All Chapters of Accidentally married the multi-billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Is there something going on that I need to know about, Amira?" Jayden queried with a scrutinizing gaze and Amira shuddered. This wasn't the time to blow her cover and make everything that she had worked for already mess up."Jayden, what in the world do you mean? You know I don't mean it like that. I just don't want you to stress yourself out for me, like I told you; I want to experience this work life just as every other person here." Amira said adjusting Jayden's tie as she she slyly rubbed his shoulders in a bid to twist his reasoning and make him take his mind off how tense she was a few minutes ago."It's as if you don't want me close. Like you're getting detached as the day goes by. Like yesterday, you didn't even return home and you just told me over text by midnight that you just wanted to spend the night at your place. That's not like you." Jayden complained but from the look in his eyes, Amira knew that he was slowly letting go of it.."I'm sorry, it's just work," she comme
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Chapter 32
Amira dialed Summer's number, her hand trembling with anger and frustration. As soon as Summer answered, Amira blurted out the news. "Summer, it's Amira. I just got out of a meeting with Aiden. He suspended me from the company!"There was a pause on the other end of the line before Summer responded, her voice laced with shock and disbelief. "What? That can't be right! What happened?"Amira took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "He claims I've been 'underperforming' and that my 'attitude' has been a problem. But we both know that's not true. He's been gunning for me since I spoke up against his precious wife. I think Marina has a hand in all of this."Summer's voice was fierce. "That's ridiculous! You're one of the hardest workers I know. We'll get to the bottom of this, Amira. I'll talk to HR and see what's going on."Amira felt a surge of gratitude towards Summer. "Thanks, Summer. Just knowing you're on my side makes me feel better. I'll keep you posted on what happens next."As t
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Chapter 33
"I'm still trying to understand why you would give Amira the go-ahead to stay over at the guest house knowing well that I own the company and I make the rules around my company," Aiden yelled as he was physically vibrating leaving the old man in thought of why his grandson was vibrating in such I tense level of anger. Aiden had gone over to see his grandfather the next day after the incident with Amira not because he couldn't enforce his own rules but because he didn't want to. That would mean bypassing his grandfather and though he was tough and rigid Eve to his father, he had never disobeyed his grandfather apart from the time he had to get married without his consent. "I could easily fire her completely but I'm still basking on the little, tiny thread of respect that I have left for you which you seem to be shredding bit by bit." Aiden bellowed as he slammed his fist into the table right in front of his grandfather who his grandfather sat there looking unperturbed. "Firstly, m
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34 "Tsk, like father like son. What did I do to warrant this now?" Summer asked rolling her eyes as she crossed her legs on top of each other. "Summer, have you been troubling your brother's wife?" The old man asked taking a series of deep breaths to calm himself from yelling at Summer. "Why are we still talking about Marina? Did she say I trouble her because I don't remember doing such?" Summer sighed as she stood up from the one-seater chair and went to the water dispenser across the room, gulping down a glass of water she went back and resumed her seat. "Summer, I want you to leave their house." The old man said abruptly and Summer's eyes widened before she regained composure. "Why? I just started bonding with my sister-in-law. No, I won't leave." Summer protested but a glare from her granddad was enough to shut her up. "That wasn't an option to consider, it was an order." The old man yelled and Summer kept mute having nothing to say at that moment. "Dad, so you're j
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Chapter 35
"What?" Summer, Aiden, and their grandfather all bawled out in jinx. "Yeah. Amira and Summer are quite close and the guest house being a little bit far away from our house is kind of an issue for their friendship so Amira should just move in with us." Marina concluded and Aiden was at a loss for words. "You're going to be okay with Amira staying with us in your husband's house?" Summer found herself asking and Marina nodded her head in positivity. "Yeah, so just tell her to come back with you. If that is all, I and Aiden would take our leave now." Marina said and with that, after exchanging some pleasantries with Aiden's grandfather and a little chit-chat, the couple were on their way home with silence hanging like a mist between them. AIDEN'S MANSION. "I don't understand this." Aiden blurted out the instant they walked past the front door and his tone of speech alerted the maids in the living room cleaning making them scurry away in fear. "What?" Marina queried feigning ig
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Chapter 36
"Marina, I need you to leave the room right now!" He warned and as she took several steps closer to him, he took several steps away from her till his back hit the hard wall."Marina, I said leave!!!" He yelled and the next minute, he was throwing the bottle of wine that was resting on one of the unbroken glass tables in the room."I'm going to hurt you and you don't want that so just leave while you still can," Aiden warned as the beads of sweat on his forehead glimmered under the white light in the room"Aiden, I know you want me to leave but you're right. I don't listen to instructions, they're not exactly my area of experience. Now do you mind telling me what's going on with you?" Marina pressed and Aiden stared at her in disbelief."Marina, please listen to me and leave." He yelled slamming his fist into a wall and Marina shuddered.She had to leave, she needed to leave for her safety. This looked like an estranged murder scene but for some unexplainable reason, she felt like it w
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Chapter 37
2 weeks of Amira's suspension days were over and she had returned to work but she had been pretty low-key as the Juniors didn't listen to her as much anymore because she was one of the newest employees that got suspended just a few weeks after employment.To them, it was a mark of disgrace and an everlasting one at that. A new employee getting suspended not even up to a month after she resumed work, if she ever got another suspension, according to the contract...her career with the company would be ending alongside."Amira, the boss wants to see you in his office right away." One of the interns casually informed her and was about to walk away when Amira called her back for a reprimand, the girl halted shrugging her shoulders at a comment made by someone else, and then flashed a smile to someone who had complimented her dress."Are you even listening to me?" Amira yelled and the girl swiveled to stare at her while twitching her brows."Perhaps, you'd just state why you called me back.
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Chapter 38
"Mr Wellington, I don't see any need for you to come to meet me at the office, I just want to finish up some files but it would take me all night." Marina stared into the speaker but when she didn't hear a reply from Aiden's end, it confirmed that he had slammed the receiver back to its stead and was probably on his way to meet with her.All through Aiden's drive in the car, Aiden felt like his head had been clouded and it infuriated him. It took only the willpower for him to see Marina which made him not get in an accident.Anger was coursing through his veins and he realized what that meant when he caught his hands vibrating like a machine and we were unable to grasp the car wheels. Good for him that he brought his pills alongside him.Popping two of the pills, he slipped it into his mouth and chugged down a bottle of water whilst taking a deep breath alongside.Allowing his mind and body to relax for a bit, he started the car engine that he had previously stopped driving towards Ma
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39"Okay, that's nice. But is discussing it by midnight the best time to have such an important conversation?" Marina asked as she lowered her gaze.She didn't know why but she couldn't look him in the eye. This wasn't the same man that had saved her from being a total disgrace at her failed wedding and this certainly wasn't the same man that had showered her with love and care ever since she got here.He was different and somehow, she couldn't see how it linked to Amira but this weird behavior started portraying the instant she asked Amira to come over and stay at their place.Though Amira hadn't moved in yet, so she wasn't sure if Summer had agreed to let Amira move in or they had decided against it."I would choose whenever I want to have a discussion and if I say Midnight is when I want to, then midnight it is." Aiden stayed and she nodded slowly."But I'm feeling pretty sleepy right now and yeah, you were right. I wouldn't have been able to do anything at the office as I'
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Chapter 40
“I admit to the fact that I make decisions that are weird for anyone to handle but it was a mistake, thinking that I'd be home with Amira and Summer already makes me feel like my head would explode anytime soon." Marina couldn't believe that she was begging the same man who had told her a few days ago that he married her out of pity, but at this point, she couldn't care less. He took her hands in his and as his gaze pierced her like there was something he was looking for in it, something he was searching for, she exhaled sharply hoping that for now; he would forget she talked about divorcing and staying at home with her. "Too bad, I'm not in the mood for any of that. Enjoy the rest of your day." He untangled their hands and made for the door, without sparing her a last glance, he walked out of the room. She could easily go to her store if she wasn't comfortable here but then she thought to herself, how long would she have to run away from her own house? His house, precisely!
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