All Chapters of The Legacy Luna's Fall: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
79 Chapters
Chapter 1 - Birthday mate surprise
Mina POV - There was a swagger to Owen’s step as the main Hayre family finally entered the hall. Mina smiled with lips still swollen from his kiss last night. As per tradition, she hadn’t seen him since, and the sweet flutter of her heart made the hours apart worth it. Now her family and his would witness the moment their mate bond formed, and then they'd spend the night claiming each other. Heat stirred in her belly. The moment they'd been waiting for for so long was finally coming. Owen was her personal warrior. The Hayres had chosen him to protect her when they were both just pups, but, today, the Moon Goddess would choose him to be her mate. It was the best twenty fifth birthday gift she could wish for. Jitters fanned from her fingertips down to her toes, but her composure was well practised and held strong. She even managed to muffle her smile when her mother’s scrutiny fell upon her. The Luna stood to her left, her older brother on her right, the last of her family. Sam ma
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Chapter 2 - The man in the window
Mina POV - Mina flopped onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. Gone was the party dress, make-up and accessories, but the largest weight off her was the day. Finally, her birthday had ended. The party, the tour of the pack, the silly events to congratulate her on finding her mate. The wrong mate, but still, a mate. Only one wolf didn't manage to see her to say the same. Owen. She hadn’t seen him since he stormed from the packhouse earlier and, no matter how hard she tried, he rejected her mindlinks. Sam had promised to keep an eye on him, and reassured her he was okay whenever she asked, but it was still hard. She had hurt him. She had no control over who the Moon Goddess mated her with, but blame fell as heavy on her shoulders as the atmosphere lingering around the pack. She felt eyes on her wherever she went, questioning, doubtful. It wasn’t a surprise. Not when she felt the same. However, there was one wolf who was oblivious to the tension. Mina had expected a lecture, a rep
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Chapter 3 – Accusations
Mina POV - The office door slammed open, feet thundering into the room, but one look at the scene had the warriors hanging back. Only three stepped forward, but their approach didn’t move Mina’s fixed stare. She looked at the intricate handle of the blade sticking out of her mother’s chest. Its pale blue shone proud in the candlelight, as it stole the Luna’s life. It was the ornamental blade she had often admired in the office, but she had never been allowed to remove it from its glass case on the wall. In fact, she had never seen it touched, but could see now how well it had been cared for. There wasn't a speck of dust on its surface, only flecks of red marring its perfect sheen. She was certain its silver blade would have been polished to perfection too. A warm hand cupped her cheek, gently guiding her focus away from the weapon. The noise around her grew quickly as her awareness spread. There was movement beside her brother’s body, another warrior opposite her at the Luna’s s
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Chapter 4 - Evidence of her crimes
Mina POV - Dread pooled heavy in her gut. Mina turned to Owen, desperately taking a step towards her friend. He took a step back. “Owen?” Her voice cracked, her hand reaching for him, but he jerked away. He was pale, a sickly colour, his eyes flitting between her and his father. Oliver must’ve mindlinked him the contents of the letter while she read it. “It isn’t true. You have to believe me.” She went to take another step towards Owen, but his father blocked her path. “Yet the only wolves who could verify that are either dead or unconscious.” He stepped towards her. There weren’t many wolves that Mina would retreat from, but the head of the Hayre family was one of them. “You got here before everyone else.” He stated, stepping forward again. “I couldn’t sleep.” “You’re covered in the Luna’s blood.” At the mere mention, her fists clenched, her stomach turning at the sticky heat coating her palm. “I was trying to save her.” Mina’s voice shook. “She scream
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Chapter 5 – Severing a bond
Mina POV - She didn’t dare to stop at her room. Oliver would be listening to her every move as she fled the packhouse. If she paused, she didn’t know what he would do. She ran down the stairs, barely registering what was happening as she fisted the note into her pocket and spilled into the street. The cold night air hit her in a rush that tightened her chest. Her breaths were rapid and shallow. She hesitated on the cobbled street. The warriors stationed at the packhouse doors stared at her. Their gazes dropped to the blood on her hands, her tear-streaked face, the twist of red on her t-shirt echoing her mother’s wound. They frowned, piecing together their leader’s rejection of her and the image before them. Then, as if Oliver was punishing her for stopping, their eyes glazed over with a mindlink. She didn’t know what he told them, but their hands tightened on the daggers at their belts. Dread pooled within her as they refocused, the same hate twisting their features. Mina
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Chapter 6 – The difference of a few days
Mina POV - As the mud cradled her, its chill seeping into her bones, preparing her for the sweet kiss of death at the warrior’s hands, Mina couldn’t help but wonder where everything had started to go wrong. The obvious answer was the moment she let her pheromones free at the choosing ceremony, exposing herself to doubts when Alastor became her mate, but she couldn’t help but feel like it went further back. For years she had been trained by her mother to be the perfect Luna. She couldn’t look in a mirror anymore without correcting her form as if her mother’s critiques always rang in her head. She kept a respectable distance from the pack and always did her duty, but Oliver was right. It didn’t come naturally to her. No matter how many times she was corrected, her posture would slip. No matter how many times she would be reminded, a carefree smile would slip past her composure when the sunlight warmed her face. No matter how much she practised, she didn’t have the grace of the oth
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Chapter 7 - A small victory
Alastor POV - If it wasn’t for her scream, Alastor would’ve walked right by Mina. She was curled tight on the muddy floor, her body muffling her weak sobs. Though he knew she was running, he hadn’t been able to envision her as anything but her usual composed perfection. He had been searching for the woman who had attended the Luna court only a few days ago. The woman who had managed to wrangle the tidal wave of feelings attached to their new bond, when it had him wanting to carry her away from prying eyes and claim every inch of her body. The woman at his feet was neither. She was broken, she was a mess, she needed help. Mina only roused when he covered her with a blanket. Something in his chest unwound when she spoke his name, but the tension returned when her eyelids fluttered shut. She slumped against his chest and he hel d her tighter. He had to move her, to get her to somewhere safe. Before he could consider a plan, a mindlink pushed into his thoughts. He almost ignored it.
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Chapter 8 - Past promises
Alastor POV - The late hour made it difficult to find a safe place to stay, so Alastor didn’t take Mina far. Though they were now rogues, he knew the territory around the Clear Blue pack and chose to stay close. On first look, the flat land didn’t leave many places to take cover, especially when he wanted to stay hidden from the pack and the wilderness alike. However, he knew every divot and weave of the land and found a slight hill that would cover their position and give him a wide view of the open space. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do until morning. Thankfully, the rest of the evening was quiet, but Alastor moved at first light. Mina was still sleeping, so he carried her again, taking her far away from the place that broke her. As an accomplished member of the Hayre family, he had travelled more than most, accompanying the Luna and his father on trips from the territory. He had made friends in other packs, building his own connections to wolves over the nation. A few
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Chapter 9 - Taunts or teases
Mina POV - As an original three Luna, Mina was used to finery; her pillows were always plumped, her mattress soft, the warmth of home surrounded her each morning. However, she had never woken up so comfortable in her entire life. The bed beneath her was warm and cradled her like it was personally built for her body. It moved with her breath and purred as she nuzzled further into its comfort. It was heavenly, and she enjoyed every second as she was lulled from her deep sleep. Her stirrings awakened something around her, blooming a fresh scent that coaxed at her consciousness. It drew her from the dark, so light and clear. Her eyes fluttered open as she inhaled the breath of fresh air. Her nose chased it, pushing into her pillow. It tickled against her cheek, soft, teasing, drawing a smile. Light brown fur swayed in her vision, dancing in a breeze she was too warm to feel. Mina spread her hand wide in the fur, humming as it played through her fingertips. A rumble answered her, deep a
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Chapter 10 - Thawing smiles
Mina POV - Despite promising to answer her questions after breakfast, Alastor inhaled his food and set about working on their camp before she had even finished her first bite. When she stood, ready to talk, he fired instructions at her, one after another. The rest of the day followed suit. When she had done whatever job he had asked, another one was already lined up, stealing her attention off the impending conversation. It was frustrating, but as their campsite began to take form, she decided they could talk after they were done working. It didn’t look like much when they had finished, but it was the first shelter she had ever built. Mina smiled, wiping the sheen of her efforts from her brow. They had found enough fallen trees and branches to create a shed of sorts, with three walls and one open side, overlooking the lake. They had cleared the ground inside but hadn’t bothered to find anything to form beds. The dirt was soft enough for them and, if it got cold, they could simply s
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