All Chapters of Fullmoon With The Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
At The Club
It was almost 5pm when they arrived back at the house from the park. Trey had fallen asleep on the way back and somehow, he also ended up shifting in the middle of his sleep. He couldn’t control his shifts but he had never gone feral in his wolf form.Denise smiled as she pushed the door to his room open with her feet before stepping inside with him in her arms. She settled him on his bed and with her hands on either side of him, she dipped down, pressing her lips to his soft fur. This was his sixth shift and she had been with him all those times, but even now, she couldn’t stop herself from fawning over how beautiful his wolf form was. Black fur with a spec of red around his little snout, he looked majestic.“Beautiful…” She whispered, leaning back. She moved her fingers to the top of his head, running it through his fur gently enough to not wake him. She liked seeing him like this, but at the same time, she hoped he’d never shift again anytime soon. His eyes…were the problem. He had
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His Eyes
The club was as chaotic as it’d always been, but the sweaty wolves over the dance floor were a little less thick than usual and though the noise level was high and incredibly annoying to Denise, it wasn’t as bad as other days. From that, she should’ve known…someone powerful was present.But how could she have even guessed…that she would’ve met Kain?His scent was masked but the tingles alone gave it away. Denise stood as stiff as a board whilst Kain stood behind her, his arms around her waist and his breath whisking over the skin of the cheek and neck. She felt his heat against her and the thumps of his heart as it drummed rapidly inside his chest.“These tingles…are as nice as ever. Even your scent…” He spoke again, his arms tightening around her waist enough that the hold became slightly painful. The pain was like a slap back to reality and in an instant, the fire in Denise’s eyes lit up, the veins in her arms popping. She pulled her arm back, slamming her elbow into his abdomen. A
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On The Run
“I’m sorry.”Denise glanced back at Jack who was now apologizing for the tenth time since they had rushed back to the house. It was risky for them to be there considering their calamity, but things like money, sprays and weapons were the reason they had to sneak back in. Jack offered to get them himself, but she couldn’t bear to send him in alone. And now, they had packed everything they needed except for a few of Trey’s essentials.“Jack, I told you it’s okay. Stop apologizing for god’s sake. You’ve been keeping us safe for years, I would be cruel to get mad at you over this. Besides, we have much to worry about. Help me pack a few of Trey’s things, will you?”He hesitated, his whole aura filling with gloom as if a dark cloud had settled over him. “I’d prefer if you did get mad at me. I thought he was asleep but…I should’ve kept my eyes on him nonetheless! I should’ve made sure he shifted back. Fuck! Had he been seen by a mere few wolves, I would’ve killed them all…but we’re out of l
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Dirty Truth
“I…I do not know why wolves of your royal calibre’ have come to this small, unworthy pack…” Alpha Stewart said, “…but I humbly apologize for having not recognized you. This has come as a surprise to me and the rest of the pack, so I ask that you forgive us.”A whoosh of wind flew by and with another intake of breath, Denise could practically smell their fear dangling in the air. They feared her, just as they would’ve feared the wretched royal family. Even though she had never considered herself as one of them, merely carrying their blood was enough to make her suddenly become a bad guy.Biting her lip, Denise cautiously stepped forward, setting her bags down and resting a hand on Jack’s shoulder. He understood the gesture and stepped back a bit, but his figure did not move too far away from them.“There’s nothing to forgive, Alpha Stewart…” She finally said, stepping forward. “I am not one of them and neither is my son, so please raise your head.”Alpha Stewart’s arms shook as he foll
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“You can’t be serious!” Jaxson exclaimed as he paced back and forth through their house. Morning had come and night was back again, yet both his expression and his resolve hadn't changed for a second. He was clearly fatigued but he hadn't sat down to catch his breath either. “We’ve been running for years and you’re planning to return over a few insignificant deaths?”“They’re not insignificant, Jaxson. I told you this already.” Denise sighed. She was seated on the bed with a sleeping Trey in her arms. Her face had become deathly pale and her body had lost almost all its strength. She hadn’t even tried to get some sleep, because she knew she wouldn’t be able to pull it off.Her decision was rash and nonsensical as Jack said and truthfully, she didn’t know what she was going to do. But running wasn’t an option for her…not anymore. She couldn’t bear to do it.“Okay, you feel guilty? Fine. So, we could send them a letter instead, right? We’ll tell them you’re perfectly fine and that you h
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Toughen Up
Denise sat at the trunk of a tree near Stewart’s pack house. A straw was pressed between her lips as she sluggishly sipped from a bottle of orange juice. After much intentional delay on Denise’s part, it was now almost time to head out. Alpha Stewart had offered to take her there himself, but she refused. For their safety, it was best none of them followed her. Though, she did accept the offer of him lending her one of his cars. Swallowing the last bit of her juice, Denise reclined against the tree. Her fingers took the small pendant hanging from the necklace around her neck and fiddled with it as she stared blankly up at the sky. She still hadn’t concluded whether what she was doing was right, but that only made her wonder what her mother (Carla) would’ve done. Even before Carla became Luna, she was well respected among Wyatt’s pack for her quick decision making and negotiating skills. In a moment like this, she would've never faltered. And had she been alive, things wouldn’t have
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Straightening her shoulders, Denise pressed her hand to her chest and willed her heart to calm itself as her feet settled upon the lands she had sworn never to return to. This was an encounter she couldn’t mess up. All she had to do was hold out for a few minutes, that was enough time to finish her talk with the Queen. And then as soon as things were settled, she’d leave…never to be seen again.Nodding to herself, Denise gripped Jack’s hand when he stretched it out to her and smiled slightly. His free arm was under Trey’s bum as he held him up against his back. “Follow my lead and please stay close. The crowd’s pretty thick.” “Okay.” They moved through the pathway and climbed a few steps until they had walked through the gates. As Jack said, a thick crowd bombarded them immediately. There were countless people inside, enough that one could hardly see where they were going. Their scents ranged from commoners, to high ranked wolves, then to Alphas. So many different packs were bundled
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Had You Waited
“You…” His lips pulled across his face and his dazzling golden eyes brightened. “You’ve returned to me, mate…” He sunk his fingers deeper into her hips and felt his whole body throb. There was a heavy emotion weighing on his mind, but it wasn’t hatred stemmed from her having left him five years ago and it wasn’t frustration for having made him search fruitlessly for her. Instead, he was relieved…relieved to have her back in his midst.“Jaxson, don’t intervene.” Denise said firmly as Kain’s gaze on her motionless figure drew more and more unwanted attention towards her. “Please don’t do anything.”She didn’t have to look at Jack to know that he was ready to defend her if need be. But that wasn’t how she wanted this encounter to go. Instead of putting him in danger, she could deal with Kain herself.“Kain.” The sound of his name passing through her lips was as cold as ice and when Kain heard it, his lingering smile faltered. “Don’t touch me.” With a scowl, she grabbed his wrists and pri
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True Identity
“If I make my own judgement, I guarantee that I will be livid.” Kain’s jaw ticked and angry lines formed on his forehead as his glare dug into Trey’s head. “Fucking explain it to me so I can understand. This…is not yours, is it?”“That’s none of your business!” Denise spat. She circled Trey’s back with her arm and could feel her chest tighten when he trembled against her. He was frightened…because his own father was glaring at him as if he wanted to bury him with his gaze. Even though he had no right to be angry, the mere fact that he could blatantly glare at a child like this showed that he really hadn’t changed at all. He was the same Kain that could kill anything if it angered him. There was no point in talking to him. She owed him no explanation.Reinstating her hold on Trey’s hand, Denise ignored Kain and resumed her movement towards the doors. She had no idea where she was going or where the path would lead her, still she continued to walk either way, hoping that she’d get as fa
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Welcome Home
Denise could smell Justin, Kira and Patrice, but they were not present close by. Amongst the crowd, her father was the only one she saw. At first glance, Wyatt looked well. The bags that were always under his eyes seemed to have disappeared and the once permanent lines on his forehead were also gone without a trace. He had gained a lot of flesh on his bones, even his muscles had gotten bigger. She knew he must've been living well without her and that made her expression become cold.“Father…” She uttered bitterly.Wyatt stiffened. He could hardly recognize the woman in front of him. “D-D-Den….D-Den…” His lips quivered, he couldn’t even finish her name. With just one look at her face, his breath got stuck in his throat. It was already shocking enough to see her standing before him but the color of her eyes was what completely rendered him speechless. The whole world paused for a moment…until the realization finally sunk in.The child whom his late wife had took in….the child whom he ra
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