All Chapters of Blessed By The Goddess: The Chosen Lusina Wolf: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
92 Chapters
Chapter 31
Katie's Pov I turned back around, carrying the last image of her and Ryan's shocked expression, locking it safely in my heart because It was probably the best thing I have seen today since seeing Joanna's wrinkled pissed face.Shedrack had his hands over his mouth trying to block his laughter while Roman was chuckling into his open glass, allowing the wind to carry it behind us even though we could all hear him struggling.“Big fucking burn!!” Shedrack howled, hitting the roof of the car gingerly. I felt proud, happier, and more free than ever. Just seeing her face crumble into a frown through the front mirror while Ryan tried to comfort her made me feel somewhat better. It felt like a payback for the open show she displayed back at the house.“Watch your mouth, little miss, chatty," Jessica poked back. "Don't forget who we are outside all of this.” “Oh oh…” Roman looked between Jessica and me. I wasn't scared but I didn't say anything in reply. The silence faded into a bit of tensi
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Chapter 32
Katie's POVI don't know why they called it a lake house. This was a legit mansion but the contemporary setting made it stand out even more, almost twisting my neck in each and every direction. It rolled into different steps and color grades the more we moved in. From the living area with brown bin bags set as the cushion all the way to the pool board and tennis board placed side to side. I didn't think I would ever want to leave.“There is a pool at the back.” Roman and I both stopped and looked at each other with a certain smirk on our faces that grew rapidly into a burst of full-on laughter.The idea of having a pool in a lake house when the house was supposedly close to the lake defeated the whole purpose. But I could understand rich people need to have their way just because they could afford it. If I were rich, I would have employed some big-time sniffer to sniff out the killer of my mother on the scene and not sit and watch them clean off the stain from the road like it was a
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Chapter 33
Katie's POV “But today, the spiritual connection..” “Hunt!”“Hunt!”“Hunt!”They all chanted in unison causing my skin to crawl with a different kind of sensation that felt like a slim snake crawling beneath my skin. I stared at each of them as they laughed afterward. I just had to ask.“Please what exactly are you talking about?” Shedrack paused and others just stared at each other, as if making some sort of psychic conversation that I wasn't in on. Then Shedrack shrugged and replied, “You will see. But you can't tell anyone about it.”I immediately shook my head, “of course not, I won't tell anybody.” “She can try to speak about it, no one would believe her over us. Have you forgotten who she is in the eyes of everyone in Red Moon pack? They won't believe a thing she says, they never did.” Jessica made sure to keep the meanest eye contact as she told the facts as they were to my face.Something about the last line reminded me of my mother in the weirdest way. She said ‘They woul
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Chapter 34
Katie's POV I found myself softly slipping into a soft slumber on the bin bag I sat in while their laughter and conversation hovered over me. Till eventually, the darkness won. ~~~~~I could tell a lot of time had passed by the time I was woken up by a gentle tap on the arm. It was Shedrack. The sun had almost completely set and the night was looking very eager to take over as I stretched to look outside.The only thing that wasn't like I remembered was the living area. The bin bags had been taken away except for the one I laid on, making the living room space a lot wider than I remembered it. He told me we were going to have a party in an hour or two and I needed to get ready for it. Apparently, there was a pre-party ritual that was set to take place in the living room before people came by 8It was a whole dump of information for someone who had just woken up. I nodded in agreement like I understood everything he said and led myself to the room he had given me to stay in. I walked
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Chapter 35
Katie's POV “Viola!”My jaw could have as well fallen out when I saw the result of Babe's work. I was gorgeous.The make up was light, just as she said. But everything else was lurking with dark shades that somehow made the black dress I was wearing pop. I felt powerful. I was on my feet and heading closer to the mirror to have a closer look when I noticed the eyeliner, she also darkened my eyebrows and helped me make them better in shape.“Do you like it?” She asked, standing behind me. How could I not like it?“I love it!” I turned around and gave her a hug. I wasn't expecting it and neither was she but it only took a second for her to hug me back, laughing. “Now don't get all emotional and ruin the makeup," Babe scolded me. "The only thing that should ruin it is either a really good make out session or tears from throwing up today's regret.”I couldn't tell if she was joking or actually being serious, but either way, I didn't think both were going to happen considering I wasn't
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Chapter 36
Killian's POVI've been so busy looking out for Katie as well as babysitting Ana that I haven't stepped foot in my office for a long time. Walking into the building, the incessant chatter amongst my employees was suddenly replaced by a hushed silence, they weren't expecting me anytime soon though so their reaction was expected. "Good morning, Mr. Huxley," they greeted one after another, with a tight-lipped smile.I nodded in response and made my way to my office. As soon as I got to my office, Mellissa, the head of my campaign team walked up to me. "Killian we really really need you to make a quick interview or something. Donald is catching up with us—”“Melissa—”“He is on 56% chance rate now” some random guy chipped in from behind his computer. I know he was part of my team, but I only paid attention to Melissa. "See?" Melissa shoved her iPad in my face, not giving me a single second to process all they were saying. "Listen, Killian, I understand–""Melissa!" I snapped irritated
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Chapter 37
Katie's POVI have never felt more alive than I did at this moment.Babe and I have been taking over a hundred pictures throughout the party. I found myself conversing so easily with people I had never seen before and they all seemed to like me. It felt like a fever dream.I knew it was the effect of the alcohol. I have never taken this much since the last time I tasted it.Babe did say I was the chatty kind of drunk. My feet felt like they were made of rubber and spring but with the adrenaline pumping through my veins and my visual constantly being stimulated by deep LED light, to kept focusing on one thing before another took my attention.Right now, I was outside. The contrast of the cold air to the hot air inside made it seem like my skin could finally breathe and the air was finally getting through the silk dress.“Hey! There you are,” Roman called out, and came to sit beside me on the concrete bench that was infused into the ground. "I had no idea you were a party animal," he sa
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Chapter 38
Katie's POVA red wolf walked through the midst of clouds around me and I saw her.“Lucy?!”My voice echoed so loud in my own head that it hurt every corner of it. Even while I knew I lay awake in the real world, I could still feel the side of my cranium ticking from the worrying amount of blood that drove north to my brain.Truly, it was her. The similarity in the divinity of her presence remained constant. I unconsciously found myself bending to a knee.“What are you doing?” Lucy asked, her voice displaying elements of a puzzled being.I looked up at my wolf, her large red fur head was cocked to the side. Even in the unidentified world, she still somehow looked just like I remembered her the last time. “Am I dead?”I took the initiative to ask. I wanted to ask all this time instead of figuring it out on my own. Death had been explained in so many ways in the past and I feared this may have been one of them. “No Katie, you are not dead. This is your mind, where I stay.” I glanced a
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Chapter 39
Katie's POVTurned out that waking up in the lake was exactly what my soul needed exactly.Maybe it was the sun or the smell of earth that gravitated towards me coming from the woods that surrounded the lake but it healed the worry inside of me.It was Sunday. Sundays were usually the days I went grocery shopping with my mother even though it would come with a lot of grudges and second thoughts, I always went with her anyway. But now things had changed so fast, It took me some time to wonder what I was doing here.I retired to the not-so-cabin house after the sun started to get brighter with the aging of the day. I didn't know how I could exchange the warmest for the brightness so I decided to let it all go at once. The rest of them were on their phones scattered around the kitchen, the smell of pancakes brushing the air with that nice confectionery scent that reminded me of My Café where Shedrack and I worked. The only distinguishing property was the absence of coffee which no one wa
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Chapter 40
Katie's POV Staring down at my now dead screen phone, I waited for some sort of emotion to override me, pull me back into making another phone call, and apologize to a man powerful enough to run against my father. It just wasn't enough to beat the low-sipping rage that fueled my system. I looked down at my phone again.‘Maybe he would call back and I would just explain how this whole thing was his fault’I thought, tapping my feet on the ground. When I figured my nerves wouldn't let me rest—like at all, I picked myself up and walked all the way to the front of the house and just stood there, staring at the white door for entrance. Everything made me mad the more I thought about it.‘Cabin house my foot! It wasn't even a cabin house, it was like rich people wanted to eat their cake and have it,’I studied the house as it rose as high as the height of the trees beside it. Clearly, they knew how much of a mansion this was rather than a cabin…they knew exactly what the fuck they were do
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