All Chapters of Summer Camp: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
11. Green Peas
Adonis's POV "Adonis, dude, are you awake?" Oh God! What the hell is wrong with this guy? What does he want now? "Hey, I know you aren't asleep. Listen, I need to ask you something," Eric says turning on his phone's flashlight and turning it in my direction. He was lying on his mattress and his face was barely visible to me in the flashlight. "What?" I let out a sigh. "Do you like Andrea?" "Why do you want to know?" I frown at him. "Because I'm confused if you like Elena." "I don't like her." "So, you like Andrea?" "Yeah.." He suddenly sits up. "Then dude, why are you playing with Elena?!" His tone was now angry. "I'm not playing with her!" I snap back. "Yes you are! You won't let anyone else come near her. What's your problem?" "Ah fuck! I can't sleep! Can you guys just fight tomorrow morning?" Stephen yells from his corner where I thought he had gone to sleep an hour ago. "Just a minute, bro. We both need to settle something," Eric tells him and looks back at me. "You
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12. I'm Out
Theodore's POV Looking at the eastern skies, I stand quietly, overcome by a kind of tranquil sereneness. Atop the hills, facing the eastern skies, a pale gold light emerges first. Slowly the orange and yellow bright ball begins to appear. It rises higher and higher, very slowly, leading to a party of colors. The whole sight feels like the spell of a new hope. Beneath the hills and a couple of meters away from us, looking fresh yet foggy under the morning skies, lies a vast low lying pasture where a herd of elks are scattering in all directions, along with the spreading light. As the colours in the sky becomes more and more vibrant, I find myself in a soothing state of mind, excited to start the day. The sound of the birds chirping and the gentle breeze coming off the hills gives me goosebumps all over my body. One thing I realise, this camp has given me the opportunity to see and appreciate how wonderful nature is. "Hey!" I turn around to see Eric smiling at me. "You look overw
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13. Why?
Adonis's POV "Sure, there are many ways that you can grip the paintbrush when painting, but there's this one method that every artist should know to get the most fluidity and sensitivity from each stroke," Mr Clark lectures whilst holding a paintbrush in his hands. "Look at how I'm holding the brush. You should hold the handle as far back as you can. This might feel uncomfortable at first, but it provides the greatest degree of control over the brush since it allows you to paint with your whole arm, not just your wrist..." I leave a sigh and place my paintbrush down, staring at the far away hills. This Clark guy is honestly good but I don't want to listen to his lecture right now. I'm not in the mood to learn oil painting currently. After all, I cheated and I'm no good at this stuff. I don't even want to look at these green hills right now. I just want to be back at home. I hate it here! I regret coming to this camp! I close my eyes for a moment and then slowly open it, only to s
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14. Tears
Theodore's POV "What's wrong Elena?" Eric asks me with a frown as I grab his wrist, stopping him from touching my face. "I don't want you touching me. I'm not comfortable with it," I finally spit it out. "," he nods. The look on his face says he is irritated. But I was tolerating him for a long time. I can't do it any longer. He takes another half an hour to finish his drawing. The whole time he keeps sighing and rolling his eyes. As soon as he says he's finished, I get up from my chair and walk out of the ground in direction of the tents. I need to find Adonis. I don't know what happened to him earlier. In the distance, I see his figure sitting under that same tree he dragged me to, today morning. I increase my pace and soon find myself running towards him. He looks up on hearing my footsteps. "Adonis, Are you okay?!" I pant out when I reach near him. "Yeah," he nods. I go and sit beside him, still breathing heavily from the little run I made. "I'm sorry about tod
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15. It's gonna hurt
Adonis's POV "Actually, you don't need to think about it." "What?" Andrea looks at me confused. "My feelings changed," I say and get up from the seat. "What do you mean?" She frowns at me. "I mean, I don't like you anymore," I say. Her frown deepens and I feel really awkward as she keeps staring at me in disbelief. "Were you playing with me? Is this some kind of revenge?" "No.." I shake my head. "People's feelings can change. I liked you before but now I don't, just like how you didn't like me before and now.." "I don't like you!" She snarls. "Okay.." I nod. "It's settled then. I'll go and sit in the back," I say and grab my back pack, quickly hauling it on my shoulder. Then I walk towards the back, looking for Theo. I had decided to stay away from him until the camp ended, but I don't think I can do it. I can't bear to see him cry. I can't hurt that poor boy anymore. He is utterly clueless and probably thinks I hate him now. It's just one more day and I just need to control
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16. Control
Adonis's POV When I step out of the bathroom after taking a long shower, Theo is sound asleep on the bed on his stomach, still in his black georgette lace dress, his sneakers lie beneath the bed and his brown hairpiece lies on the bedside table along with the bracelet he wore today. I walk to him and stare at his tired sleeping form. Yes, my dreadful wish came true. He and I got to spend one more night together. All the rooms were double rooms and mostly everyone paired with their first day’s roommates. I don’t feel like it happened by chance, rather it seems to me like my destiny or doom. Cause, why would the teachers let us share a room again even after seeing we are now so close? Like, why are they so unconcerned? I mean, I’m a teen guy and he is a cute girl here. Extremely cute now when he is a guy. I kinda love this black dress on him. So pretty, just like a doll. Gosh! I need to stop thinking such things! Pulling myself out of the trance, I bend down and gently slap his arm.
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17. Snake
Theodore's POV "Now, everyone, listen carefully.." Mr Alberty clears his throat after making us stand in a circle around him, just after we hop out of the bus. "For the last two days, you know, we were just roaming about in the forest edge and not the actual dense forest," he commences. "But today, listen guys, we are going to go a little deep and so there's high chance that we meet a few wild fellows along our way, I mean even a bear or a woolf." That arouses a lot of shrieks and squeals from the people around. "I know it all sounds exciting to you. But it's also equally dangerous," he continues. "So, what I'm trying to say is, be cautious and behave properly in the forest. Don't try to provoke any animals, especially monkeys. And also be cautious of snakes. I'm sure we'll be encountering a lot of narrow fellows in the grass today." That earns a lot of gasps from the girls. "No need to be scared. You're all wearing boots. You won't get bitten unless you pick up a snake from the g
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18. Consequences of Catching a Fluffy Bunny
Adonis's POV "Adonis! Adonis! Look there.." Theo whispers to me pointing at a rock. "What's there?" I frown, bending a little to take a better look. I couldn't see anything. "Shh.. there's a small bunny behind it. White and brown. Fluffy! I wish I could touch it," he says and quietly starts moving towards the rock. I couldn't help but smile, watching him go to catch the fluffy bunny he was talking about. Just as he reaches near the rock, the rabbit suddenly jumps out from behind it and starts hoping away in a frenzy. I don't know what caught my head at that moment but suddenly I start dashing behind the rabbit, shrugging my back pack off my shoulder and dropping it on the ground. "Adonis!" I hear Theo shudder. Then the next moment, I hear Mr Alberty's voice shouting at me to come back. But I don't stop. I keep running behind the rabbit. In a few seconds, I hear another man's voice which I soon recognise as one of the two forest officers'. I could also hear heavy footsteps follo
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19. Realisation
Theodore's POV I sit at the bow of the canoe with Adonis behind me in the middle and our oarsman at the stern, staring at the waves and ripples being created on the water by our little boat. The sky reflected in the water looks clear blue and the air feels calm despite the weather service saying there could be summer showers. At first, when I got into the canoe, I was feeling a bit scared. Because it's my first time going canoeing and although I have got the safety vest on, sitting only a foot above the water level, with waves buffeting the canoe, I never felt so small or exposed. But surprisingly, Adonis was more scared than me. At first when he agreed to let me sit at the bow and paddle the boat, I thought he was just being nice. But soon I realised it was just cause he is afraid of water and honestly it was so funny. When Adonis tried to step in, the canoe started to rock back and forth and the oarsman and me together had to help him into the middle. And he was still lookin
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20. Last Moments
Adonis's POV I glance at Theo as he sit there a little away from me with his full concentration on his sketch book. He hasn't even tilted his head once or looked at me after we sat down to draw the portrait of the grazing herd of deer, far away. We are again at an open field and after having a late lunch here, Mr Alberty instructed us to sit down and sketch the sight in front of us. It's not just that Theo is so much concentrated on his work that he isn't looking at me. Things kind of turned awkward between us after I picked him up from the canoe earlier. I couldn't help it, I happened to stare into his eyes for a few seconds and he is now confused. He hasn't really talked to me after that. He was completely silent during the five minutes walk from the river bank upto here. I too felt nervous that I didn't talk. Then we sat together with the others for having lunch. So, we couldn't talk anything then. After that we were told to sit and draw, and so, here we are, silently sitting be
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