All Chapters of Pregnant with Four Alphas' Babies: A Reverse Harem Romance: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
468 Chapters
Chapter 0131
*Adam*The king paces around looking like an angry Oompa Loompa as he listens to what Dr. Pendergan is telling him. His face has started to resemble an overripe tomato with every word the doctor utters.“What do you mean all of them are the fathers? This wasn’t what we agreed on!”The doctor looks a
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Chapter 0132
“You are right. But we need to have a solution, or I will call off this whole challenge.”“What if we continue with the challenge? When the Breeder is ready to have the babies, the first male child to come out of her will determine the winner,” I suggest.“What do you mean the first male child to co
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Chapter 0133
Slowly, I pull down the zipper, and like an angry cobra ready to attack, his rod pounces out of the restrictive piece of clothing.I can’t help but marvel at the beauty of it. The veins coursing through its length look like dazzling finishing touches to perfection. His rod twitches and seems to grow
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Chapter 0134
*Mark*This room should stop being called Eli’s room as it's become our meeting place. We may as well call it the common area now.“Are you okay, baby?” I ask Rose, who is sitting with us in the room.“Yeah,” she responds and averts her eyes. Kelly whispers something to her, and they giggle.“Care t
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Chapter 0135
“You are such a jerk! I mean you would be okay keeping each of your children because all you have to lose is one child. Rose is the mother of all four; losing even one of those children will destroy her.”My heart races as I now understand why Rose is looking the way she does today. This is, granted
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Chapter 0136
*Emily* I rush down the hallway, flying as fast as I can, trying not to lose my footing on the slick floor. I have to get back to my room unseen, but I’m afraid it’s already too late, and someone knows I was hanging out around Eli’s door. I reach my room and tug on the doorknob only to stop at the
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Chapter 0137
“If I….” He wiggles his eyebrows back at me. “Yes, that’s right,” I tell him, assuming he knows what I’m getting at. “Okay,” he complies and wiggles them again. I am overjoyed that he has agreed to sleep with me until he demands, “So tell me.” My forehead puckers. “You have to do it first,” I tel
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Chapter 0138
*Mark* All day, I’ve been tortured by the idea that Emily wants to see me in her room tonight, and I don’t want to go. I know it’s my best chance at getting the information we need regarding Gene’s plans for Rose, but even the thought of putting a bag over Emily’s head and doing her makes me sick
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Chapter 0139
She sighs, rolls her eyes, and says, “Fine.” She walks over to the coffee table and picks up the bottle of wine, which is mostly full but not completely. She pours two glasses and hands me one. I sit down on the couch. I want to stay as far away from the bed as possible. She sits next to me, curlin
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Chapter 0140
*Emily*I’ve finally got one of the Alphas in my bedroom!Now is my chance to get him to impregnate me so that I can get rid of that stupid Breeder and her four babies once and for all.“Let me strap you down and ride you,” I say to Alpha Mark as he carries me to the bed.“No, I don’t think so,” he
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