All Chapters of Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
136 Chapters
Chapter 20
Chapter 20AuroraCloaked in fear, I could hear my father's pulse beating in his ears as sweat began to tickle down his forehead despite the air-conditioned room. Horror embalmed his eyes when his phone beeped the second time, indicating a message he received from the Alpha King. He tried to stay as still as possible to avoid drawing attention, but his teeth began to chatter in fear. I restrained myself from walking up to him to see the content of his message as his fear started to spread to me, like a communicable disease. What could the Alpha King ask that put my father in this situation? My father could withstand tough things without blinking. The wound on his chest was evidence…but this strange message triggered his fear, making it resurface and getting the best of him. What does the King want? Despite racking my brain to search for extreme conditions to ask, I couldn't find any that could trigger one's fear factor.Maybe he wanted my father's pack. It was no secret that m
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Chapter 21
Chapter 21AuroraWeighing the dangerous options one last time, I took a deep breath, calming my raging nerves as I tried to pick the best option. Except both were suicidal. I wiped the dried tears that stained my cheeks with the back of my palm as I proceeded out of my room to make the final arrangements with my dad. Be strong, Aurora. Now wasn't the time to brood. I spent hours in my room drenching my pillow with tears until I had no tears in my eyes. The moment my legs hit the hallway, the atmosphere got tense. My presence made everyone mute as they stared at me with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. It was crazy how the news traveled so fast. A feeling of selfishness coursed through me as I made my way into their midst.Guilt pricked my heart, making me avoid their gazes. I wasn't going to be anyone's saviour to the detriment of myself. And I wouldn't let my emotions make me do something irrational. But when the eyes of an innocent boy accidentally pinned mine, I felt my
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22 Aurora It was crazy how news spread rapidly like wildfire. It didn't take a minute after the Beta gave my words to the King before results started pouring in. A state of emergency was declared to keep everyone safe in their houses while the war was going on. We had lost so many people and losing more wasn't on the list. I watched in silence as the smoke from the exploded bombs rose up from my window, destroying the territories of the unknown enemies. Bullets flew in all directions and soon. Our pack was filled with extremely skilled warriors deployed by the King. After much pleading with my father, I was handed a device by his Beta to keep track of the progress of the war. It was a piece of great news to know that we were on the winning side. The warriors were so much that they greatly outnumbered the enemies. Soon they began to retreat into the portal they came out from, but the warriors found them and spared no time in exterminating them. A heroic feeli
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23Damon"Any news from Ric?" I asked impatiently, trying to mask my rising anxiety. But Jasper was always a son of a bitch. He saw through my hidden feelings most of the time. It fills me with irritation knowing that I was almost an open book to someone. But I was grateful it was Jasper, my right-hand man whom I trusted with my life. His eyes narrowed as they were pinned on mine, watching me suspiciously. "They are on their way." Those words were enough to send relief through my troubled mind, but they didn't erase the anxiety that was clung to my chest. Anger rose in me as a twinge of irritation flushed through me.Why was this journey taking forever? The Diamond Heart pack was just a few hours away from my castle and it's been 4 hours since Ric reported! Why was he acting like a snail today?!This was unlike Ric. The instructions were simple. Get the girl out of the god-damned pack immediately after he arrives. I hope he wasn't waiting for the conclusion of the fam
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24DamonMy cock sank into her furiously, filling her wetness with deep painful strokes while she quivered beneath me. My strong hands pinned her waist firmly to the table, holding her in place as I continued to ram into her, ignoring her pleas.She should have thought of that before barging into my privacy. "Your orgasm has been denied," I announced unapologetically, moving my flexible waist further into her so hard that the table creaked noisily beneath us. I pulled out briefly, slapping her thighs so hard that it turned pink before flashing her an angry look. Without hesitation, she spread her legs wider, accommodating my huge size. Good girl. As I was about to plunge my shaft into her, voices flooded my head. A growl rolled off my partly opened mouth, causing a rush of anger down my spine as I took my hands off Rosa's slim waist. Confusion and desire washed over her face as she glared at me, sucking on her bottom lip. Despite being fucked ruthlessly, she craved me
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25AuroraAs the car sped past the Diamond Heart pack's border, I cried until there were no tears left in my eyes. The farther we drifted from my father's pack, the more I felt strangely disconnected from it. Unconsciously embracing a new reality. A cruel one. I kept my blurry eyes fixed at the back of the car, looking through the tinted glass and hoping I would see my parents' figure in the thick cloud of dust. I wish some miracle could happen and they would sneak me out without the hefty man's knowledge. But life wasn't a fairytale. Dust gathered behind as the car zoomed off across the dusty road before it navigated its path on a tarred road. Behind the car, I was followed by another black SUV. I couldn't help but wonder who was in there.Maybe some bodyguards? Resigned to fate, I curled up into a ball, hugging my knees against my chest with a pitiful look on my face as I stared at the beautiful black leather chair that I sat on. I tried to keep my mind off several
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Chapter 26
Chapter 26AuroraMy mind wandered to my first meeting with him. I couldn't deny that it sparked a couple of emotions within me that made me tempted to think he wasn't as bad as he was rumoured to be. But the Alpha King was unpredictable. Who knew he would let me go easily despite knocking over him with a set of dishes? His instant reaction would have been to get rid of me without thinking twice, but he ordered someone to clean up the mess.That was so unlike him.I wouldn't even forget his assistance in a hurry. He acted like a gentleman to ruin Nathalia's plan of humiliating me. I will be forever grateful to him.A tingling sensation ran down me when his eyes flashed in my memory. Despite how cold and brutal they appeared, I could swear that they softened the moment they landed on mine. The butterflies in my belly multiplied as his intense stare wouldn't leave me. A part of me found it attractive while a part of me found it uncomfortable. But despite how his eyes affected m
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Chapter 27
Chapter 27 AuroraI felt my heart summersalt a thousand times as my legs were rooted to a spot. Sweat broke out on my forehead and it trickled down my face as I stared at the girl in shock. "The Alpha King's chamber? Isn't that too soon?" My shaky voice came out in a whisper. It would take a lot of effort to hear. Great! I haven't even recovered. "Nothing is too soon for the Alpha King. He owns you now. You are his property," she responded before turning her eyes to the dimly lit hallway. We walked away silently, but her words kept replying in my head. It was like someone with a megaphone screamed those words in my head. I couldn't deny that it was the truth, but why would she have to break it to me like that? Why couldn't she be nice? The bitter taste of irritation burned in my gut as her words rang in my head again. Did he own me? Was I a piece of jewelry? Was I a piece of cloth that he would use and dispose of as he liked? Despite knowing I was choiceless, I wouldn't
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Chapter 28
Chapter 28AuroraI followed behind the huge guard with tears hanging in my eyes, turning to look at Alex but she was gone. For the first time since I arrived at the pack, I felt alone. My only companion left me to my horrible fate. I couldn't blame her, circumstances were beyond her control. Cold breeze enveloped me, making me quiver as I brought my hands to hug each other. My heart throbbed as fear slowly crept into me, swallowing me gradually. The guard was about to turn the doorknob when it opened by itself…no, it was opened by a woman. The moaning lady. Her cold hard stares were enough to freeze me on the spot.She halted in her tracks, shooting me a look while I watched her, unable to speak. Maybe, cat got my tongue. From her aura, I could sense that she was important since it screamed authority and respect.I lowered my head, tearing my gaze from her penetrating ones."Who is she?" Her mean voice rang, demanding immediate answers. Without looking at her, I could tell
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29AuroraLike an eel, I slipped out of his grip, wiggling free before taking a few steps away from him, creating a big distance between us as my chest thundered in fear. Anger flashed in his narrowed eyes as he clenched his teeth, gritting them furiously. The loud bang of his clenched fist on the table warned me about my disobedience but I remained rooted to the spot adamantly with my eyes tightly shut and my mouth slightly opened, muttering a silent prayer. His furious eyes conveyed hidden messages, but I chose to be blind, refusing to let my eyes meet his. How cruel he was to demand my body on the day I was brought in. He didn't even let me pass the night to rest my tired bones and regain strength. He was cloaked in selfishness. All he cared about was satisfying his high libido. To even think that he just finished having sex with his mistress. Wasn't that enough for the day? Must he have a taste of me?What else does he want from an inexperienced naive girl who know
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