All Chapters of Her Mysterious Disabled Alpha : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
137 Chapters
101-He Will Fuck Her Raw And Rough
Carena:I listened to him speak with the confidence of an alpha king, but this time, I refused to submit to him like the Luna Queen he envisioned. That phase of my life was over. I have grown up now and no longer wanted a charming prince to come riding his horse and save me with his intimate kiss.After enduring enough of his rambling, I tilted my head and spoke with certainty."I'm not here to beg you or to be accepted by you. I'm here to ask you, how do you call yourself an alpha king and then turn your back on your words?"I watched him squint, trying to grasp what he had just heard. But I wasn't finished yet."I appreciate you making me believe I made the right choice, but I never expected you to stoop so low," my tone turned harsh, deepening his frown as he slammed his hand on the table. It was his way of warning me to quit yapping."Watch your tongue, Carena!" he bellowed.Though my body flinched, I quickly regained my composure. I needed to confront him for what he had done to
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102-I Can Shake The World With My Anger
Carena: Once I stepped back into my house, I caught my father and sister staring at me with confusion written all over their faces."What happened? Please don't tell me he's so upset that he didn't accept your apology," my sister stood up beside my father, her hands clasped together as if pleading for the answer she hoped to hear."I didn't go there to apologize to him," I raised my voice, startling her enough to take a step back, her eyes fixed on my face with her mouth slightly agape."How could you two--why did you lie to me?" I yelled, feeling drained from constantly being manipulated by so many people. Was my worth not even considered?My father appeared so stunned by my statement that he hurriedly got up and rushed toward me. Grabbing my arms, he shook my body, confirming my suspicion that he had indeed lied."Why the hell would you go there if you didn't want to apologize?" he demanded, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from me."You two lied to me. And I went there to
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103-The Hot Sheriff Is A Regular
Carena:The melodic chirping of birds and the warm sunlight streaming through the window signaled the arrival of morning. I forced my eyes open and realized I was lying on the cold bedroom floor. With effort, I struggled to rise, my body feeling numb on one side. Sitting up, I surveyed the room, realizing I had passed out there the night before.Glancing at the clock on the wall, another shock hit me. "9 am! I'm so late," I muttered to myself, noting with a pang that no one had come to check on me. It was saddening because I should have known I always deal with sorrow alone.As I showered, memories of last night flooded back. Sawyer with Ashley, my father's slap, and then those screams and the earthquake. "No!" I immediately regretted opening my mouth under the rush of water. But surely, the earthquake wasn't my doing. My freak-out wasn't that special. It was probably just an anxiety attack. Why the hell would the world shake when I am angry?Pushing aside my worries, I focused on get
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104-Don’t Flirt With Me.
Carena:I left the bakery with him after telling Yamin I needed to go fetch my ID. The car ride was terribly quiet. However, I did notice him adjusting his mirror a few times to keep an eye on me. He hadn't really said much until we were outside the office. He led me in and flicked on the light, chuckling to himself. I reckon he wanted me to ask why he was laughing so he could say something absurd to me. So, I kept quiet and didn't respond to his little chuckling."Have a seat," he said, plopping down and gesturing to the chair. Before leaving the bakery, he grabbed a donut which he now chewed on rather ungracefully."I'm fine, thank you. I'll just grab my ID and head home," I muttered, not in the mood for conversation."What's the rush? Sit down," he insisted, but it sounded more like a command. I was slightly taken aback by the way he kept smirking, as if he had uncovered my secret or something. So, I sat down with my spine erect, ready to bolt once I got my hands on my ID."I've be
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105-I Came Home With A Man
Carena:“Here’s your ID. Keep it safe because I heard someone in the North is stealing identities,” he whispered as he got closer, too close for my comfort.I tried to snatch it out of his hands, but he held it so tight that my fingers slipped over it. It was only after I shot him a disapproving glare that he let it go.His face was so close to mine that I could clearly see the brown in his eyes.“Let’s drop you home now, Miss Arrogant Carena!”It really hit me when he used that word for me. I was always known as the nice girl. The naive and idiot girl, in fact.I don’t know why, but hearing the word “arrogant” didn’t offend me. For the first time in my life, it felt like somebody recognized that I do have a spine.I walked out to sit in the back seat when I noticed him holding the passenger seat open for me.“You don’t want people to think you were arrested, do you?” That man was so cunning.He was able to make me agree with him in such a sly way. I walked over to the passenger side
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106-The Heartless People
Carena:I was staring at her face in disbelief. Is this what she thought of me?"You didn't say all that when you asked me to marry Sawyer right after I was rejected by my first mate," I said, folding my arms over my chest, casually calling her out on her hypocrisy."So now you're talking back to me? Where are you getting this confidence from?" she replied, folding her arms over her chest, looking shocked as if she were the only one who could defend herself."I guess I've come to realize that in order to live in this world, I will have to stand up for myself," I replied, grabbing the bowl of white rice out of her hands and walking out of the kitchen to serve it on the table.Theodore was engaging in a conversation with my father, who was pretending to be in a pleasant mood. I knew him too well.After all the food was set out, I sat down with Theodore while Maanya was sitting with my dad and eating.It was my first meal with them after I told them I was leaving Sawyer."So, how is work
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107-Giving Sawyer Back
Carena:I woke up early in the morning, thinking I would be on my way to work without any more arguments. Usually, we take breaks between arguments, but recently, my family has learned this technique where they don’t want to leave me in peace for one second.Changing into a purple tank top, a black sweater, and pants, I grabbed my side bag and rushed downstairs. I kept my hair in a high ponytail, unlike how I used to keep it. Since I was changing so much, I decided to switch up my style a bit as well.Not to mention, there was so much I wanted to do when I was a teen but couldn’t due to all sorts of responsibilities. But now I was free, and this newly found freedom had given me a weird sense of courage and confidence.However, life was still the same because the people around me were the same. I had only stepped off the stairs when I realized we had a guest over. With my eyes narrowed and my heart sinking in my chest, I acknowledged it was none other than Sawyer, sitting on a chair wi
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108-He Is Back In My Life
Carena:"You didn't clean the back kitchen yesterday?" Mr. Bob had been bothering me since the very morning I arrived. It had been two peaceful days where not much had happened in my life. This was the longest I had gone without dealing with any trouble, and I enjoyed every bit of it."It was Yamin's turn," I muttered, secretly rolling my eyes at him for pestering me when he knew it was her turn."And when will it be your turn then?" he asked, placing his hands on his waist and staring at me like an annoying idiot."Why do you care?" Thankfully, his wife arrived just in time and intervened.He quickly broke his stare and loosened up now that he was being confronted by his wife."Honey, I was worried she wasn't doing her work properly," he instantly started coming up with excuses, but the glare his wife was giving him made it clear that she wasn't buying any of his lies.I mean, a mate usually knows about their partner and their interests after being together for so long, just like I e
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109-Two Can Play This Game
Carena:"Actually, thank you for the offer, but I have some work left to do," I excused myself, thankfully remembering I had to clean the kitchen."No! It's fine. You can go," the people pleaser spoke, making me clench my jaw."Would you look at that? I got you off work early," Sawyer joked. Even though it wasn’t funny, they laughed like it was a million-dollar joke.This was going to get me in huge trouble because they would make me work hard to please Sawyer."Great then, grab your stuff if you have any," Sawyer taunted before he scoffed and chuckled to himself. "Oh, sorry, I forgot, you don't even take your stuff when you’re rushing to leave."Wow! And I thought he had moved on.I gave a dead look to Mr. Bob, who was constantly eyeing me, urging me not to reject the offer and to walk after Sawyer. Since day one, they had made it clear they wanted people to come, even if it was because of me.I grabbed my bag and walked after Sawyer, who let me sit in the backseat where he also slid
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110-Maybe A Date?
Carena:Once I settled in beside Theodore, I couldn't help but notice Sawyer's sudden need for speed. His car zoomed past us like a streak of lightning, catching my attention. Theodore's gaze flickered toward me, almost as if he was gauging my reaction. However, I maintained a poker face."Looks like someone's in a hurry," Theodore remarked, a sly grin creeping onto his face. I adjusted my posture in the seat but refrained from responding to his comment."You know, folks who are always rushing end up in big accidents. That's why there's a saying, 'slow and steady wins the race,'" he chimed in, prompting me to cock my head in his direction, curious about his reaction."Just because one rabbit dozed off doesn't mean all tortoises stand a chance. Can't we pick up some speed? I need to be home early," I murmured, keeping my voice low and steady. It wasn't that I wasn't affected whenever Sawyer's name came up."Why? Is your loving family eagerly awaiting your return?" he teased, a playful
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