All Chapters of Rayne's Revenge: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
41 - the game is the game
41. The game is the gameElliot's POVThey were playing with fire and it seemed like they were not aware. My plan was to spread as many lies about them as possible so that their investors would all pull away because if someone was going to say bad things about you then you probably dipped your hand in dirty business and nobody liked dealing with someone involved with shady business.I had already released an article that was going to start the process of ruining their business. I believed the thing that annoyed me the most was I didn't know the face of this Lila Adams but I had more things to focus on.A week was gone and there was still no response from them concerning the first article. I felt insulted and I reasoned later on that maybe it was because I had written it under anonymous, next time I would have to make sure I wrote it under the company's name so everyone knows that I have declared war on them.I was seething with anger and frustration. How dare they ignore me? Didn't th
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42 - An unexpected call
Rayne's POVWhen the notification on my laptop rang out and I saw that it was a response from Elliot, I immediately sent it into the deleted folder because I was not going to waste my time in reading whatever nonsense he had written to me. All I know was that I had already told him what I wanted to and everything else depended on his next line of action but knowing him like the back of my palm, I already knew what his answer was going to be but what he didn't realize was that this was a game that he was already destined to lose.I leaned back in my chair, a smirk spreading across my face. I had expected as much from Elliot - all talk and no real action because he was always in his head and never in reality. I had called his bluff, and now he was scrambling to save face but he didn't know that it was already too late for him to do that.He thought his little email which I was sure was filled with empty threats but I wasn't worried. I had already set the wheels in motion, and nothing co
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44 - The plan
Rayne's POVThe plan was perfect and all I had to do was make sure that everything that was needed for it to be successful was put in place.Kenneth had been of great use and he was doing his own part of the bargain exceptionally well. Everyday I received the whole detailed rundown of Star Struck's schedule and it helped me to make my calculations so I could strike at the right time.I sat in my office, poring over the latest schedule Kenneth had sent me. My eyes scanned the pages, taking in all the details. A smile started to grow on my face while I read it. This was the one schedule that I've been waiting for since he started sending them to me. We were finally getting very close to finalizing and executing our plans. So close.It was so perfect that I started to laugh at how perfect everything was syncing and my laughter must have made Jessica wonder because soon enough she was at my door and I looked up as she walked in, a curious expression playing on her face. "Ma'am are you oka
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45 - on your mark
Rayne's POVIt was the weekend to the Tuesday that was to be the day of the presentation at Star Struck and everyone had already done their part and we were all now waiting for that day and also praying and hoping that Kenneth and his team at Star Struck did their jobs right for the plan to work just as we expected it to.To ease my mind off things, I decided to make Nathan stay home so we could finally have our family time because we hadn't had time for it for such a long time as everyone has been busy with work and even Leo had been busy with guitar rehearsals every Saturday and he was one of the best players in his school."Good morning my love" I felt Nathan's presence in the kitchen even before he spoke and wrapped his hands around me."Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, his warm breath on my ear sending shivers down my spine. "What's cooking?"I smiled, turning around to face him. "Just some pancakes and eggs as usual. I thought we could have a family breakfast today, since
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46 - Set? Go!
Rayne's POVIt was Tuesday and my nerves were all over the place. I had hardly slept the night before because I was having anxiety about the plan.I woke up early and assisted Zara to make some breakfast in order to clear my head. I got Leo ready for school and even drove him to school for the first time in a long while since we now had a driver that was designated to taking him to and fro to school.I had them gone back home and gotten ready. My outfit was going to be a simple one so that I would not stand out in the crowd. The presentation was by 10 am and so I had to be in that hall before then and even though everyone expressed their non agreement for me to go their because of how dangerous it was, they already knew that I was not going to listen because i needed to see Elliot's face when he realized what was going on. I needed to see my plan unfold right before my very eyes and recognizing me wasn't going to be easy because I looked nothing like the Rayne that he used to know.I
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47 - Defeat
Elliot's POVMy eyes widened in shock when I saw what was playing on the screen. Just a minute ago it had been the presentation that I had worked hard on to make sure I got this deal and suddenly it was a clip of me with Stacy, one of my ex talents and how I was trying to persuade her to sleep with me in order for her to start getting paid big checks and I cringed as I watched myself. Where had the video come out from and what the hell was going on?I looked around and everyone was staring from the screen to me and then back at the screen with shock on their faces. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.Who must have done this?My mind raced as I tried to comprehend the situation. Who could have done this to me? I thought I had covered my tracks, I thought I had deleted all evidence of my wrongdoings. But clearly, I was wrong.I scanned the room, trying to find the person responsible for this betrayal but everyone in the room looked too stunned to speak, meaning that they were
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48 - Celebrations
Rayne's POVI booked us a private restaurant and arranged everything for our private celebration. We had achieved our plan and now it was just to sit back and watch as Elliot and Star Struck in general start to crash gradually but surely.Everyone at the office was invited and Kenneth with his team too got an invite. We had all contributed in making it a success so we had to celebrate together to call in more wins like that for the future."Thank you so much for believing my story and going to this great length to get justice for me" Emily whispered by my side and I sighed"You don't need to thank me for anything. I was just doing the right thing and you were hundred percent worth the stress it took to get you your justice""Oh Rayne. Sometimes I think that you're not aware of just how pure your heart is"I felt the tears start to gather in my eyes and I smiled"That's a very kind thing of you to say. Thank you and besides what are families for right?"She pulled me into a tight hug"
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49 - Vacation Plans
Rayne's POVI slept on the suggestion of a vacation and I woke up thinking that it was actually a very brilliant idea. I had worked hard for the back months and I had finally achieved something that I had set my heart and mind completely to so it was only right that I celebrated it in a big way.Zara had already set breakfast on the table by the time I got down and not long after, Nathan who I had left sleeping came down, freshly showered and looking as good as usual in his business suit.He kissed me on the cheek and sat down for breakfast"So I'm hoping you've thought about our conversation yesterday night and now see reason why we have to go on this vacation right?" He asked while he chewed and I frowned at him for that"Hey, no pressure or anything," I said, laughing and rolling my eyes. "But yes, I did think about it, and I agree. A vacation sounds amazing right about now."Nathan grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I knew you'd see it my way. So, I've already started m
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50 - White Lie
Rayne's POVAfter much contemplation and searching online for the best place to visit, I finally settled for a beach resort in Morocco because it looked so beautiful on the site that I just had to see it in person and experience it in real life."Morocco sounds like a fun idea and if you think it's the best place then it is" Nathan placed a small kiss on my lips before he left for work. I smiled to myself, pleased that he actually valued my opinion."Leo, aren't you ready yet?" I called out to Leo who was still not out of his room. We were going to his school in order to take an excuse for him to leave school so he can come on the vacation with us and just as Ethan had planned, we were going with the sickness option and telling them that Leo has to be checked out because he had a rare sickness. It was crazy but we had no other choice "Coming, Mummy!" Leo shouted back, finally coming down the stairs with his backpack on and a big smile on his face.I chuckled and shook my head. "You'r
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51 - Catching Flights
Nathan's POVWe finished packing quicker than expected and then we decided to just spend some time together before going to bed. Leo had dosed off on my laps and Rayne and I spent the night talking while we took the ice cream that she had brought home.I watched her as she told me about her childhood and how she misses her father and I just stared at her, unable to wrap my head around how she could be this beautiful.This trip was for her to get some rest but most importantly, it was for her to be away from here when the problem that was right at her door breaks in. Before she came home that night after her party to celebrate her win against Elliot. I had gotten a call from my private investigator and he had told me that Elliott didn't plan on just accepting defeat and I wasn't surprised but what he said next surprised me so much, I couldn't say anything for a whole minute.Rayne's most top investors were planning pulling out of her company and it was because of the smear campaign Ell
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