All Chapters of Marked By The Demon Triplet Alpha Kings : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
139 Chapters
Chapter 70
Chapter 70DamonI walked into the room, quietly closing the door behind me so as not to make a sound. Waking Aurora was the last thing on my mind as I didn't want to announce my presence. I heaved a sigh as I strode across the room, to the bed she was lying on.The soft snores and her rhythmic breathing confirmed that she was fast asleep. Perfect. Work was hectic, the packs' affairs were about to make me go crazy. The stress of work was getting on me, making me exhausted, irritated, and dull. Inhaling Aurora's sweet scent and snuggling her in my arms for some hours was the therapy my tired body needed. Aurora was my medication. She healed me. The buzzing of my phone ignited my anger, making me groan loudly. I've heard enough of the packs' affairs. They can fix themselves until I arrive tomorrow. Without bothering to check who it was, I dropped the call, switching my phone off before burying it in my pocket. "My King…" Jasper's words filled my head immediately, interrupting m
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Chapter 71
Chapter 71DamonDisbelief cloaked me like a garment, causing my heart to race at an unimaginable pace. Beads of sweat gathered on my forehead as Rosa's words kept ringing in my head. She had proof? If she had proof, then it was true. Never had Rosa shown me proof of any allegations she laid against someone. But this time, she wanted to risk it.If only I believe her. No, Damon. Rosa is a liar and a pretender who shouldn't be trusted! My subconscious yelled at me, but I still couldn't help the curiosity buried in my heart. "Aurora is cheating on you with Ray and I have proof." Her words floated in my head again, exposing my fears and confirming my doubts. If she was making this up, she wouldn't be so daring and convincing. Rosa was a lot to handle, but I could sense it when she was serious about a pressing issue. I was lost in thoughts as confusion overtook me. My next decision could make or break Aurora. Fuck! I didn't know whether to believe her, but deep down, I didn't
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Chapter 72
Chapter 72DamonI wanted to let out a deafening growl. I wanted to punch the wall hard until my fist bled profusely. I wanted to grab Ray by the neck and rip his throat out while I watched in satisfaction how his blood would gush out of his veins and stain my claws. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't speak. The fear of breaking down before Rosa got to me. The last thing I wanted was to let my guard down before her. Aside from Jasper, no one has seen me hurt and I preferred it that way. I felt a strange blockage in my throat, making me clear my throat so as not to make my voice appear shaky before her. I was the Alpha King and I was tough. Nothing could give me an emotional breakdown…maybe this one could. How could I blindly believe Aurora and the doctor?How could I be fooled the second time? I felt so stupid, so used. I let Aurora's naivety and innocence blind me. Of course, she would want to get back at me for separating her from her family. "Turns out I was right af
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Chapter 73
Chapter 73DamonRestlessness got the best of me as my eyes were glued to my wristwatch. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't give commands as usual. It felt like I was a robot, programmed to perform the task of checking the time. I almost lost it when the time began to crawl. It felt as if 7 am was impossible to meet. My jaws clenched as anger filled me to the brim, causing heat to radiate off my body. My body was tense and in a matter of minutes, I would lose it completely. My actions drew suspicion from my workers, especially from Jasper. It was so obvious that Jasper arched his brow at me, his eyes communicating to me, but I looked away, ignoring him. I wasn't ready for his unending questions. It didn't take long before beads of sweat started to gather on my forehead. "You might need this, my King," Jasper retrieved a white handkerchief from his breast pocket and placed it on my hand.I forced a smile at him, taking it before looking away sharply.I growled inwardly, sc
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Chapter 74
Chapter 74DamonIt was like a bucket of ice was thrown at me. For some minutes, I was motionless, watching the two lovers nibbling and kissing each other passionately. My jaws dropped to the ground and my eyes popped out of their sockets. This wasn't real. My hands began to shake and my breath turned ragged in anger. I swallowed the bile rising in my throat as my jaws clenched. It was like I was glued to the spot. Frozen by shock, I couldn't move. All I could do was stare at the unfolding event. As much as I didn't want to accept it, I felt my heartbreak at the sight. It was like an invisible hand clenched my heart, squeezing it tight. I thought the feelings we had for each other were mutual. I thought she was Ivy's replacement. I thought I heard mate faintly whenever we made out, though I haven't thought of that much. Turned out I was wrong.She was a bitch. Suddenly, the air around me grew harsh and I was finding it hard to breathe. It was like I was slowly suffocating
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75AuroraWith a heavy heart, I navigated my way into the woods alone, afraid and confused. Cold bit deep into my skin, filling my body with goosebumps. Drenched under the rain, my hair and my wet clothes were glued to my body, filling me with a shivering sensation. I hugged my small frame as I made my way deep into the woods, walking fast as paranoia got the best of me. My sneeze became more violent as every minute went by and my nose was running like a tap. The wind after tonight's heavy downpour caused my teeth to clatter. I tried rubbing my palms together to breathe a little warmth, but it was in vain.Afraid that I was lost in the middle of nowhere, tears streamed down my eyes, rolling down my cheeks before mixing with the rainwater. I craved warmth. I craved shelter. But there was none. Unconsciously, my hands flew to my stomach as if shielding it from the impact of the mighty wind. My heart broke into tiny pieces when I remembered that I was pregnant. Poor bab
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Chapter 76
Chapter 76DevinToday's work was hectic. I lay on the bed in exhaustion with my partly closed eyes pinned to the moon that shone in all her glory. It was strange. The Moon had never shone so bright in the dead of the night. I felt a lift in my spirit… excitement about something, but I couldn't place my head around it. But deep down, I knew this night would be different from the rest of the nights. I didn't know why I had that conviction, but I couldn't get the feeling off me. "The Moon is so beautiful, Dax," I blurted, mesmerized by the beauty that beholder my sight. "Dax?" I called again, this time louder, but I was left with no response. I tilted my head to see Dax lying on the couch with a book in his hand. Dax could sleep anywhere. The noise from the book was enough to wake him up, but for some reason, he remained asleep. The more I stared at the moon, the more I felt connected to it. It was like the Moon goddess was trying to tell me someone about my life and the life
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Chapter 77
Chapter 77Devin"A girl?" I repeated, confusion getting the best of me. But how could that be? What could she be doing in the woods at this ungodly hour? Shouldn't she be with her parents or guardians? Who was she running away from? Was she here for us? How did she find out where we live? Fear gripped me at the thought that our hideout was exposed and soon, people would keep trooping in and out. We didn't want anyone's presence. We were fine by ourselves. Other wolves' presence screamed trouble and that was the last thing we wanted. "What do you think, Devin? What is she doing here? Is she a rogue?" Dax whispered, looking up at me for answers. "Trust me, I'm as confused as you are," I replied, squatting to retrieve my knife. "Do you think we still need the knife since we know that she is just a girl?" Dax asked quietly, moving towards the motionless girl. The last thing we wanted was to startle her. "Not yet, what if she is armed? What if she is a rogue and a spy? Just
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Chapter 78
Chapter 78Damon"My King." I heard a feminine voice call. Despite being in the same room with the person, I was far away. My mind was in the woods. For weeks, I haven't been myself. As much as I didn't want to admit it since Aurora left, I've lost my spark. I've lost the spark of happiness in me. After the death of Ivy, Aurora was the only woman to revive that spark…but now, it was gone. Nothing made sense anymore. My demons grew in thousands, haunting me day and night. My nightmares were slowly becoming a reality that I couldn't escape. My illness got worse. Dax, Devin, and Ivy were the only people I saw…but this time, I saw Aurora. It was strange because the rest of them were dead, but Aurora wasn't. I was left in a state of confusion. I thought I only saw them because I loved them dearly, but what was it about Aurora? Why was she appearing to me? Why do I keep speaking to her imaginary figure? My recent behaviour caused unrest in Jasper. He was afraid that I would be
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Chapter 79
Chapter 79Aurora I woke up to the melodious song of the birds. Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I yawned tiredly, stretching my body. The room was still dark as the sun hadn't risen yet. "Too early," I groaned lazily. I took off the duvet that wrapped my body, proceeding to stand before it clicked in me. I didn't sleep in my room last night. Captured by the masterpiece I glanced through, I was glued to the chair. Mated To The Blood Alpha by Oluwaseun Oyogho took over my attention. It didn't take long before my boredom vanished as I kept myself busy with the book. Page after page, yet, I wasn't satisfied. My eyelids became heavy, still, I couldn't close the book. I wanted to fill my head with more spicy chapters. Defeated by sleep, I placed the book on my chest, leaning on the couch. But here I was inside my room, on top of my bed. I didn't have a history of sleepwalking, except if someone was…A small smile played on my lips as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment. It had to be Dax
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