All Chapters of Allure Of Gray: Daddy, Please Forgive Mommy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
59 Chapters
Accident In the Merry Go Round
“Mommy, Mommy.” Ariel’s wails pierced Bree’s ears. Bree’s gaze followed Spencer as he dashed towards Ariel, her heart leaping in her chest in relief. But as he drew closer, her blood ran cold when he took another child, sweeping him up and silencing his cries. She finally got to Ariel, swiftly unbuckling the strap around her. “Mo…mommy.” Ariel must be so scared as she cried bitterly, her wails causing Bree’s distress. She threw her arms around her mother’s neck. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy is here, okay? Stop crying.” Gathering the child in her arms, Bree turned around to make her way out of the merry-go-round only to find Spencer’s gaze fixed on them. The kid in his hand was now asleep and he held him like a father would his son. Her breath hitched before slightly pressing Ariel’s head on her neck to make sure she did not see the man. Without sparing him another glance, she made her way out of the ride to the other side of the playground where their car was packed. “Mommy, my legs hu
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Six floor Building
“Where are we going?” Bree struggled to get her hands from his hold as he dragged her up the stairs. “You don't know where this is headed?”“Why are you taking me there?”Silence followed after her question. Finally, they got to the end of the stairs and he kicked open a door, leading them to the rooftop. Dragging her to the middle, he let go of her hands. Bree gazed at him in suspicion, her eyes turning to look around her. Slowly, she took steps backward. “Dont you even dare.”“Ar…are you trying to ki…kill me by throwing me down?”His eyes flickered in surprised and in the next minute, he burst into laughter, gazing at her in disbelief.“Oh, you're scared?”“You look like that's your plan. Why did you bring me here?”“If I wanted to kill you, Bree. I'll do it with my hands not throwing you off some goddamn building,” his foot moved toward her. “That will be so unsatisfying.”“Either way is death. Why are we here, Spencer?”“Who is she?”Bree’s breath hitch at his question. Her hea
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The Secret
“Boss, she's here.” Spencer raised his head from his tablet as the voice of his secretary resounded in the room. “That is good. Bring her in.”Keeping his tablet beside him, he placed his hand on his chin and watched as the lady with high heels walked to him. With a signature smile dancing on her lips, she made her way toward the man, her red heels clicking loudly on the floor. “It's nice to see you again, J.” He nodded at her to sit on the chair astride him. “What do you have for me.”“Eish, good to be here again after that bitch of your fiancée chased me away with her scheming words. How is she?”He chuckled. “You’re suddenly asking about her. Here I was thinking that you dislike my fiancée.”“Trust me, I do. Just asking.”“Anyway, back to business. How's the investigation going?”The lady placed her hand in the hidden large pocket of her suit jacket and brought out an envelope which she pushed to his side. “All the information is here. I did a good job at it.”“Surely. I'll have
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Bree paced around the hallway, right in front of Ariel’s room. In her hands were packs of Ariel’s favorite snacks and she held them tightly like her future depended on them. Perhaps it does. Ariel has been giving her the silent treatment for the past three days and honestly, she couldn't take it anymore. It was the first time they were ever in the same house without speaking for a good three days. Ariel would only come out when she wanted to take water or have something to eat, otherwise, they were like two strangers in the same house and no matter how she tried to persuade the child to forgive her, it was futile. She wished the child hadn't found out the truth in such a manner. It was boring living in the house without Ariel's vibrant voice and annoying teases. Finally, she heard a click from Ariel’s door causing her to stand still waiting for the child to come out. To her relief, Ariel’s door flung open, her footsteps stopping at the sight of her mother in front of her with diff
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Champagne Cork
“What the hell is this? What kind of report is this?” Bree had her hands behind her back as the middle-aged man flung the documents at her face in disgust. “I reviewed them again, sir.”“You clearly did not. Is this all you can do?” His eyes threw daggers at her as he yelled, her colleagues fidgeting outside the office. The report in question, she had written and edited it time and time again but her so-called boss was never satisfied with it. She’d come to submit the latest report, one she’d spent the whole night perfecting but still, he threw it at her face. Her boss was known to be cunning, unsatisfied, and harsh but not this way. His attitude towards her suddenly worsened recently and somehow, she knew the cause of his change. He became ten times more of a bully than he has always been. “I’m sorry, sir. I’ll look into it again.” “That’s all you say. You never do anything perfect, Miss Boston. Besides, how dare you look me in the eye?”She immediately broke gazes with him and
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Last Hope Of Defense
The two friends cocked their heads to the side to have a better view of the person who had Ariel in his arms and as the realization dawned on them as they finally caught sight of the person, their breath hitched in disbelief and they gasped. “Spencer?”“Spencer?”Bree’s eyes widened at the realization. What on earth was he doing at the child’s school? How did Spencer know Ariel's school? She couldn’t remember telling him the child’s school but then again, he’d said he has his ways. Surely, those ways had fetched him information. “Bree, omo. What the fuck is he doing here? Did you show him Ariel’s school?” Iris latched onto her arms, her voice hushed as she tried to connect the dots. “I’m just as surprised as you are. I didn’t. Come on, let’s hide for a while, I’m sure he’s up to something.” He might sneak Ariel away for all she cares. She held Iris’ hand, trying to lead her to the back of the car but she refused to move, her feet rooted to the ground in defiance. “Come on, Iris.”
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Daddy’s First House
“It must feel good to call me a bastard, hmm?” Spencer asked as she got into the car. She gasped. Did she say that out loud? “You didn't hear that.”“You wish.”Rolling her eyes, she looked ahead as they drove silently to the destination. She wanted to ask him how he knew Ariel’s school and confirm her doubt whether it was really Ariel who let it known to him but she remembered his words the other day. He has his way around information. Considering his status, he could literally get his hands on any information that he wants. She was sure of that. He was no longer the reserved Spencer that she'd once known. The man beside her won't even hesitate to throw someone off a six-floor building. The man beside her would harm someone and go scot-free. That was how powerful he was. From his act that day at the hospital, she could tell that he was no newbie at stuff like that. He could unalive her and go free with it. She hopes it never comes to that extent. “Where are we going?” Bree asked f
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Cartoon Character You Call A Daughter
“Spencer? What are you doing here?” Bree awkwardly broke away from him, her eyes staring at everywhere but him.“This is my room.” He looked around for any change, hoping nothing was lost in the woman’s presence. As if he knew she’d come to his room, he had immediately followed after her when she left the dining earlier. She was predictable, so predictable. “You were having dinner.”“None of your business. What are you doing here?” His deep voice asked, staring into her soul so that she was forced to look back at him.“I wasn’t snooping around or anything. I was only wondering how this room changed drastically through the years.”Taking steps toward her, his deep body towered over her as she backed away until she was caged between him and the hard wall. “I told you, things change all the time.”She looked away, staring down to her toes.“I know. But how can anyone change so drastically? I can’t find the old Spencer.” Her fingers weaved together. “Where did he go?”Spencer’s cold chu
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Ariel’s Blood Pressure
“Ariel, are you okay? Come on, talk to mommy, please.” Bree pleaded, her voice tingled with anxiety as she gently sat Ariel up on the bed, her face laced with worry. She laid a concerned hand on the child’s forehead only to flinch from the searing heat. Her daughter was burning up.“Oh my goodness, Ari, you’re burning up. Where does it hurt?” She asked, panic slowly creeping into her voice. “Mommy, my headaches.”“Oh my.” Bree’s head darted to the wall clock, the ticking hand marking the passage of time. It was nine in the morning and her daughter was only just waking up. She’d tried waking the child up twice but she’d slept through her attempts only stirring when Bree noticed her shivering and temperature. “Your head? I’m so sorry, I’ll get you something for the pain. Wait here, okay.”Ariel gave an obedient nod as her mother rushed to her closet, searching through the neatly folded clothes until she brought out a box. Returning to Ariel’s side with the box in her hand, she popped
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Disney Princess Treatment
Two days later, Ariel was discharged from the hospital to receive home care from her parents. For the past two days, they have refused to leave her side even for a minute. They hovered around her, every second was spent asking her if she was okay, their faces each time laced with worry. “Mommy, Daddy.” Ariel chanted repeatedly as she caressed their hands. The three of them sat huddled on Ariel's small bed, the child in between her parents as she held their hands, their attention solely on her. Her eyes sparkled in joy at the undivided attention of both her parents.In the past, it has always been her mother showering love and attention on her, taking care of her in times of sickness and need. But now, her father was around. Her parents were together and she could now brag about it like every other kid out there. There was now her Daddy to protect both her Mommy and herself. “You want something, baby?” Bree asked, her voice dripping with honey. “Mommy, Ariel is hungry.”“You are al
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