All Chapters of Mated to the Alpha Quadruplets: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
Twenty one
Eliza’s POV Theron's words hung heavy in the tense silence. I felt shame burn through me at disappointing the noble alpha who had shown me such kindness. Caia, too, seemed cowed by his reprimand. Before either of us could respond, a commotion at the edge of the clearing caught everyone's attention. Zara came bounding in, her eyes wide with urgency. "Alpha! Rogues have been spotted on our eastern border," she panted. "A large pack, by the looks of it, maybe 20 or more. They've already killed two of our outer perimeter scouts." A rumble of alarm spread through the gathered wolves. Attacks from violent rogues were always a threat, but a pack of that size could devastate us. Theron's eyes narrowed, and I saw his body tense, readying for action. "Muster our best fighters immediately. We'll cut them off at the ridge line and make our stand there." He turned his intense gaze on me and Caia. "This ridiculous feud ends now. Prove you both have honour by fighting alongside your packmates
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Chapter Twenty Two
Rio’s POV As the council meeting ended and everyone started to go their separate ways, I grabbed Daniella and led her to the dimly lit corridor, ensuring we moved to a quiet spot where nobody could overhear us. I could not risk our secret being found out. I wanted to protect Creek and the people here. The distant hum of the pack house faded as we found ourselves in the secluded nook, the flickering light barely touching her concerned features. "Daniella, we have to keep this to ourselves," I warned her, my voice barely above a whisper. Daniella nodded, her usually vibrant eyes clouded with worry. "But how long can we keep quiet, Rylan? This could change everything for the pack... for all of us." Her voice trembled, betraying the fear she tried so hard to mask. “I hate that omega for what she has done. I don't know what is worse, her escaping so easily or Rylan refusing to accept me.” she pouted her lips and crossed her arms over her chest. "I know," I said, reaching out to
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Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rio’s POV My Mother’s expression hardened as she processed the information, the strategic wheels turning in her mind. "Gather the warriors. We will investigate this disturbance immediately," she commanded, her voice cutting through the tension in the air. The beta wolf nodded, turning to relay the orders to the gathered pack warriors. As he hurried off, Mother turned her gaze back to me, the weight of her scrutiny heavy on my shoulders. "Rio," she began, her tone firm but tinged with concern. "We will discuss this so-called 'delicate situation' after we have dealt with the matter at hand. But mark my words, secrets can unravel, especially within a pack as close-knit as ours. Now, let's see what is happening at the border gates.” I swallowed hard, the gravity of her words settling like a stone in the pit of my stomach. Despite the cloak of secrecy we had tried to maintain, the truth seemed now racing towards the surface, threatening to expose the delica
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Chapter Twenty Four
Rio's POV I felt a surge of protectiveness wash over me as Rylan, Edward, and Enzo confronted us about our apparent secrecy. Daniella tried to downplay the situation, but their suspicions only grew stronger in the face of our evasive responses. "Did you forget that we are brothers? Quadruplets, and I know you better than she ever could," Rylan stated. I looked at Daniella, who lowered her gaze to the ground. She knew that he was right. "Rylan, you don’t understand what you are saying. Please, let it go. It’s complicated, but Daniella is our chosen Luna. Let’s not forget that she is best for our pack," I started to say with a sigh. I wished my stupid brother would just accept that now so we could get on with our lives and prepare for our Alpha position when the time eventually comes. "What makes you think that she is what’s right for all of us and Creek?" Rylan's jaw was clenched, his arms crossed in front of him as he demanded answers. Edward and Enzo stood by his side, thei
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Chapter Twenty Five
Eliza’s POV “You were amazing out there. Thank you for helping us.” Alpha Theron said to me as Caia approached me with a strange look on her face. “Can I have a word, please, Eliza?” she asked nervously.” sure, what is it?” I asked. “I want to apologise for being so rude before.” "Apology accepted, Caia," I replied, offering her a reassuring smile. "Let's put the past behind us and focus on what lies ahead." As we stepped aside from the group, I couldn't help but notice the unease in her eyes. "Is there something else you wanted to discuss, Caia?" I probed gently. She hesitated momentarily before finally confessing, "I've been thinking about what happened earlier today, Eliza. When you...changed. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. I feel like I don't know what to think.” I sighed, understanding her apprehension. "Caia, I'm still the same Eliza. But yes, something extraordinary happened to me today. Jasmine's presence has awakened a power within me, a connection between h
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Chapter Twenty Six
Rylan's POVAs I listened to my parents and that rogue talking about the white wolf and her whereabouts at the Silver Moon Pack, something within me shifted. She belonged with me, and no one would stand in the way of claiming what was rightfully mine. The connection between us, the bond that had been forged long before we even knew of its existence, beckoned me to her side. I did not care for Daniella being my brother's choice of a chosen Luna. We were not yet the Alphas of Creek anyway. I had had enough of the secrets, the lies, the deception. I may not know her name, but I knew she was my mate, the White Wolf, and I would not let her slip through my fingers. I silently vowed to find her and bring her back to where she truly belonged – by my side—Future Luna of the Creek. No way was I letting this go. The thought echoed in my mind, driving me forward through the forest. The moon's silver light illuminated my path, guiding me toward the Silver Moon Pack. It did not bother me that th
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Chapter Twenty Seven
Eliza's POV“Eliza, you're strong, and you can do just fine without him as your mate. But are you ok?” Caia's concern and words brought me back to the present, the weight of the events that had transpired still heavy on my shoulders. I nodded in response, not trusting myself to speak, my gaze fixed on the ground as I tried to steady my emotions. "He's lucky Alpha Theron showed restraint," Caia remarked with a sigh, her words carrying a mix of relief and resignation. The thought of Rylan facing the wrath of our Alpha made my heart clench with a pang of guilt and unease. Despite everything, I didn't want to see him hurt, even if our paths had diverged so painfully."Thank you, Caia," I whispered. “Were they that bad to you back at that Creek pack?” caia asked curiously.Caia's question brought back a rush of memories from my time at Creek Pack, memories that I had tried to bury beneath a facade of strength and resilience. I bit my lip, the vivid recollections of Daniella and Tricia's
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Daniella’s POV My heart raced excitedly as I sat down with Tricia, my best friend, in the quiet corner of the pack's community centre. I couldn't contain my joy any longer. "Tricia, can you believe it? I'm going to be the Luna," I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling with happiness. Tricia beamed with pride and hugged me tightly. "I knew you could do it, Daniella. You're going to be amazing. Luna Lara will teach you all you need to know, and she is an expert. We all think you're so lucky. You get four mates. That is so awesome.” she gushed, and I hugged her again. Both of us shrieked with excitement. We must have looked like a proper pair of loons, but we didn't care. “You will be the best Luna alongside the alpha quads. Rylan will come around to the idea sooner or later.” Despite Tricia's encouraging words, a sense of unease crept over me as I thought about Rylan, the Alpha's son and one of the quadruple brothers. He had always been distant towards me, and I knew he disapproved of me b
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Twenty Nine
Rylan’s POV When I woke up after a rubbish night's sleep, I sat up in my bed for a few moments and contemplated what I could do to resolve my situation. The first thing on my mind was to discuss privately with my brothers and father. I could not believe that Eliza was the white wolf. It changed everything. I knew they would probably think I was being crazy again, but I could not just sit back and allow this to go unnoticed. Alpha Theron was a sly one, and he must have known that Eliza had come from our pack and been treated as an omega. I hated how we treated her, not knowing her true identity. Once I gathered my thoughts, I dressed and headed downstairs to the pack house where I knew my family would be. I noticed Daniella and Tricia deep in thought and laughing together like they had so much to be excited over. I felt sick as I heard her say the word Luna.“You will never be Luna,” I yelled at her in spite. I could barely stand to look at her now that I had seen her sly side. She
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Chapter Thirty
Eliza’s POV The next day dawned bright and clear, the excitement in the air palpable as Alpha Theron gathered the Silver Moon pack for an important announcement. My heart raced with nervous anticipation. Caia stood beside me and took my hand, squeezing it gently to show she was there for me. Alpha Theron stood at the centre of the gathering, his voice commanding and filled with authority. The anticipation in the air was palpable as he addressed the Silver Moon pack, the words hanging heavy with significance.“My fellow werewolves,” Alpha Theron began, his eyes sweeping over the assembled pack. “I bring to you news of great importance. Today, we are honoured to receive a visit from the king himself.”A hushed silence fell over the gathering as Alpha Theron's words sank in, the werewolves exchanging knowing looks and murmurs of excitement.“And not only that,” Alpha Theron continued, his voice growing in strength and excitement. “The king's visit is not merely a courtesy call. It is a
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