All Chapters of Avowed: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Something Blue
Amara's POV I wasn't allowed my phone, extra carbs, or even a window for ventilation as I was forced to get ready in the largest supply closet which was only mildly larger than a personal bathroom. Even so, I was forced to come out between the mops and cleaning supplies looking like I came off of some red carpet. Even if my dress came off the runway and my makeup was expensive enough to sell and make a life of my own without a loan, I was beyond trapped. The dress was tight. The new ring on my left hand was heavy. And as the last step to my look was a veil I refused to put in, I hesitated. Surely Jackson was protecting me somehow. He would come in minutes before the wedding or even seconds after it started. His words when we were alone were too honest to not be followed through when he was called on them. But as I looked at my reflection in the metallic plate that once held keys before me, I only saw a foolish girl getting her hopes up on some antinquidated fairytale
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Chapter Twenty One- Hatred
Jackson’s POVIt killed me to watch her taken from my lap, but I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. But it absolutely decimated me to see her on her knees for someone else. Someone else who had wanted her almost as desperately as I did. Enough for his life to come at a cost for his lust. It was barely a worthy payment but gave an excuse to rid the world of him as I'd planned from the get-go. Now, she was back at my side again. Although she wasn't rejoicing as I had naively hoped, she loathed me as I expected she might. But I was a patient man. I had already spent fifteen years waiting for her. And now, nothing would tear us apart again. Whether she knew that, believe it, or not-it was the truth. “Are you going to stay in the car all night?” I asked after we took the side exit from the hotel as those tasked with watching her were not expecting her to leave alive. It made it easy to sneak away undetected but tempting to leave a trail of blood in ou
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Chapter Twenty Two-The Games We Play
Amara's POVI wasn't staring for my benefit. Especially not at the tattoos that flexed along with him in any and every small movement. Nope, I was watching him to make sure he was not going to do something shady when he thought I was asleep. It was why I was currently across the room in a chair a safe distance away from him. Because even if I was too stubborn to admit it aloud, whenever I was in his orbit, he made it difficult to focus on anything but him. More specifically, the way he made me want to trust him. But I couldn't. For too many reasons to count. And the longer I was enclosed with him, none of them seemed to matter. “How long are you going to stare at me baby?” His voice shifted my eyes from the form curve of his ass that I had been deep in thought while multitasking and admiring. I didn't dignify him with an answer as I picked up my feet and marched into the bathroom. This was my third shower in twelve hours as each one was taken as an excuse. “Wh
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Chapter Twenty Three- Compliant
Jackson's POVWas this plan a bit selfish? Abso-fucking-lutely. Although it took a bit convincing and even more reminding, she eventually bent over his desk as I stood behind her. I had only a second or two to make it seem like we'd been here even longer than that. I used it to unbuckle my belt and make a mess of the meticulous set of the decorations across his desk as most of them fell to their side or to the floor. “If you take any liberties…” She warned me as I tried to sound convincing as I assured her I wouldn't, but I was already staring at the panties facing me. The wet panties…“Jackson!” She scolded as I ripped the lace with a snap until the fabric was between my fingers and I interlaced my hand with hers on the desk. It was done partially for show but more as a reminder of us as the part of our palms that connected held the damp fabric. She turned to me as if to explain as my heavy gaze dropped immediately to her lips. “Move with me.”
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Chapter Twenty Four- Mother of All Lies
Amara’s POVHe changed again. Only this time back to the boy I left behind fifteen years ago. The one who was unsure of himself in every aspect except the fact he'd never have me. It made me want to reach across the car and shake some sense into him. If he would have given me the truth then maybe I would have been able to see beyond the lies and the games. But as he just stared, forfeiting , and it left yet another tally in a string of reasons to why the fissures between us would remain. “Where are we?” I asked as we'd driven too far out of town to be anywhere I could recognize. But the headlights illuminated the front of a small house brought to life by the flowers in pots and gnomes spread throughout. An arch led to a pathway made of stone that came to the front steps made up of lattice on the sides. It was quaint and delicate, everything Jackson wasn't. “You deserve the truth, Amara. You'll find it inside.”“You're not coming?” “It's better f
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Chapter Twenty Five- First Steps
Jackson's POVI had to have paced enough in front of that guest bedroom to put a divot in the floorboards. Even as I thought about how excited Lena was to decorate that room for her daughter as she lined it with pictures of them and the perfect aesthetic for Amara's age, I couldn't bring myself to knock. Because once I did I knew this would come to an end and I simply didn't want to accept it. There was a room at the end of the hall that was more of a storage room comprised of boxes and home improvement equipment. This one was the one I slept in. Only a cot lay folded up in the corner and it was that which I prepared for myself. But even as it stared at me tempting sleep, I couldn't rest. Because once again I knew it brought me closer to that goodbye I was unwilling to fathom. But if I truly loved her, I'd have to find a way to come to terms with it. Just not tonight. I was too fixated on evading the inevitable that I didn't think it may come and find
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Chapter Twenty Six- The Last Night
Amara's POVA date. Considering how the last one ended, I wasn't exactly eager even though the last three days were spent with relentless persuasion. Kisses on the neck kind of persuasion. Dirty words in the ear kind of persuasion. So I relented and was now currently on my mother's couch as she helped me go through some of her clothes for the perfect outfit. Despite the fact the majority of her clothes showed our difference in age, there were a few pieces I could put together. The neckline of one dress could be manipulated into a stunning belt for the skirt of another garment. Ideas similar to this came out as a river in my mind as I sketched the plan while my mother taught me to sew. The lines may not have been perfect but the vision came to completion just in time to get ready for the date itself. “I like to think this is how your prom would have been like.” She commented while putting the final curl in my hair. “I'd also like to thin
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Chapter Twenty Seven- Virgins
Jackson's POVI couldn't kiss her fast enough. I couldn't touch her long enough. The space between us was too vast and the clothes remaining were too close. I wanted to tear her bare and rut into her until the headboard left souvenirs in the form of dents in the wall. I also wanted to move slowly and take my time leaving her to come slowly undone for me. Orgasm after orgasm until I earned my own with her. “Are you sure?” She asked with emphasis to me as I nodded quick enough to leave my head almost dizzy. She smirked and I wiped it away with a brutal kiss that bent her into the crook of my arm. I had to hold onto the dresser beside the door to keep from knocking us both to the floor as her lips made me weak. Correction, the little whimpers she made as I kissed her made me weak. I couldn't have just her mouth anymore. I needed more. I needed her jaw. Her neck. Her chest. My hands pushed up her bodice to tighten her breasts beneath the fabr
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Chapter Twenty Eight- The Morning After
Amara’s POVAs most women thought about their wedding, I thought about my first time. More specifically, what it would feel like when waking up that next morning when the heat of the moment subsided and reality returned. I conjured the idea of being made breakfast or even being run a bath to soak against my lover's chest. As I became older the fantasy was shifted into an understanding that the loss of my virtue would be the same business arrangement as my wedding day. I didn't expect much more than maybe distance as I climbed out of bed that next morning. But like always, Jackson blew all of my expectations and made them into perfect memories. His arm kept me as a little spoon in front of his naked body while his cock came to life, hard and thick, as I adjusted to my consciousness. The raspy groan of a morning tone made my skin chill as a possessive hand tugged me even closer to his chest. “Do you regret it?” He asked into my hair
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Chapter Twenty Nine- The Surrender
Jackson's POV  I’ve let my guard down for too long. Instead of submitting myself between Amara’s thighs on a continuous loop, I should have kept updates on Lena. If I would have then the fact she was absent from checking in with the guard I assigned to her wouldn’t have gone unnoticed. But because I was an insatiable and greedy bastard, the woman I loved was bouncing in the seat of my car beside me because nobody had a proper last sighting. I was told they heard noises throughout the night but nobody thought anything of it-unaware that the balconies were attached to one another and he accessed her that way. I didn’t give her daughter this detail as I knew she blamed herself and the last thing I wanted after a night like the one we shared was retraction.  “It’s going to be okay, Amara.&rdq
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