All Chapters of Obsession with his Captive : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
77 Chapters
Nikolai looked at Ivy who was lying on her bed unconsciously. "Nik, what happened to Ivy?" Rhonda asked him hesitantly. Her concern for Ivy is evident. Even Shawn looked worried. He doesn't know when his people started liking Ivy this much. Nikolai ignored her and left the room. Shawn quickly followed after his boss. 'I need to know everything that happened that night ' Nikolai decided. He knows whom to ask. In the warehouse where Jason was held hostage, he was locked in a small room which is dimly lit. He has several injuries on his body, but nothing is life threatening. His once boyish and handsome face is now caked with blood and dirt. Jason looks harmless and easy going, unlike Nikolai who looks aloof and unapproachable. While Nikolai looks manly with his well toned body and has a extremely handsome face which is irresistible, Jason looks boyish.Despite his situation, Jason is worried about Ivy.'Ivy, how are you? I hope he didn't hurt you ' he thought to himself sadly. Apar
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In the Knight mansion, Ivy is in a delusional state of mind. In her dreams she travelled back to that night and is dreaming as if those men are trying to kill her as well. In her dreams, she is holding her mother's dead body in her arms and is trying to ward those monsters away. "No, go away. Don't come closer" she screamed and threw something at the person standing near the entrance of the room. In reality, it's Rhonda who was standing there. "Ivy, calm down" Rhonda tried to pacify and coax Ivy again, but Ivy couldn't hear anything except the screaming sound of Mrs. Knight from that night. "Go away" Ivy threw something else at Rhonda who dodged it. Watching Stevenson Nina up close triggered everything again. Nikolai doesn't know the depths of her fear. That's why he took her to the Nina mansion. By the time Nikolai came to the Knight mansion, he found Rhonda waiting for him anxiously with blood oozing from her right palm. "Ivy is behaving oddly" Rhonda said unable to find bette
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Stirring trouble
In the Nina mansion, Stevenson was feeling suspicious about Nikolai's sudden visit and his pretty little designer. He is sitting behind his desk in his study under a dim light. The masked side of his face is bathed in the darkness. His good eye has a cunning gleam shining in it as if he is about to stir trouble."Dad, Nikolai's designer is weird and a freak, don't you think so?" Richard asked his father, shattering the calmness in the study.Stevenson gave his son a curious look."What do you mean?" he inquired casually.Richard remembered how pale Ivy was when it was her turn walking on the ramp until Nikolai showed up. And then she ran away when he tried to talk to her. Today she was clinging to Nikolai until passed out suddenly."Looks like she is extremely shy. She cannot handle public attention. Despite her extreme talent as a designer, she cannot handle if she became famous and had to be among public for longer" he misunderstood the whole situation.Stevenson drummed his fingers
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Lapse in memory
In the Knight mansion, Nikolai finds himself holding Ivy in his arms while she is sleeping peacefully in his arms. He is not restless or angry to get out of there and push her away like he usually does. He developed an aversion for affection and physical intimacy with anyone. Hugs, touches, kisses were non existent in his life after his parents death. Even when he is fu*king a woman, he will not kiss or touch her. Hell, he doesn't even like to see their faces. They will be in their stomach while he uses their body and chase after his release. They will be kicked out after that. He is an ass*ole for doing that. But he never touched any unwilling women. 'Until you almost forcefully undressed Ivy ' his subconscious reminded him. He is regretting his actions now. He is regretting putting her through hell after everything she endured. 'I am sorry pet. I promise I will avenge our parents death and kill everyone who wronged us' he vowed to her silently. His mind and body are at peace. He
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Body aches
Ivy wanted to ask him why she was sleeping in his arms and what he is doing in her room. But she hesitated. "Are you planning to stand there all evening?" he taunted when she didn't speak after stopping him. Her eyes met his. She didn't dare to make him wait any longer."I meant to ask you..." she paused and pointed at the bed which they shared. She is trying to find the right words to describe the situation she woke up in.Nikolai already understood that she doesn't remember anything. And he doesn't want to remind her either. "You wanted to ask me why we were sleeping together?" he drawled, deliberately framing it in such a way that they did something which they didn't.Her eyes widened and her cheeks tinted pink. Nikolai found her reaction cute. So he continued his act. He moved closer to her, so that he is standing so close that their bodies are touching. He pinched her chin and pulled her head up, so that she was looking at him. "Well, don't you remember?" he inquired with a
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Stockholm syndrome
It's been a month since Ivy and Jason were sent home. In this one month, Ivy started to feel lonely and strangely she found herself thinking about Nikolai more often than she liked. So many things have changed in her life in this one week. She was promoted as the team lead in the designer department. A new manager replaced Josh. Now Ivy is heading the hundred million project which they won in the recent competition. And the new manager of the designer department is surprisingly sweet. Her colleagues who previously used to taunt and bully her are being more respectful and cautious around her, at least most of them. And there is also an unpleasant addition in her team, that is Catherine. Until Catherine started working in the company, Ivy didn't know that she was Nikolai's fiancee. For some reason, it made Ivy feel empty inside. Despite being back home, she was feeling more miserable than when she was in the Knight mansion. Their parents deadth anniversary came and went. Nikolai donate
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Nikolai carried Ivy inside his cabin on the top floor. From the design department to the top floor, so many employees, directors, managers and shareholders saw him carrying Ivy in his arms. Everyone who saw this was frozen with shock. Their cold and indifferent boss who refused to touch just anyone is now making an effort to carry a woman in his arms. Ivy became a known name in the company after they beat the Nina's in the competition. 'Look, isn't it the new designer?''Oh my, our Boss is carrying our new designer ''They look cute together ''Thank god boss chose this sweet girl. That Catherine is nasty''What? How did she even manage this?' Everyone had mixed reactions after they watched the scene.But Nikolai never cared about what others think. Ivy kept looking at him. So many things are running in her mind that she didn't notice the strange looks they were getting. Nikolai gently made her sit on the couch in his huge cabin. There is a glass table placed in the center of the r
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"I am s..." Ivy couldn't finish her sentence. Because Nikolai pulled her into him and crashed his lips to hers. Their first kiss. He didn't kiss anyone before her, and she didn't kiss anyone either. He never had this urge to kiss anyone before. But with Ivy, everything is different. He wants to own her, he wants to claim her as his own, which is not possible.His kiss is not gentle. It's rough and demanding. She found herself consumed by his kiss. He nipped at her lips and tasted every inch of her mouth and devoured her as if she was his last last meal. His arms wandered all around her body, touching and feeling her soft feminine curves. He kissed her until her lips were swollen. When he is sure he can control himself and will not take her body then and there, he pulled back and touched his forehead with hers. He is not a fool. It's clear that he likes Ivy. But too bad, they cannot be together. There are too many things coming in between them. It's better for her sanity and safety t
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On the other hand, in Nina's Mansion.'I know what you and your friends did ten years ago. I wonder what the media would think about this if I share these proofs with them. I am sure the Knight prince would bury you alive if he finds out that you killed his parents. You guys forgot to tamper with one surveillance camera which recorded almost everything.'Stevenson read the message as sweat started trickling down his forehead. His heart beat accelerated and he is as pale as a sheet. He received this text that morning. He wanted to brush it off as spam. But he couldn't. Because no one knows about what happened ten years ago. He tried calling that number, but the call didn't connect. So he texted the number instead.'Who are you? What do you want?' he texted back anxiously.He didn't receive a reply for a while. Stevenson's anxiety started to grown. "Who is it? Did the others receive the same kind of texts?" he thought to himself. Fear paralyse one's thinking ability, Just like it did
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It's been a while since Stevenson sat behind a wheel. He was always driven around by a driver if he ever wanted to go out. But today he didn't want to risk exposing the secret which they buried ten years ago. His arms are shaking and he is unable to handle the high end car he was currently driving. The wheels screeched, and whirled uncontrollably as he drove like a maniac to reach his destination faster. His unskilled driving and the horse power of the vehicle were the worst combination. What he didn't know was that, Nikolai's men tampered with the car in such a way that, the fuel tank will catch fire and his car will blow up into smoke before blasting and burning into ashes.Not too soon, the sparks from the friction of his tires caused a chain reaction and helped to give momentum to Nikolai's plan. His fuel tank caught fire, which Stevenson was unaware of until smoke started coming inside the car and suffocating him. The car came to a sudden stop right in the middle of the intersec
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