All Chapters of I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the palace courtyard, I found myself lost in thought, my mind swirling with so many emotions and uncertainties. The General wanted my position or my head. I need to think of how to persuade him to desist from going against the law.Ever since my arrival in the palace, tension had hung in the air like a heavy cloud filled with rain and about to drop at any moment. The weight of my new responsibilities pressing down upon me with each passing moment. I was just nineteen and already an alpha. I wish my mother was here. It was just a few days ago I was banished.But amidst the chaos and confusion, one thing remained constant and that was Zaza's unwavering support and friendship. And so, as I stood alone in the courtyard, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me at the sight of her familiar figure hurrying towards me, her eyes wide with urgency.Zaza came running to me. She wasn’t sure of what she had seen. She o
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I was not sure of what I was doing but I was ready to protect Zaza at all cost. She was the heir to the throne and I gave King Ayar my word that I would hand it over to her. This beast was not going to come in between that.As the beast came before us, its monstrous form casting a shadow over the palace courtyard, the surge of fear that had flowed through my veins disappeared. The threat of the beast to overwhelm me with its suffocating size died down.. I was now sure that the terror that threatened to consume me, has to battle for it. I forced myself to stand my ground, to face the creature with courage and determination.With a steady hand, I reached for the weapon at my side, my fingers wrapping tightly around the head as I prepared to defend myself against the Beast and its threat. Beside me, Zaza watched with wide eyes, her breath coming in short, steady gaps as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of the beast's approach.But just as the creature advanced towards
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As the council meeting came to a close, I watched with a heavy heart as General Antil and his men filed out of the chamber, their expressions grim and determined.“General,” I called out, and he sharply turned around. “You cannot serve two Masters,” I said.“I only serve one,” the General said.“You cannot serve yourself and the Pack,” I shouted, looking at him straight in the eyes.“I don’t, and this is not a pack,” he said, not wanting the people in the gathering to see him as doing that.“You serve yourself, General,” I said.“I serve only King Ayar and right now, he is dead,” he said.“I am the king’s wife, and I am Alpha Ayar,” I shouted at him.“You are not my king,” he said as he led him and his men out of the palace.It was clear that he had little faith in our ability to deal with the threat posed by the beast, and his departure left me with a concerned fraction of the army and guards and a trembling council.The next day, as I sat in my chambers going through the daily routi
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Things began to unfold so speedily. There were a lot of meetings as the beast was seen on almost a daily basis. A lot of people blamed me, but I kept my resolve. I was not going to yield Zaza’s throne to a wicked man.As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the land, a sense of unease settled over Border Town. The town looked like a dark cloud had consumed it.There were concerned whispers about my resolve, and it filled the air as rumors of the General's demands spread like wildfire, igniting fear and uncertainty among the townsfolk.I stood in the center of the hall. I was surrounded by a group of concerned elders and senior ranking officers, their faces showed disappointment and the fact that I controlled half of the army, as the general. It did not make any decision an easy one.They had sad faces as they relayed the General's demands to me. His ultimatum hung heavy in the air, a concerned threat that cast a shadow of dread over our already troubled town.
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It was in the middle of the night that I and the hunter, Karim, left the palace in search of the Moon Beast. I was praying that the best would show himself that night, so that either I ended it or it ended me. I just want the issues in my life to end once and for all.Under the cloak of night, the Hunter and I ventured forth into the wilderness, our footsteps quietened by the soft earth beneath our feet. With every step, the anticipation grew within me like a tightly wound spring, my senses heightened as we pursued our elusive quarry.I knew that everyone, especially Zaza, thought that I could kill the beast because of my gift, but my gifts were given to me by the gods to protect men and not the beast. So I asked Karim if he had killed a beast before.“No, my Alpha, I have not killed a beast like this one before, but every beast of the earth has a specific tracking movement,” Karim said.“So, in other words, you are here to track it for me. And I am here to kill it,” I said, looking h
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Meanwhile in the palace, unknown to them that the beast was headed their way, General Antil met General Masa and they both tried to convince Zaza to make one of them king.General Antil and General Masa sought to sway Zaza to their respective sides, each vying for her allegiance in their bid for power. With persuasive words and subtle manipulations, they painted a picture of a kingdom in turmoil, a realm on the brink of collapse due to my supposed machinations."We cannot allow her to continue unchecked," General Antil declared, his voice laced with conviction as he fixed Zaza with a firm gaze. "She has twisted the leadership to suit her own agenda, and it is our duty to put an end to her tyranny."General Masa nodded in agreement, his expression grim as he echoed Antil's sentiments. "She has deceived us all," he proclaimed, his voice ringing with authority. "We cannot allow her to usurp the throne and lead our kingdom to ruin. We must act swiftly to restore order and stability."To
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As the beast lunged forward, its massive form coming towards me with unstoppable force, I braced myself for the impact. With lightning-fast reflexes, I dodged its initial strike, the air crackling with the sound of its claws slicing through the air mere inches from my skin.It threw its fangs as a spear towards me. This was no ordinary beast, as I have never seen any beast do that. It looked as if it came for Zaza more than anyone. Its attack was towards her, and I was the only thing standing in between its target and itself.I dodged the first two in a lightning move as the third caught my arm. In a vanishing move, I stabbed it twice in the back before it threw me down and started moving towards Zaza. I got up again and vanished and reappeared in between both of them.Everyone was surprised that I had lasted this long in the battle. The Beast rushed towards me again. With each swing of its claws and snap of its jaws, I danced away, using my agility to evade its relentless attacks. Dr
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As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the night, I turned my attention to General Antil's remaining soldiers, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty.Most of them had thought that I was going to kill them or hang them for the sin of their boss. “We are all werewolves! Outcast, mixbreed, omega, or whatever you think you are. This is Border Town and it accepts all and everyone.”With the weight of my recent victory still heavy on my shoulders, I knew that the fate of our pack hung in the balance, and that the decisions made in this moment would shape the course of our future.Standing before them, I met their gaze with a firm resolve, my voice ringing out clear and commanding in the stillness of the aftermath. "You have seen what I am capable of," I declared, my words carrying the weight of authority earned through blood and sacrifice. "Now, I ask you: are you with me, or against me?"For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the sound of labor
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Zaza stood with me in my chambers. The Captain has reported that the Bandits in the Hinder lands are growing in numbers, and we will be next if we don't confront and stop them now. “I cannot fight two battles, Zaza, what you are requesting is a suicide mission from my men,” I said. “Then fright one,” Zaza replied ‘Which one?” I asked. “I don’t know, whatever I choose, it is still your choice,” Zaza said.  I was wondering at myself for allowing a fourteen-year-old to choose my battles when I had captains in my ranks. I was not certain of what to do, and Elder Ce
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Karim's return from the Hinder lands brought with it very worrying and disturbing news, painting a dire picture of the situation unfolding beyond our borders. As he recounted his journey and the harrowing truths he had uncovered, a heavy silence settled over the room, thick with the weight of his words. I was livid as I wondered why the soldiers did not intervene so quickly before things escalated. Why would they be this callous as to allow their borders to get threatened by a group of Bandits who they know had been infesting lands and stealing goods and crops? The Captain explained that it was the battle for leadership that consumed the Generals and that it would be good if we consolidated our forces with those of General Masa. “Karim, what did you learn?” I ask
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