All Chapters of The Billionaire's Undoing [ A Woman's Revenge]: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
144 Chapters
Chapter Sixty One
Upon surveying their surroundings, Damien leaned closer to Emma and stated, "I do not conduct my business over regular phones. So, any information you have to convey to me through the phone, use the burner phone I provided." Emma's realization dawned on her as she observed the instrument Damien pointed to."I understand now," Emma nodded, her comprehension evident in her expression."That is why I insisted on meeting before discussing any further. I would not want to put you in danger, particularly if your phone is being monitored or if there is a concealed microphone in your residence," Damien elaborated."Now, what do you require assistance with?" Damien leaned in, his hands clasped on the table, his gaze fixed on Emma.Emma exhaled heavily, meeting Damien's gaze as she recounted all that had transpired. Damien listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with inquiries."Are you certain it was your father's ring?" Damien asked, his brow furrowing in contemplation."Yes, I am pos
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Chapter Sixty Two
Damien's response was unforeseen. He abruptly stood up, scraping the chair against the floor as he gathered his belongings. "I believe you are being paranoid, Emma," he stated sharply, his words cutting through the air. "You seek silly revenge, don't you? His son breaks up with you, broke your heart, so you go after both the father and son? I refuse to work solely on hatred towards another individual; there must be a tangible reason."As Damien made his way towards the exit, Emma felt panic surge through her. He already knew too much. She had to make him understand. She hurried after him, desperation etched on her face. She needed his help.As they walked towards where Damien had secretly parked his car, Emma's voice reverberated through the desolate parking lot, laced with frustration and pain. "My father is dead, and his company has been transferred to a stranger I barely know who unfortunately ended up being my Ex's father . And now I discover a CCTV camera in the same house where t
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Chapter Sixty Three
Placing her bag on the counter, Emma's fingers quivered as she retrieved her phone, her heart thumping wildly. She hesitated for a moment, then typed out a message to Damien, her thoughts racing. It was no longer just about uncovering secrets; now, her safety was at stake.After a quick shower, Emma slipped into her pajamas, her mind still consumed by worry.Languishing restlessly atop her bed, Emma struggled to lull herself into a deep slumber, battling against a gnawing sense of unease. Time seemed to blur as she lay awake, her mind consumed by trepidation. Just as the first rays of sunlight crept through her open blinds, Emma succumbed to exhaustion, drifting into a fitful sleep.Abruptly woken by the sun's rays, Emma groaned in annoyance and sat up, her hand reaching for the knife that she had cautiously placed on the bedside table the night before. Letting out a sigh of relief that she hadn't accidentally injured herself, she slipped on her fluffy pink slippers and headed to the
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Chapter Sixty Four
A loud squeal from Tina almost made Emma cringe as Tina ran towards invaka who had seen Emma "Hello, Ivanka. It has been quite some time," Tina exclaimed, eagerly rushing to hug her longtime friend.Emma forced a smile on her face as Tina proceeded to introduce her, though she knew it was completely unnecessary."Ivanka, this is Emma, my friend and Mr. Ethan's secretary. And Emma, meet Ivanka, who is my closest friend," Tina gushed, unaware of the tension between them as the two women gaze locked in a silent standoff, each daring the other to speak first.With an evil smirk playing on the corner of her lips, Ivanka casually extended her hand to Emma. But Emma couldn't suppress the urge to scoff, briefly eyeing the outstretched hand before reluctantly touching her thumb. She wasn't in a hurry to explain her reservations to Tina just yet."Oh, that's perfect. We're heading to the club later tonight. You should come along," Tina offered to Ivanka, oblivious to the tension between Emma an
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Chapter Sixty Five
As Tina dragged Emma onto the dance floor, the pulsating lights and thumping music and seeing others having so much fun engulfed them. Emma lost herself in the rhythm, letting go of her worries with each sway of her hips.One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Emma lost count as the alcohol dulled her senses, blending reality with a haze of euphoria. Tina, equally intoxicated, danced beside her, their laughter mingling with the music.Emma's thoughts drifted to Ivanka, but she pushed them away, yearning for just one night without worry about anyone.Two more shots blurring her vision, and the club swirled around her like a kaleidoscope. Did those flashes of light resemble camera bulbs, or were they just illusions created by her intoxication?As time slipped away, Emma surrendered to the music, but a sudden urge to vomit clawed at her insides. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to leave, not with her favorite slow song playing at the moment.“Enough fun for one night, Emma.” A hand rested on h
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Chapter Sixty Six
Lucas retrieved his ID from his wallet and handed it over, his jaw clenched with tension. The guard examined it closely, his eyes flicking between Lucas and the ID before reluctantly nodding.As the guard stepped back to allow him through the gate, Lucas exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. His relief was palpable, the knot of anxiety in his stomach gradually unraveling.Arriving at the parking lot of the building, Lucas glanced worriedly at Emma, her peaceful slumber a stark to the chaos of the night. Gently opening the back door, he lifted her into a sitting position, her weight sagging against him as he maneuvered her out of the car.The vigilant gaze of the guard followed them as they made their way towards the lobby. Midway, Lucas paused, turning to the guard with a polite yet strained expression."Can you direct me to her apartment?" he asked, his voice hinting at urgency."Through the lobby," the guard replied.Lucas nodded in gratitude before continuing on his p
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Chapter Sixty Seven
The remnants of the previous night's events lingered in Emma's mind, casting a gloomy shadow over the new day ahead. However, she pushed aside those thoughts, focusing on the task at hand: getting through the day, one step at a time.Emma poured another cup of coffee, the scalding liquid burning her throat as she downed it all in one gulp. Grimacing at its bitter taste, she quickly rushed to the bathroom, splashing water to wash away any remnants of caffeine staining her teeth.Hastily returning to her bedroom, she grabbed her work essentials, her mind consumed with the realization that she would be late for work if she didn't hurry. As she hastily headed out the door, the absence of her car in its usual spot jolted her into realization. Lucas had only dropped her off at home from the club last night; her car was still parked there.Panic rising, she frantically searched for her phone, the digital clock taunting her with its display of the time past nine. With her heart racing, she ru
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Chapter Sixty Eight
Emma nodded in tacit agreement, her heart heavy with the gravity of what had transpired. They exchanged seats, and Emma assumed control of the car, her fingers tightening around the wheel with unresolved tension as she ignited the engine and merged onto the road.At Tina's urging, they made a detour to a nearby café. The cozy ambiance did little to dissolve the tension between them as they placed their orders – a simple coffee for Tina and a cappuccino for Emma.Tina's voice quivered as she spoke of wanting to give Trevor a chance to explain. Emma listened, her doubts gnawing at her insides, but she remained silent, understanding that Tina needed to make her own decision. She only hoped it wouldn't take too much time or effort before she realized that Trevor was no good for her, someone she needed to steer clear of in order to avoid becoming a victim of his downfall.After purchasing their drinks, they continued their journey to the office. Emma glanced at her watch as they disembarke
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Chapter Sixty Nine
Damien's firm tone began as he reminded her, "Before heading to work, feedback on the outing with Tina was needed from you, but you neglected to provide it. As for now, I will let it slide.""But as soon as you're done, meet me at the outskirts of the city," Damien continued, his sense of urgency palpable. "At Elmwood Park, next to the broken-down ice cream truck. No delays, it's critical. I've found something significant.""Of course, dear, I'll grab the vegetables on my way back," Emma's calm facade mirrored Damien's instructions to the letter, her tone composed as a worker walked by past her."Come alone, without any..." Damien's words were interrupted by a sharp familiar voice."Emma?" The interruption caused Emma to startle, fluidly lowering the burner phone she was using for their conversation and disconnecting the call, tucking it away inside her shirt. Her heart thudded in her chest as she pivoted towards the source of the voice.There stood Trevor Maddox standing proudly, his
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Chapter Seventy
Mr ethan turned to look at trevor. A small scoff escaped his lips, “But that can't be. You said she was a poor low-life,” Mr. Ethan shook his head, struggling to comprehend the revelation.“That's how she was when I first met her, broke and alone after losing her father. She had nothing! Working as a bar attendant” Trevor's said, a devilish smirk on his face as he looked at Emma.Emma's mouth hung open as she looked at Trevor, " W..what? I was never an attendant!!" She defended herself, but it all stood out deaf ears as Trevor and his father stared at her.Ethan exhaled as he looked at his son, “Well,She's proven herself capable, unlike the last secretary who was lazy and rude,” Mr. Ethan dismissed Trevor's outburst with a wave of his hand, focusing his attention on Emma.“Why didn't you tell me you used to date my son?” His tone was now more curious than accusatory, as if he was trying to piece together the puzzle of their complicated past.With anticipation fluttering in her chest,
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