All Chapters of Obsession with his Captive : Chapter 121 - Chapter 126
126 Chapters
In Aquila, Christian slowly came back to his conscience. His head is pounding with pain because of the Chloroform given to him. He tried to lift him hand, only to realise that he couldn't move his limbs. That's when his eyes flew open and looked around him with shock. He is in a dimly lit room, and it felt like a garage or a basement. He is laid down on his back while his limbs are being pulled tightly and were being restrained by chains. "What the hell? Hey, do you think i am a dog? Why the hell do you restrain me like this?" he demanded into the dark room. But no one replied. Vaguely he recollected Nikolai coming inside his home and then he fainted. 'Did Nikolai kidnap me? But for what? Eying his girlfriend? This is insane.' he thought to himself and tugged at the chains with anger. "Hey, someone there?" he yelled at the top of his lungs. But no one responded. "Let me go. Nikolai, don't play with fire. You don't know who I am and what I can do to you. Let me go now" he deman
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He is back
That night, after delivering Christian's first punishment, Neither Ivy nor Nikolai were in the mood to talk to anyone. So they locked themselves in their temporary room, seeking comfort in each other's arms. Ivy understood that what Nikolai said was true. It's not easy to kill or punish someone so brutally and not let the small pang of guilt enter your consciousness. But whenever she starts to feel guilty, Ivy reminds herself of what Christian did ten years ago. And what he did with Kelly and the other woman. He needs to be punished more brutally than this. "I suggest you go back tomorrow" Nikolai spoke up, breaking into her thoughts. She didn't pretend as if she didn't understand what he was speaking about. "This is not easy. Even though he did all sorts of bad things, I still felt a pang in my conscience. But I am suppressing my conscience. He doesn't deserve pity. I want to be here. I want to see his misery, just how I was forced to see the misery of our parents" she spoke s
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Follow him
Ivy was on her way to buy food for Kelly when she saw Jason. She became so happy to see him there, that she took a detour to speak with him. He was looking at the prescription which he was holding in his hands, that he didn't notice. "Jason" she called out for him, making everyone around her to turn and look at her. She gave them an apologetic look before she hurried after Jason who is walking away. On the other hand, Jason heard Ivy loud and clear. But he didn't stop. Because he was stunned to see her there. Who would have expected that he would stumble upon Ivy in a hospital in another town. They both doesn't belong in that town. So visiting a hospital was not expected. He ignored her and hurried out of there as fast as he could. 'Ivy saw me here. What of she told Nikolai? He will search for me and will not stop until he finds me. I cannot go back home either. I cannot let Ivy tell Nikolai about me. Can I take that chance? Looks like she doesn't know about my involvement i
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Hidden truths
"Jason? Where am I?" Ivy asked Jason feeling anxious to inform Nikolai. She knows that he must be worried for her. Jason looked at her with a calculating gleam in his eyes, without replying. When he didn't reply, Ivy started to become suspicious. His whole behaviour today was odd. As if he did something wrong and tried to escape. "Jason, where am I ? I need to call Nikolai. He must be searching for me" she spoke with a hint of underlying fear. For the first time she is feeling uneasy in Jason's presence. When she mentioned Nikolai, Jason became upset. "Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai. ..Why do you always only think about him? You just met him a few months ago. But we were together for the past ten years. Did these ten years mean nothing to you? He kidnapped you for crying out loud. What is so great about him which I lack? You know I love you too. I am good looking as well. Then why him and why not me?" he demanded angrily. Ivy is stunned at his outburst. The calm and composed Jaso
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Loss for words
Richard and Shawn are watching Nikolai with confusion. They found Ivy, and it was confirmed that Jason kidnapped her. Ivy is in a state of immense sadness. After finding out that her best friend is not the same person as she imagined him to be is painful. After Jason locked her inside that room, Nikolai came not soon after. He looked at the wound on the forehead before carrying her away from there. He was not pleased. He was even more angry about the fact that Jason is responsible for that. He handled Jason's situation with kid gloves until now just because Ivy likes him and he doesn't want to hurt Ivy. Now that she found out that Jason is not good on her own, he doesn't have to be careful anymore. He can deal with that scum like he wanted to. A doctor attended Ivy's wound. And she is looking sad to say the least. Axel and his men proved to be useful. As soon as Nikolai learned about Jason, they caught Jason within an hour. Presently, Jason is glaring at Nikolai who is looking at hi
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Horror basement
Shawn pulled Jason towards the basement, while the latter refused to co-operate. But Shawn is tougher than Jason, so he roughly pulled Jason after him. "If you think that I will be scared if you lock me up in the basement and starve me, then you are mistaken. I am not as weak as you think I am" Jason spoke confidently. Shawn snorted sarcastically. "Let's see how your courage crumbles when you see what we have in store for you in the basement " he spoke with a smirk. Jason frowned. 'What are they trying to do? Are there snakes or Scorpions in there? Are they planning to torture me? But whatever they have in store, I should be strong. I don't know what Nikolai is suspecting, but I am sure that he doesn't have a good impression on me anymore. So whatever he is going to ask me about Ivy, I should not reveal anything. I should try to contact dad' he decided. As they neared the basement, Jason frowned when he heard the groaning and moaning of 'men'?. He was confused. 'What are tho
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