All Chapters of Scandal With My Beloved Chef: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
71 Chapters
41. Meet Her
*RADELLA* Chiltern Fire House is a unique restaurant that has an open kitchen concept. Visitors can see the chefs cooking and preparing ordered menus in front of visitors. Louis took me to lunch at this place. Watching the excitement of the chefs cooking according to their skills is very entertaining. I ask a lot about what ingredients they use. I have never seen many of the food ingredients they use. The fragrant aroma and unique shape sometimes make me hesitate to taste it but the taste is very good. I accidentally ignored Louis, who was always silent by my side. I forgot that I was with someone who couldn't be friendly with everyone. Louis is not a friendly person even though he often smiles."Do you enjoy eating there?" he asked as we were in the car, heading towards his aircraft factory. "Yeah, I'm happy Louis, thank you. I've never been there because I'm busy and don't have friends visiting there," I said, smiling at him and smiling too. Caressing my face and pulling one of m
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42. Whatever the Reason
*Louis* I just enjoyed my wife's happiness because her smile was so natural. Sarah will always be a nuisance to my relationship with Ella. How to expel her apart from punishing her through legal means based on feeling disturbed by her actions? "Why should I come and why do you want to meet her," She looked annoyed, and protested to me. Her eyes which had been shining brightly suddenly darkened sharply. "I want to stop it so that one day there will be no more misunderstandings. That there is no longer a relationship between me and her," I explained, took her hand, and told her to get straight into the car. I continued to force her to come even though I heard reasons that ranged from reasonable to unreasonable. "Ah, I'm dizzy, I'm nauseous—" She made up a reason. She was trying to get my attention to feel sorry for him. I know all this is just pretending. "Just for a moment, you vomit in front of her and I don't mind," I said unconcernedly while glancing at her. Feeling d
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43. DNA for Heirs
*RADELLA* He seemed to relax after the woman said something that made me think critically. What if it's his child and Louis will take it and then she'll conflict with me for the rest of my life? Especially if she knows that what I'm carrying is not Louis' child. All this weighs heavily on my brain. Will Louis love my child or even love his child more than that woman? Oh, Lord! I'm in limbo. "You're spacing out, what are you worried about?" he asked as the car stopped in front of the mansion. The servant was ready to open the door for me. "Nothing, are you going to the hotel again?" "No, there's an important meeting, maybe I'll be home late. If you're hungry, just eat first." "I'll wait for you, be careful on the road." He kissed my lips before I left him. Before I entered the mansion, my mother-in-law came. The car stopped right in front of me. Usually, she comes with my mother or her sister but today she came alone with several bodyguards. "Are you going with Louis?"
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44. The Envelope
*RADELLA* Feeling Louis' love for the past few months is enough to replace the thousands of lonely days I've had without him. He was able to destroy the barriers that existed between us. Despite this, the remaining mistakes he and I made continued to haunt our relationship. Like his lover, she deliberately created trouble with the pregnancy issue. I already thought she would never be willing if Louis would come back to me. And I never thought that would happen. "What's this?" Louis suddenly gave me a gift before he went to work. My feelings were blooming, for the first time I received a special gift from a man, my husband. I slowly opened the rectangular box decorated with a ribbon and smiled to see the newest, sophisticated cellphone in my hand. I hugged him and kissed his lips. "Thank you, honey, may I know what you gave me this for?" For some reason, I don't need a sophisticated cellphone because all I need is a cellphone to make calls and nothing else. I also don't hav
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45. Monitor My Actions
*RADELLA* To meet that woman I had to lie to Louis that I wanted to visit my restaurant and he allowed it. I was accompanied by a driver and accompanied by four bodyguards in two cars. By the time I got there, she was sitting in the corner and waving her hand for me to see. All the employees bowed their heads to see me coming. Who among them had found the recording and told this woman? If they deal with me they can survive but if Louis finds out, I can't help. "Quickly tell me what you want because I don't have much time," I said, she looked relaxed enjoying the pasta on the plate. "You're so scared Ella, are you afraid that Louis will kill your child?" "Don't talk too much! I don't want to hear any nonsense from your mouth. Quickly settle this matter. I ask for the recording and tell me what you want!" She looked at me with a mocking grin, feeling like she had won a video that could bring down my self-esteem in front of everyone. She wanted me to be destroyed and hated by Lo
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46. Broad Heart
*RADELLA* "My life is in your hands, whatever you want," I said resignedly. Let's just say this is payback for him making me cheat on him. The effects of his actions are what he tries to defend against. Everything that happens always has consequences that must be borne. It will be easier to cut the root of the problem and return to life a new one rather than fixing it from the bottom, causing problems on top. "Just now I gave you the cell phone, you can already hide things from me. If it wasn't something important, I would turn a blind eye." "I just don't want you to know and end up beating people again, hurting them, that's not a good way." "Yeah, not a good way for them but they can easily destroy us. You should think a hundred times about involving public places as a release of lust." I lowered my head, his jaw tightened and his emotions began to rise. The woman's phone, which rang, was immediately thrown into the sea. I glanced at him from under my eyelashes, he was r
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47. Don't Go Over The Limit!
*Louis* "You postpone my meeting tomorrow until lunchtime. All agendas for tomorrow morning are canceled." "Yes sir." To comply with my beloved wife's wishes, I had to cancel many meetings. It's been a long time since I went on a business trip. Usually have fun with my friends after work is done. Now I just spend time with Ella. That's if possible because it turns out that domestic affairs take up a lot of time. Without therapy, I have started to be able to control myself. In the past, if I was angry, I would take out my frustration on other women, one of whom was Sarah. My unusual emotional control is because when I was a child I was always restrained and I wasn't allowed to talk much to anyone. I harbored resentment towards my father who always acted sanctimoniously in front of everyone. And when I grew up, I hated hypocrisy. I punish everyone who cheats on me without exception. "Don't anyone approach the room before I leave? Turn on the sirens if there is danger."
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48. Love Triangle
*Ella" I stretched lazily, I didn't feel Louis' warm embrace. Where is he, I feel my hand to the side, is he awake? My eyes were hard to open, I slept very soundly. Spending the night on this ship gave me a new sensation. Maybe next time I'll ask him to sail further. After a few minutes of waking up, my eyes opened and sunlight entered the room. I pulled the bathrobe over my naked body. Walk to the side of the ship and open the sliding door to feel the fresh breeze that greets me. Eh, why has it arrived? I think we're still sailing. "Louis, where are you?" I shouted for him and went into the bathroom, but he wasn't there. Exited the room and found a guard standing guard in front of the room. "Good morning Madam." "Um, my husband, where is he?" "Mr. Louis has left first. He ordered you to have breakfast before leaving," he explained. Outrageous! He went away leaving me alone. How important is the matter? Usually, he wakes me up first. Maybe it's because of that woman. "Has
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49. Feeling His Affection,
*Ella* My silver dress is almost the same as the dress displayed on the mannequin. But that dress is for a slim woman's body, whose is it? I don't feel like twinning with anyone. I choose the materials and quality. I always want to look different for special events every year even though my husband never participates. "Whose dress is this?" I asked the designer of this place. She smiled and said quietly, "Sarah, she asked for it to be made with materials like yours." I groaned harshly, and took a deep breath, why does she want what I like? It's not enough that she gets long nights with my husband. And enjoy all the facilities. "I want to change to another color—" "What about Mr. Louis, he's a person who finds it difficult to agree on the color he likes." "I'll call him, just a moment." I didn't know if he also asked to make clothes that were the same color as me. I'm used to being without my husband and never knowing if he wants to wear a couple of clothes. The even
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50. Under Pressure
*Louis* I left her, who was still fast asleep, not for work reasons, but to calm my emotions so they wouldn't evaporate. I hate it if she can still mention other men's names. Even though it was subconscious, I still couldn't accept it. My people handled the video case of Ella's infidelity quickly and the digital evidence was destroyed. I immediately sent one suspect to prison so he wouldn't act again. He deliberately contacted Sarah to gain profit. Leveraged our case as a financial resource for him and he deserves criminal punishment. My car and Eddy's car arrived in front of the office at the same time. He walked quickly over to me, handing over evidence of Sarah's affair files. This woman must be silenced by the destruction of her career so that she will no longer be in the media spotlight. I didn't want to destroy her and I had given her enough time for her to change and she didn't. She has destroyed my trust and now she is the source of all the problems that arise.
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