All Chapters of Pregnant with Four Alphas' Babies: A Reverse Harem Romance: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
468 Chapters
Chapter 0171
*Eli* We all watch as the king taps his fingers on the windowsill, looking out over the fertile green lands of the prosperous kingdom. Prosperous, happy, and headed for absolute disaster if we don’t win this war and stop Alpha Kane. The battleline is engraved deep in the sand, and Alpha Kane isn’t
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Chapter 0172
“Reece can stay behind,” Mark suggests. “Why me?” Reece asks. “You’d be the perfect person to protect Rose back here,” Mark explains. “Do you think I’d be useless on the battlefield?” Reece asks, sounding angry at the suggestion. “As a matter of fact, your job will be the most taxing. Emily and
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Chapter 0173
*Reece* I keep having to do a double-take each time I pass in front of a mirror or reflective surface. I always heard girls say makeup was supposed to enhance a person’s beauty. This makeup wasn’t enhancing anything about me; it just makes me look like a total stranger with ridiculously high cheekb
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Chapter 0174
“I told you, the best manual,” she raises the book she’s reading in the air and waves it. “I guess you’re right,” I answer. I will my mind to calm down the tension built in my pants. I think of Emily blowing me a kiss and winking, and the imagery works like a charm to deflate my manhood. “Where ar
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Chapter 0175
*Mark* Dusk settles over the front line of our defenses, and in the distance, we can sense the enemy standing amongst the trees in the forest. All of us are in our wolf forms now. All of us are ready to attack. We’re just waiting for the sky to transform itself fully into night so that we can opera
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Chapter 0176
“Well, if it isn’t Alpha Mark,” he says, glaring right back at me. “We meet again.” “I’m going to rip your head off, you asshole,” I tell him, bending at the knee so that I can launch my attack. “I’d like to see you try, you pathetic fuuu—” He doesn’t get the rest of his sentence out as a large d
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Chapter 0177
*Tristan* The volcanic rage surging in me is distracting me from the pain in my shoulder. I have no time to listen to anyone explain what has happened. Morris has been warned, but he has the guts to call our admonitions a bluff. A group of our warriors is right on our heels as we arrive, and we al
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Chapter 0178
I crouch in front of him and inch my face toward his. “Look at me, fool,” I order. He raises his pallid face until our eyes connect. He looks like he has been crying. His tear-stained cheeks confirm my suspicions while his pale, boney, spotted hands tremble. I can feel the presence of the other Al
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Chapter 0179
*Gene* I can’t help but pace back and forth through my office. The Alphas have gone down to the crypt to speak to Alpha Morris. Only my Beta remains in my office. I want some answers, but I don’t even know where to begin. “Where did those asshole Alphas go to?” I demand from Adam, even though I kn
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Chapter 0180
I disagree with the strong-arm tactics that the four Alphas are approaching me with. I am not used to being told what to do, and I have a long memory. I will hold it against them. I will find a way to make sure all four of these Alphas pay for their behavior today. But right now, with their forces
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