All Chapters of The Lycan's Abused Fated Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
110 Chapters
Gianna's POVEverything in the pack was at a standstill as a result of the Beta queen's disappearance. I couldn't believe my best friend would just leave like that without even informing me.It's been eight days and still no positive report on her whereabouts. There has been a strain between me and the Alpha recently though I understood but I couldn't help but feel lonely at times because I had gotten so used to his company even though I hadn't come to terms with my feelings for him.Alpha Dane was under a lot of pressure. It was hard keeping things together from different angles, being an Alpha of a powerful pack such as this and being a friend.The Beta was in a really bad state mentally and he was always having constant fights with his sister who moved out of the house during the week when the Beta threatened to bathe her in a pool of her blood.Somehow, I felt relieved that she finally moved out of the pack house because she always looked for every opportunity to make life difficu
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Gianna's POVI listened carefully to Dane speak with tears brimming in his eyes and I wished I had my voice so I could give those elders a piece of my mind because they deserved it.They had been stressing Dane in every ramifications as a result of his decisions for the pack, which in my opinion is none of their business, I just wanted them to leave him alone to do his thing peacefully."I killed my parents..." He dropped the bombshell and swallowed it, goosebumps appeared on my skin at the revelation. I had heard this before but there was something about hearing it first-hand from the horses mouth, I really couldn't imagine how he must be feeling having to deal with all the pain and stigma associated with his life story."You didn' least I know no sane child would willingly kill their parents, that's absurd Dane, stop apportioning blames on yourself like that" I said, he looked at me keenly for a moment, swallowed hard, stood up and began pacing, he stood and started looking ou
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Dane's POVI saw the amusement in her eyes as she listened to me. In her head, I was some sort of hero. It made me glad; I felt on top of the world. You know the feeling when you've been trying to get someone's attention, and then the person finally notices you after doing the simplest of things? That's exactly how I felt right now. Talking about my parents has always been a really sensitive issue for me, and I avoided talking about it like a plague. In fact, when I became Alpha, the first thing I did was to make rules forbidding the pack members from talking about my late parents. It made me feel like a villain, and I didn't want to feel that way.But these past few years have changed me; I grew older and learned how to control my emotions, such that the things which would naturally get to me were now a walkover. Today was my mother's death anniversary, and I went to drop flowers by her tombstone as I have been doing for the past nine years, so I felt that was the proper time to te
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Dane's POVHearing her ask me that kind of question was really absurd and unexpected. I mean, Melissa is my past, and I do not intend to bring her into my present."Why would you even ask such a thing? I find it really offensive!" I said as Gianna glared at me. She was finding it hard to believe, and I didn't blame her, but it made me feel hurt. I would have loved it if she could at least give me the benefit of the doubt."You're giving me every reason to, Dane! Does this even sound reasonable to you? Someone whom you called your wife, cheated on you, broke your heart, and now things have turned in the opposite direction. She asks for your help, and you allow it. You're supposed to have her blocked on all areas, Dane!" She said, fuming in anger, and I chuckled lightly.I know this was a really serious situation, but it made my heart warm because she was jealous of another woman's presence in my life. It made me understand the depth of her love."It's not what you think, Gia. Listen, M
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Angel's POVI woke up in an unfamiliar room, my head was pounding like there was a tornado happening inside my brain, my wolf was growling in pain and anger, my limbs were sore and hurting, and my body badly bruised; simply put, I was in so much pain. I woke up to ice-cold water being poured on me in a harsh manner. The feel of the icy liquid made me clamp my legs together as the water soaked my torn clothes. The sudden rush of the cold hit me, making goosebumps appear on my skin and causing me to gasp.Two days ago, a hot iron rod was placed on my skin, causing me to scream in my sleep. Yesterday, vinegar was given to me when I asked for water. Now, this has been a daily routine for the past few days since I found myself in this place. I didn't know where I was, and I didn't even know who my kidnappers are."Stand up now!"I didn't bother to argue. When I did that days ago, I was given the beating of my life. It was obvious these people here do not even respect status, let alone the
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Miles' POVAngerThat was the only thing I could feel right now.My wolf was not talking to me; he was blaming me for our mate's disappearance. I had tried countless times to make him understand, all to no avail, and I keep having dreams of my mate in danger and being killed.I knew this was my wolf trying to pass a message to me, but I was too confused to think straight right now.My mate's disappearance was affecting me in many ways. The mate bond was slowly weighing me down, causing me to act violently at times. At this moment, I had no control over my emotions, and it was affecting my overall well-being.Anger surged through me as I considered my next course of action. Everything seemed so challenging. Searching through all the werewolf packs in the country and even some of the human packs revealed nothing, it was as if Angel had vanished from the face of the earth without a single trace.The bottle of liquor by my bedside had long been emptied, and with each sip, the sensation of
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Miles' POVDarkness surrounded me. I could hear my mate's heavy breathing, but I couldn't see her face. The room was becoming smaller by the second, and with each step I took, my breath hitched in my throat as breathing became difficult. "Angel!" I yelled, but silence answered me. My body inched terribly as sweat covered my forehead and dripped onto my chest. "Angel, where are you!" I cried as I maneuvered my way through the darkness, but the sound of my shoes echoed, creating a very eerie feeling that made chills run down my spine.Where in the world is this place? Who had taken my mate away from me? Thoughts raced while searching through every corner, eyes glowing in the dark with wolf powers.The door shuffled and creaked open, followed by footsteps that prompted an automatic turn in fear. A sword was pointed at the me yet the presence of this stranger brought a familiar peace that defied description. An attempt was made to glance at the one whose intense glare bored holes,
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Chapter 79Dane's POV"Dane, are you sure that's a good idea?" The question from my Beta Miles echoed next to me, and a turn was made to him hoping he had not gone mad to ask me that kind of question when he knew this was a life-and-death situation."What kind of question is that, Miles? We are talking about your mate and unborn pup here, and you're asking me if that's a good idea. Are you serious right now?" I asked in irritation."No... no, that's not what I mean. It's my earnest desire to find my mate, but I'd be selfish to ignore other things. We don't have much; you're broke, I am broke, and the pack is broke. How do you intend to fulfill your promises? There is no money anywhere, Dane. The pack is dry; you know these things. I shouldn't be the one reminding you of these things," he said as he pulled at his beard.In as much as I appreciated his concern, I felt he was deviating from the point of focus and meddling in affairs that shouldn't be his business."Yes, you're right. I
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Chapter 79Dane's POV"I'll handle it," I heard myself say, and Miles turned to me in surprise. Even I was surprised at myself, but I couldn't just succumb to defeat like that. It would make me less of myself. It would make my subjects look down on me when they're supposed to respect me and treat me with high esteem. Miles was a loyal Beta and the shared paths has blossomed into a bond akin to brotherhood, but I still had my reservations in discussing personal stuff with him."How do you intend to do that, Alpha Dane? Need I tell you that we owe not less than fifteen billion naira? Please, how do you intend to pay that back? Over the years, we managed to settle some, but it's not gotten anywhere. We are still deep in shit!" He said as he flung his hands out in desperation. I just wanted to bang his head on the wall, but the two things saving him were that he was grieving and heavily drunk. "How I handle things around here shouldn't be your concern at the moment. You have your job
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Chapter 81Angels POV A hard slap across my face woke me into reality and I opened my eyes which were stinging with tears to see the bald-headed man scowling at me. I gritted my teeth in anger, but I couldn't fight back because I knew that whatever punishment that followed this, would definitely be worse, and I actually can't deal with more abuses right now when I haven't healed from everything.“Stand up now.” He yelled, and I managed to get up, supporting my abdomen with my hand. It had been hurting terribly since the previous day and I really hoped that I wouldn't lose my pup after all of this because it'd really scar me for life and I don't think I would ever move past it.“The big boss is around, so you've to be of good behavior, or you'll have your head flying from your neck in seconds.” He yelled as his eyes glimmered with an unusual kind of wickedness I've ever seen in my entire life.I am not trying to brag, but this man was way worse than the devil. He uses every opportun
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