All Chapters of Scarred Luna : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
Escape Gone Wrong
Kieran’s POV.Shit. There was no way this could be happening. Of all the million things that could happen to me, why did the moon goddess have to choose this? I was aware that fate was inevitable and sometimes we really just had to leave our happy endings in the hands of nature and believe that everything would turn around for the better, but as I stared at the man in front of me, I wasn't too sure about that saying. I gulped loudly. No matter how many times the words seemed to ring in my head, it did nothing to change anything. This was real. Alpha Xander was my fucking mate. No,no,no. Right now, I would accept anything else asides this. Anything at all. If I had to face the revelation that Alpha Xander was my mate or to eat hot coal, then, I would gladly pick the latter. Why would the moon goddess think I needed another mate? I had barely gotten over what the first one did to me, so there was no way I was looking forward to another one. A small tremor spread through my body as
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Xander’s POV. A cool breeze blew by rustling the trees in the distance. Up ahead, the moon cast its warm glow above the earth, illuminating everything under its wake. Stars twinkled in the background, like tiny specs against a pitch black canvas. The sight was beautiful and I could get lost out here if I stayed here long enough, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't distract myself from the matter at hand. I'd found my mate.If I hadn't experienced it earlier today, I would have said it was a silly prank from someone, probably Sabrina. Or perhaps, I'd been worn out by my long travels and I was beginning to hallucinate and see things. All my life, I'd yearned for my mate. I spent a good portion of my life praying and pleading to the moon goddess to grant me my fair share of happiness, but she never did. I even went as far as offering rituals and traveling far and wide for the one destined for me. At least, if she couldn't come to me, I would make things easier for her
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Close Call
Kieran’s POV A shudder raked through my body, causing goosebumps to follow suit. No matter how hard I tried to keep my body and it's reactions in check, it just didn't work. In fact, it felt like the more I tried, the more worse it became.I pressed my eyes shut, not knowing what else to do. Even that didn't help one bit. Instead, I felt my heartbeat pick up its pace, the vital organ threatening to tear its way through my skin. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing. Perhaps if that happened,I would finally get a hold of my senses again and know the right thing to do. Maybe. Right now, it all felt like wishful thinking. My mind fought against it, but my body gave in to it willingly. I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end immediately. I gasped and my breath hitched in my throat as he pressed his lips close to my ear lobes. Who, you might ask?Alpha Xander.I willed my mind to not focus on what was happening right now,no matter how impossible it seemed to be. I press
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Dining Tension
Kieran’s POV I took the stairs one at a time as my feet slowly went in front of the other. Usually, it was standard practice for me to always race down the stairs, but for some strange reason today, I just wasn't feeling it. I ran my fingers along the banisters as my thoughts went into a million directions all at once. No matter how hard I ttied to focus, I just couldn't do it. Why? Because a particular thought kept on haunting my consciousness.Xander.If I was being honest, up until this moment, everything still felt like a dream. A beautiful dream I wasn't sure I wanted to wake up from. I subconsciously brought my fingers to my lips and a shudder rushed through my veins immediately. That was how Xander had touched me last night.Shit.I shook my head immediately, willing the thoughts to go away, but they didn't. Instead, it lingered at the back of my hand. With his tall and broad physique, one would think Alpha Xander was as rough as anything, but the man who gazed into my sou
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More Trouble
Kieran’s POVI sat on my bed in my room, as I allowed the comfort from the duvet seep into my skin. It was comfy and all, but still wasn't enough to take my mind off what was bothering me. In fact, the more I tried to get rid of it, the more those thoughts kept crawling back into my mind.One would think after three days, I would have forgotten about it or at least tried to get over it. But that was the biggest lie of the century. If anything, my obsession with it had gotten worse and if I didn't find a solution to it soon, I would be on the verge of running mad.A huge sigh slipped past my lips as I scanned the room I was in. It looked exactly the way it looked before, but there was something missing. Sabrina hadn't been here in three days. Three good days. The memories of our last interaction replayed in my head. If I was being honest, that was actually the first time I was seeing a different side to the woman. How could someone who was always so cheerful switch up in the twinkle o
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A Due Apology
Kieran’s POV Growing up, I always thought I was cursed. I mean, what else could explain all the torture I'd been going through since the beginning of time? I'd realized it and accepted it to be the truth. That way, it made my view of everything I was passing through less painful. All I did was tell myself that none of the things happening to me were my fault and I would be okay again.Lies.Honestly, I stopped thinking about it, and the moment Sabrina welcomed me with open arms, I genuinely thought that would be the end of it all. The end of my suffering, and an avenue to try to forget the kind of life I lived before. But I guess fate was a really tricky player and somehow I always found myself on the wrong side of life. If that ant hadn't run over my foot the other day, nobody would have known I was eavesdropping on their conversation and I would be able to go with my activities like every other day, without the constant thought of why Sabrina decided to switch up on me.I could s
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The Guest
Kieran’s POV I knew I should be happy that we'd finally addressed the elephant in the room, but for some strange reason, that feeling never came. I tried forcing it, but it still wasn't natural. I was troubled, and I couldn't place my finger on it as to why I felt that way. After Sabrina's apology, everything quickly went back to normal. We were back to our old selves, almost like we had been speaking to each other in the last few days. It was surprising how quickly we fell back into our old ways. Apparently, I'd missed out on a lot of tea circulating around the mansion. Since Sabrina had some sort of authority over the house, she was the first to know about even the tiniest details. Usually, it was the other way around but reverse was the case for Sabrina. The moment Xander excused himself from my room, we started talking. Our laughs and talks didn't end till late in the night and before Sabrina left, it had come to my knowledge that one of the maids in the mansion was in a relat
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Ulterior Motive
Kieran’s POV I allowed myself the time to take in all that had just happened. It was hard, but at this point, I wasn't so sure I had a choice anymore. I dragged my eyes from the tip of my slip and to the lady in the uniform just a couple of feets away from me. She wasn't alone, apparently, and the more I watched her chat with Xander, I wanted nothing more than to wipe that wide grin from her face. Shit. I didn't like her, not one bit, and Xander wasn't supposed to either. Couldn't he see it? Couldn't he see that she was clearly trying to deceive him by being all nice and fluffy? He was an Alpha right, so how couldn't he see the aura radiating from her was nothing less than pure evil and diabolical vibes.I crossed my hands over my chest as another string of laughter from Alice pulled me out of my thoughts. It was infuriating to say the least. How was she able to do it so flawlessly? I mean deceive Alpha Xander that is. Was it her so called charms? If it was, then the Alpha was
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Kieran’s POV I sucked in a mouthful of air as I paced around my room. I was furious, no, infuriated and no matter how hard I tried to calm myself down, it just didn't work. The mere thought of it was more than enough to make me run mad with fury, but I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. How dare she? Who the hell does she think she is? Just because she was dressed in some snazzy uniform didn't give her the right to talk to me like she owned me. If we were to really compare it, I had every right over her than she had over me. It hadn't been up to twenty four hours and she was already showing her true colors? I just knew she was a green snake under the green grass. From her stupid uniform to everything else, I knew she couldn't be trusted. I just don't know how Alpha Xander could make such a big mistake and…Ughhhh“Relax, Kieran.” I shook my head slowly. There was no use venting to myself about Alice. All it was doing was making me mad all over again and I didn't
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A Night To Remember
Kieran’s POV I sucked in a deep breath, allowing the air to circulate around my lungs and every other part where it was needed. My heart thundered under my chest, it had been like that for a while now. No matter what I did to try to get it back to it's normal pace, it just didn't work. The moment I thought about it, it would spike up again, its speed threatening to tear a hole through my chest. That bastard. It was all his fault.I always thought I'd healed and forgotten about all that happened, but, as I allowed my mind the liberty of going over what happened between Xander and I, a couple of hours ago, I realized I was wrong. Very wrong. A sigh slid past my lips. It wasn't his fault, neither was it my fault. I guess I just had to go through some things to fully understand my potential in life.Lies. All of that were just lies and a bunch of bullshit.How in the world were different kinds of assaults and abuses supposed to help me reach my full potential? Ever since I got here,
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