All Chapters of You Are Mine For Keeps.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
116 Chapters
Your Body Is Mine
Daisy took a bite of her meal and moaned sweetly when she got a full hit of it's flavor. It was a traditional meal. She had first had a taste at Oakland when she paid a visit to Ugo's parents and ever since, she got hooked. The taste was divine. "Good, right?" He asked. "Very good. In fact, if you keep this up, I might consider keeping you to myself forever." She joked and wiped her mouth and hands. "That would please me, Daisy." He paused and looked at her. "Do you find exclusivity far fetched, for you?" He asked, setting his cutlery down. There was a loud stillness to his words and Daisy tried guessing what he was thinking, but came up empty. "To clear any doubts, I'm trying to say that there won’t be any other men for you as long as we're together, Daisy." A shiver moved through her at his blunt finality, The tone and steadiness in his gaze touched a part of her. Just as Daisy had grown and evolved over the years, so has he. There was now an even darker side to him that Daisy
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Sweet Boy
Daisy looked at him with raised brows. "How did you know what I’m thinking?""You get this look on your face when you’re turned on. And I plan to put that look on your face as often as possible." Brett replied.He covered his plate and stood, withdrawing a business card with his home, office and personal phone numbers at the back from his pocket, he set it down beside Daisy. "Call me whenever you want to, Daisy. When you need someone to talk to, when you need anything at all." He brushed the backs of his fingers down her cheek. "Can I call you whenever I feel like?" He asked. Daisy wrinkled her nose. She covered her plate and wiped her hand and mouth. "Yes, you can." She replied. "Thank you for the meal, it was delicious.""It was my pleasure." He leaned over her and pressed his lips briefly to hers. "Do you need to use the washroom?""Yes. I need my toothbrush from my purse, too."A few minutes later, Daisy found herself standing in a washroom hidden behind a door that blended sea
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A Gym-Day Out
One of the cars in the left bank of elevators arrived. Madison, the receptionist at Daisy's floor stepped out and Brett stepped in, his gaze locked with Daisy's until the doors closed. "Whew," Madison said. "Girl, you've scored."Not having any words to reply Madison with, Daisy smiled. The whole stuff was still new and she didn't went to go ahead of herself with tales. She was afraid to jinx it. As it kept ringing in her head that the feelings of happiness she was feeling wouldn’t last. Everything was going too well, and that was not her, that was not how peaceful her life use to be. Chaos was always part of her life.She m rushed to her desk and got to work. "Daisy, she looked up to see Donald standing in the threshold of his office. "Can I talk to you for a minute." "Of course." She replied, hoping he wasn't upset she came back late or maybe he wanted to admonish her for hanging out with his Boss. Her thoughts kept running wild as she grabbed her tablet, even though his grim face
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A Thousand and One Ways To Make You Come
The day at the gym had commenced with hitting the treadmills first. Brett refused to let Daisy out of his sight throughout their session. One time, he had briefly stepped over to the bike while daisy did squats with shoulder weights. One of the trainers came up to assist her as anyone would expect in a top-of-the-line gym. He was handsome and very nicely built. "Hi," he greeted her, with an accommodating smile that showcased his teeth. "First time here, right. I haven’t seen you in here before.""Yes, first time.""I’m Jamie." He extended his hand, and Daisy gave him a handshake."Daisy." "Are you finding everything you need, Daisy." "So far so good, thanks.""It's my pleasure. Did you get the tour of the gym and it's surrounding. If not, permit me take you around." He touched Daisy's elbow lightly and gestured toward the stairs. "As a first timer, you're entitled to a free hour of personal training. We could do that tonight or make an appointment for later in the week.""Oh, I re
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More Orgasms
Brett took a step back and took in the whole of Daisy. He gulped in air as it dawned on him that she belonged to him in more ways than she can imagine. Daisy stepped up to him, pushing her hands up beneath his shirt to feel his damp, sweaty skin and the hardness of the muscles beneath it. "Get naked, now." He laughed as he took off his sneakers and yanked his top over his head. "Oh my God....." she gasped, taking him in, all of him. His shorts hit the floor and Daisy gasped. The man was perfection. There wasn’t an ounce of excess flesh on him anywhere, just hard slabs of toned muscle. He had that abdominal V line that Ugo calls the Adonis Belt.He was the embodiment of everything Daisy coveted, fantasized about, and wished for. "I must have died and gone to heaven," Daisy said out loud unashamedly.Brett giggled. "I'm glad you like what you see Daisy." He came to her with a strong purr of their lips. She slipped and landed on the bed, and barely caught her breath before Brett came o
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Mending Of Souls
Her gaze was riveted to his gorgeous face. His features were harsh and filled with lust, his eyes were so dark and dilated and Daisy knew she was staring into the face of a man who had passed the limits of his control. She felt several swarms of joy that he had made all that effort because of her, because he'd wanted so much to pleasure her and prepare her for what would be a hard ride. Her hands fisted in the bedspread, anticipation building. He had made sure she got her pleasure, over and over again. This would be for him. "Brett," she called gently, touching his face, "Fuck me," she ordered, daring him with her eyes. "Daisy." He called out her name as he rammed into her. She gasped in slight pain and huge pleasure. He was big, hard, and so damn deep. The connection was startlingly intense that she felt so completely taken, possessed, owned. Emotionally and otherwise. With Brett's hands restraining her and his total dominance of her body, her desire and pleasure was ratcheted t
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Can't Let You Go
Daisy called the one person that she knew would always come through, she called Ugo but unfortunately her calls kept going to voicemail. The first bout of tears rushed down her face as she plied through the crowded streets of Fairview.She put back her phone inside her pocket and thought of Brett. Was it all a coincidence that he invited her to his gym and it so happened to be close to the hotel he fucks his women in. What happened to he's never had any other relationship since they broke up. Was that just him making up stories he knew she would love to hear. Crazed out and extremely exhausted, she stepped on a curb, waiting for a taxi. But her mind drifted far away to how much hurt she was feeling. Empty taxi's drove past her, yet she didn't stop any. Pulling out her phone, she tried calling Ugo again and just like before, it went to her voicemail. She hurriedly dropped a message for her summarizing the situation of things as explicitly as she could before she changed her mind. She
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Unspoken Words
As they rode the elevator up to Brett's apartment, the tension within him was palpable. Daisy thought of stopping the elevator and urging him to let her go home. But she knew he would never agree.She looked at his hand, still trapped with hers and realization struck her that bringing her to his home, his space was indeed a big deal to him. It was something he had never done before and he's doing it now, but for what? When the elevator opened directly into his home, Brett's grip on her hand tightened before he finally released her. He unlocked the door entrance with his prints and ushered her inside, his anxiety screaming loud as he watched for Daisy's reaction. Brett's home was as beautiful as the man himself. It was so very different from his office, which was sleek, modern, and cool. His private space was warm and sumptuous, filled with antiques. It was simply amazing, "Your home is so beautiful. " Daisy said softly, feeling privileged to be the only one among his women to have
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Moist and Soft, FOR YOU!
Morning came faster than Daisy had wanted. When she opened her eyes, she saw an empty bed. Brett was no where to be seen. She called his name softly, thinking he would be in the toilet. But there was nothing. She had woken sometime during the night to use the toilet and the bed was empty as well. She had thought Brett was just outside the door, or in the living room. Exhausted, she slept off almost immediately her back touched the bed.As she was contemplating on what could be the cause of Brett's absence, he knocked the door open with his heel, carrying a tray containing two cups of coffee, a tin of milk and sugar."You had work to do last night?" Daisy asked.He shrugged, "did you miss me?""Don't give yourself too much credit." She smiled. "I miss the warmth your body provide." "We could go back to bed now baby." He said, placing the tray on the bedside drawer."Ughh, I have to go to work Brett." She picked up a cup of coffee and added little sugar and plenty. "I could get used t
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Daisy ripped the foil packet open with her teeth and held it out to him. "Help me."Brett's hand curled around her. "I’m breaking all my rules with you, Daisy." The seriousness with which he made that statement sent a burst of warmth and confidence through her. "Rules are made to be broken." He groaned and pushed a button and said. "Drive till I say otherwise."Daisy's cheeks heated and she placed her head on his neck to hide her embarrassment. "Why, Daiz," he purred, rolling the condom on quickly. "You’ve seduced me into having sex for the very first time in my car, yet you have the grace to blush when I tell my driver, I don’t want to be interrupted while you do stuff to me." His playfulness warmed Daisy's heart, making her even more desperate to achieve her goal. Setting her hands on his shoulders for balance, she lifted her head and onto her knees, rising to gain the height she needed to place the entrance of her pussy on the tip of Brett's dick. His hands fisted at Daisy'
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