All Chapters of The Ex-husband's Regret: CEO'S Ex-Wife Returns As Boss : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
120 Chapters
Chapter - [ 21 ]
[ Adeline ]“Very well. So, you want to divorce me when your motive will be served?” Xavier asked me, his tone sounded sharper and deeper than usual. I didn’t like the hint of sarcasm in his tone.“I can’t put it in that way but yes, we both deserve stability in our lives and I don’t think we’d ever be able to see each other more than just partners for the same motive or more like good friends.” I said what I feel about the basic concept of our marriage.He was standing near the huge window, his back was facing me so I couldn’t decipher his expressions.“You can’t predict the future, Adeline but if it’s your choice then I wouldn’t object. You’re free to end this marriage whenever you wish.” He said in a blank tone.“I think it’s better for both of us, Xavier. I don’t want to complicate anything between us.” I said.“You’ll get the revised contract tomorrow at eleven. You’ll just have to sign them.” Xavier said.“Okay.” I chipped slowly and stood up to leave but I didn’t feel good. He
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Chapter - [ 22 ]
[ Adeline ]“Mrs. Linwood, you’re wasting our time. I am not here to have coffee with the person I adore least. So, make it quick.” I said taking a sip from the expresso.“Well, you’re not my most favourite person either.” She chuckled, “I don’t from where to start, my husband surprised everyone last night, you agree with me, right?” She swirled her cup while we watch the birds in the garden. I was getting really late for my office but scratching this woman’s surface to seek my answers was also crucial.“It was but it isn’t related to our conversation?” I gave her a questioning look.“Oh, it is, my dear.” She said. She was still not dropping the act and I didn’t had the day to bear her hollow show of an elite lady.“Well, then let’s talk about Arnold’s will. I guess you want to talk about it only because I reap the fruit of your hard work and patience of years.” I didn’t hide the pun in my words.“You’re partially right here but it’s not entirely true. I always aim for big, Adeline. I
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Chapter - [ 23 ]
[ Adeline ]The conversation with Linda kept revolving in my mind. I couldn’t fucus on anything which was presented in front of me by Sandra.“Ma’am, these papers are delivered by Mr. Linwood’s lawyer.” Sandra placed a manila envelope in front of me. It was supposed to arrive at eleven but it came late.“Thanks, Sandra. You can take the day off. I’ll be staying here for another hour.” I said to her who looked surprised.“It’s only four thirty, Ma’am. My shift ends at six.” She said.“I am giving you an early off today. Is that a problem?” I arched my brow at her.“No, Ma’am.” She shook her head vigorously, “If you want I can stay with you.” She offered.“It’s okay, Sandra. I will be fine on my own and there’s not much work left for me. I will just review the quarterly report of our profit in the home market.” I said and dismissed her.“Good evening, Ma’am.” She wished and left me alone.I couldn’t let her know what was inside the envelope. With a strange feeling stirring inside me. I
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Chapter - [ 24 ]
[ Adeline ]My meeting with my father and how he showed me one of his undiscovered shade, kept revolving inside my head and it begun to throb with a mild headache.How could he ask me to do something I would never do? I agree that he was hurt, Xavier's mother turned out to be his sister and he strongly believes that Arnold had something to do with her death.I have to meet Arnold as soon as possible because he's the only person who can give all of my answers.With all these thoughts running inside my brain, I didn't realize when I reached home. It was Blaze who knocked on the car window.He opened the car door for me and once I stepped inside the house, he turned and signed off for the day. My body was exhausted. I just wanted to hit the bed.As I was about to pass by the living room, a familiar cologne hit me. He was there."Good evening, Ade." His smooth voice reached into my ears. How could he sound so additive even after a long day? I think nobody has the answer, it's my silly bra
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Chapter - [ 25 ]
[ Adeline ]A momentary silence prevailed in the air. His eyes shifted from me to the star studded sky and I immediately felt regretted as I could see flash of sadness on his handsome face. He looked more like an innocent child who had been deprived of love."It's fine if you don't want to answer it. I am sorry for even asking such personal and touchy question." I said in an apologetic tone when I didn't receive any reponse from him."I was sent in the same summer to stay with my grandparents because I could understand the tension between my parents. How they used to argue during nights and sometimes-" He again paused.His fists and jaws were clenched like he was restraining himself from punching something.I was shocked when I comprehended his half sentence."Arnold used to hit her?" I asked in disbelief."It wasn't new. He was seeing another woman probably Linda at that time and somehow my mother got a whiff of his affair. She thought she could hide it from me, her bruises under her
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Chapter - [ 26 ]
[ Adeline ]I and Xavier went on almost strangers mode since his confession a week ago. He started ghosting me. For two days, I tried to make conversations with him but he only replies with short answers in a disinterested tone. So, I stopped bothering him.Perhaps, he's regretting to tell me everything. Why should I bother but it keeps pinching me. I buried myself in work and making more contacts than Arthur.Speaking of my ex-husband and my sister, they didn't try to contact me or tried anything which could put us on war.Currently, I was in the middle of a meeting with the new employees who joined recently and had great potentials. I was recruiting for marketing experts and tech experts personally because I need them most at present."Ma'am, you have Ms. Addison on the call." Sandra whispered in my ear.Here comes the she-devil. I thought she was busy in her own work and life or searching for rich dicks."Tell her that I'm busy." I whispered her and focused my attention on the prot
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Chapter - [ 27 ]
[ Adeline ]"Addie, can we talk in a civil way?" I asked my sister calmly though I knew she'd be anything but civil with me."You wanna have a civil talk?" She laughed in a mocking way. Her laugh was sickening."Yes, I do because this is my work and I do want want any drama here." I said firmly.She stomped her foot on the floor, it's her favourite habit when she's frustrated or mad on something."Listen, Adeline. I know you want to destroy me and my son. I don't give a fuck to what you want to do with Arthur. He and Linda are capable of handling any shit you throw on them but I have work very hard for my son. He deserves what Arnold bestowed on you. Give my son's birth rights back." She pointed her finger at me with menace in her eyes.I inhaled deeply. Her behavior was getting intolerable by passing days. She tried hurting me. She will do it again."I can't even if I want to." I told her the truth as I had received the copy of his will in the morning and it clearly stated that I can
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Chapter - [ 28 ]
[ Adeline ]"What?"She shrieked after a moment of silence. I assumed she was processing my proposal in the moment.I winced as her voice damaged my eardrums."Please, would you talk in a lower valume. I don't want to depend on the hearing aids because you keep assaulting my ears." I said."Have you gone completely insane? How can you propose something like this? I would give you my son so you can eliminate him from your path? NEVER!" She shouted on the top of her lungs.I folded my arms and gave her a bored look though I was hurt by her words. I can never kill someone let alone a child for my ambitions."I am not like you, Addison. I can't hurt someone for my selfish motives. So, think twice before you talk to me or spit such shits again about me." I said in a cold tone.She rose from her chair and leaned on the table."Arthur will deal you about this." She said with thinly pressed lips."Your husband's business is sinking, Addie. You can get rid off a looser like him as soon as you
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Chapter - [ 29 ]
[ Adeline ]“What is she doing here?” Mom hissed in my ear as we hugged. I avoided looking at Dad.“Mom, be nice to her.” I whispered back and she shook her head while pulling back from the hug.Dad cleared his throat. I couldn’t move forward to greet him like we used to do.“Mom, Dad, how long are you going to hold grudges against me?Look at Adeline. She is happily married to the man of her choice and I have a happy family with Arthur. We really love each other.” Addison, who was spitting fire for our parents, took three sixty turn as soon as they appeared in front of us.“I think you’re right, Addie. We shouldn’t stick to the past and move forward.” Dad said coming forward and raked his eyes on Addison. I saw a flash of emotion on his face.“Dad, please forgive me. You have punished me enough. I am ashamed of my deeds.” Addison broke into tears and I mentally scoffed. She had done excellent job at acting and making it genuine for her spectators.“Addie, I think you are right. We wer
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Chapter - [ 30 ]
[ Xavier ]Ever have you that moment when you think you have come far from a dark tunnel and gained some grounds over your wounded heart only to find yourself in the same water after years, and the person doesn’t have a whiff of your feelings.This is the worst feeling. I would have laughed on the person who said to me that one day I’ll find someone who has the ability to stir the feelings which I have buried in the deepest chamber of my heart but it’s true. It happened.I was smitten by the woman who was walking aimlessly, crying and lost unaware of the danger lurking around her. The woman was none other but my ex-sister-in-law. Her eyes were something I was drawn to.Now, she’s mine but she can never be mine.Adeline Greyson, my wife who hasn’t returned from her office nor she’s answering my phone. I called her bodyguard who told me that she was at her parents’ house. She should be back by now.I was busy pondering about her when I heard the honk of her car and a minute later, she e
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