All Chapters of Black Rose: Revenge Of The Callous Heiress : Chapter 121 - Chapter 125
125 Chapters
Chapter 121
He turned back to look at both Edward and Christopher who were also looking at him. “A few days ago, I called Alex to ask the name of the girl we met and it turns out that she is my second cousin.” He revealed. Alex frowned when he heard Nicholas. Rose was his cousin? "I'm confused. Since when did you have a female cousin?” Chris was the one that asked. "That child’s mother is the niece of my grandfather.” He told them again. "How did you know about this?” Edward asked. "My grandfather sent the image of her to my father and I saw her picture, it was on the night we met her. She is the oldest daughter of the Gray family in Los Angeles.” Nicholas replied. " The same Gray family? I thought the oldest daughter was sent abroad to study? So you mean that beautiful young girl we met a few days ago that was being chased by Rey was your second cousin?” Chris asked, completely shocked at this revelation. He didn't see this one coming at all. "No wonder, I thought you guys have similar gr
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Chapter 122
“Come on, let's get you a seat rather than standing like this." Luthor said as he led Rose towards an empty table in the restaurant. Rose nodded her head and just quietly followed Luthor until he asked her to sit down and wait for him while he went to go and find his mother. “Mom." Luthor called as he walked to where his mother was standing. Even though the business was running well, they still had no money to hire staff. So Luthor's mother was the one that managed to do the serving of the customers and when Luthor's siblings came back from work and school, they would assist her as well. “Luthor, when did you arrive?” A pretty looking middle aged her early forties turned around and looked at the person that called her which was none other than her son. She was a bit surprised to see him by this time. “I came here a while ago.” Luthor replied as he hugged his mom. If one takes a closer look at the mother and son, they would be able to tell that he inherited some of his mo
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Chapter 123
Rose, who was busy with her phone, didn't notice Luthor and Maya walking towards her until Luthor called her. “Little Rose, sorry for keeping you waiting.” Luthor called her by the nickname he gave her, making Rose raise her head up. Her eyes quickly landed on the elderly woman beside Luthor and she didn't need to be told who she was because she already took a guess. Noticing where her eyes were on, Luthor quickly gestured to his mother. " This is my mother." He told her and Rose slowly nodded her head before standing up from her seat. “It's nice to meet you Mrs. Hoult." She greeted and did a small bow to her. Maya was taken aback by the gesture and quickly waved her hand. “Oh dear. Young Miss, please someone like you shouldn't bow like that to me." She nervously said and Rose raised her head up. Rose bowing to Maya was a sign of respect and politeness, reflecting her good manners and understanding of social etiquette. Maya's reaction, however, revealed her humility, as she fe
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Chapter 124
Meanwhile, outside the restaurant, different black vans caught the attention of passerby outside the restaurant as they watched the cars and vans parked right outside the restaurant. The people in the vans and cars who were all hefty men alighted from the vehicles and strolled confidently into the restaurant. The sudden appearance of these men quickly caught the customers' attention and the peaceful tranquility instantly destroyed with some of the customers' faces turning pale. Noticing the change in atmosphere, Rose who was half way through her meal raised her head up and glanced at the restaurant entrance that was filled with some not-friendly looking men. A frown quickly appeared on her face because she could tell that these men are here to have a meal and they were here to do the opposite. She took a glance at Luthor and noticed the small frown on his face as well when he saw the men. “Wow, I thought this place was no longer operating, but thanks to a nice little birdie who to
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Chapter 125
"But I have already explained this situation to your boss and he agreed to give me some more time to pay the previous money. I know I know I'm a bit late with the payment but please try to understand my situation and I promise it will be ready by the end of this month.” Maya replied, this was not what she had discussed with Byron's Boss, who is the person she had borrowed the money from. "We did. However, because you've avoided and ignored us, our boss is no longer interested in giving you some time anymore, so he has canceled the agreement he made with you. He has ordered us to collect every previous money you're owing.” Byron lazily rubbed the inside of his ears with his pinky finger like he was bored to death as he replied to Maya. “You fucking assholes!" Amelia couldn't take it anymore and yelled furiously at them as she left Luthor's side and walked towards where her mother was standing. "Ah, Amelia darling. I didn't know you were also around. It's good to see your beautiful f
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