a threatening position. Not only were we in a supermarket, but the number of people around would have caused a stir. Not to mention the fact that it was something that he wanted.” Irina said, stopping me. “Look, I understand your anger and I know that you are worried, but this is what he wanted me to do. The man had the audacity to threaten me about telling you about the poison.”“And what did you tell him?” I asked, calming down a bit as I looked at my mate whose eyes, despite holding fear, held more strength than men
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Chapter 82
Irina:“You are going to need to keep stirring gently.” I said, looking at the maid who was helping me. “I don’t want it to burn. This is something that needs you to be very gentle. The ingredients have already blended with one another; you just need to keep stirring until the batter has thickened enough before you put it on top of the potatoes.”“Then we add the ground beef?” One of the maids asked, trying to learn with me. I nodded and smiled.“Yes, but before adding the ground beef, you are going to need to add the cheese first. This can be excluded though; it just depends on your preference.” I said, and she nodded. I turned off the fire and nodded at the woman to remove the pot from the fire.I watched as they followed the instructions that I gave them before my phone rang. It was Kai. I smiled and looked at the phone, thankful for the fact that he was calling me, letting me know that he got there.“I reached the demon’s den,” he said, making me laugh.“You can say that again,” I
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Chapter 83
Kai:“Do you really believe that we are going to be submitting to the bullshit that you want to pull?” I asked, looking at Cosimo who frowned.I didn’t know what was going on in the pack, and I knew that I was going to need to check on Irina when I went back, but right now, I was going to have to stand strong. The man wasn’t going to know that I was oblivious to who she was and what she can do.“You are going to end up drowning in so many different games that YOU cannot handle, Kai. The woman is not who you think she is, and she is not going to be as loyal as you want her to be when she gains the strength that she wants and she is destined to have.” Cosimo said, and I nodded.“As if that would be any different to me. As far as I remember, you were not the best father to me, nor were you the best role model to what loyalty is supposed to be. I doubt that you would expect me to believe that anyone else would be?” I asked, and he frowned.“Do you really want to compare me to the woman? A
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Chapter 84
Irina:I woke up to Kai running his finger over my shoulder, gently massaging it.My heart raced, and I gasped as if taking a breath for the first time, and I couldn’t help but find myself shaking, trying to process what the fuck happened to me. I couldn’t find the explanation to it, but whatever it was, I knew that Cosimo must have had something to do with it.“Easy, baby girl.” Kai said, and I frowned, shaking my head as I tried to snap myself out of the daze that I fell into. I didn’t even understand what was going on, nor did I know how I was going to explain things to him, especially when even I didn’t know what happened.“They died, Kai. He sent men…”“I know, baby.” He said, stopping me. “We are going to talk about that later, but right now, you are going to have to calm down. And you are going to need to rest. You’ve been through a lot as it is and I don’t want you stressing yourself more than you should right now.”“I am scared,” I said, and he wrapped his arms around me, pul
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Chapter 85
Kai:“What are you going to do from here?” Diego asked, and I shook my head. I didn’t know what I was going to do. But I knew one thing, things were going to change from here, and I didn’t know where they would take us. All I knew was the fact that they weren’t going to take us anywhere that was good.“I am going to see what Irina says about this first. Her and Lea are going to talk, then…”“You are lying,” I heard Irina snap. I looked away from Diego for a moment, and Ezra smirked, shaking his head.“And the fight between sisters begins.” He said, taking a step forward. “You two brothers can talk, I’ll go and prevent any bloodshed.”The man walked inside, leaving me and Diego alone in the room. “Does your mother know about me being a…?”“I take it that you are accepting who you are, finally?” Diego asked, raising an eyebrow at me.“I don’t have another choice, do I?” I asked, keeping my eyes at the door where I could hear Irina’s racing heartbeat. My wolf grew alert, and it was takin
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Chapter 86
Irina:I woke up to Kai getting out of bed.I didn’t even know when I slept or how, but I could guess that it happened out of exhaustion. And that idea alone was one that I didn’t like. I wasn’t a fan of sleeping being exhausted. I often woke up with a headache when that happened. And considering that I was crying before that, I knew that it wasn’t going to be the best combination.“I know that you’re awake, malyshka.” He said, knowing that I wasn’t going to talk to him. I turned around, giving him my back as I held onto the blanket.My chest ached, and for the first time in my life, I felt smaller than I ever had. I didn’t even know the truth about myself, and the fact that I knew that not only was I being used, but that the people who were using me might not even be who I thought they were.Kai sat on the edge of the bed, wanting to touch me, but I flinched. I could imagine him frowning at that and the hesitation that I knew he would be having right now was one that I could picture.
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Chapter 87
Kai:“Are you okay, baby girl?” I asked, my voice softening as I looked at Irina.She looked up at me and shook her head, avoiding my eyes. Her heart was racing, and I knew that she was in pain, but I knew that she didn’t want to talk to me.“I need to get up from bed. I am going to need to go and take a shower.” She said, and I nodded.I watched as she got up from bed and wiped her eyes. She was in tears, but she wouldn’t look at me. It was something that was hurting me, but I knew that I couldn’t do anything about it. Until I found her mother, I knew that I wasn’t going to rest. She wasn’t going to either.My phone rang, and I knew that it was Viktor who was calling me. No one was going to call me at this time except him. And I knew the reason behind his call.“Tell me that you have good news for me, because right now, I feel like I am going to have my…”“We found her,” he said, taking me off guard. I straightened, and looked at the door. The water was running in the bathroom, and I
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Chapter 88
Irina:“Can I come in?” Lea asked, taking me off guard as she stood by the door.She didn’t say a word for a while, and I shook my head in question, waiting to hear what she was going to tell me. She knew very well that I didn’t want to see her, and the idea of her being in front of me wasn’t one that I wanted to deal with. The woman has done enough damage as it was, and I knew that she wasn’t dumb, even she knew that.“Are you coming to talk to me about the nonsense that you told me about the other day? If that is the case, please, spare the two of us the fuss of it. I have other things to take care of, and the last thing that I want to deal with is you.” I said, and she took a deep breath.“Do you think that it is easy for me, Irina? To know that I had a sister that I didn’t know of, and to know that she hates my gut…”“Then as long as you know, you can leave. The last thing that I am going to want or need is another problem to deal with. I have enough on my plate as it is.” I said,
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Chapter 89
Kai:“Are you sure that she’s here, Viktor?” I asked, looking around the place that was filled with both roaches and rats.The smell of piss, shit, and vomit filled the air around us, and I could swear that there was no other living creature within the walls of this place. It seemed to have been abandoned for a very long time by now.“The men say that they saw Cosimo coming in and out of this place more than once. It is the one place that he keeps visiting and has literally no one else inside. It is our best shot…” I let out a low growl as I took sight of something moving in the distance. The creature, whatever it was, neither moved nor reacted. Its bare body had more cuts on it than should be normal. Some bruises were healing, others not. And I couldn’t help but feel my heart drop when I took sight of Irina’s mother.Her body was weak, she had lost so much weight, and the abuse that she was in was evident. She didn’t even wake up nor react when I turned her to face me. Her face itsel
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Chapter 90
Irina:“I, Irina La Rossa, vow to take your revenge,” I said, looking at my mother through the surgery room’s window.Kai was tending to whatever he needed done, and I had everyone sent from here. I wanted, no, I needed to be alone, and I knew that everyone saw that. They saw my pain in my eyes, I didn’t need to tell them that I was hurting.“You need to drink something,” Lea said, handing me a glass. I didn’t even know when the woman arrived, but she took a deep breath, clearly worried that I might throw the glass. The water would burn her and me, and the glass would most likely cut out skins. But right now, this was the least of my concerns, not when I had to worry about my mother like this.I took the glass from her and took a sip, the warm liquid burnt my tongue, but I didn’t care. It was a reminder to me that I was alive. Something that I knew I needed.“Do you want to talk about it?”“What do you expect me to tell you, Lea?” I asked, putting the glass on the floor beside me. “Th
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