All Chapters of Slave to the Wolf King: Chapter 231 - Chapter 238
238 Chapters
231. Eyes Down
~ JESSE ~An hour after leaving Cazz, I was in my room, bathed, fully dressed, agitated, and scared. There was no chance I was sleeping tonight, because my stomach was getting sicker and sicker as I played those events with Cazz over and over in my mind, growing more upset with every passing minute.What the hell had happened?He’d sounded so… needy when he first called me. I thought he’d brought me there to reconcile. But to ask me to let him compel me?I shuddered at the thought—and thanked God that he hadn’t done it against my will. But that didn’t change the fact that he was obviously
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232. Revealed
~ JESSE ~“Get in here, now.” Maya leaned out the door and practically dragged me inside by my collar as she closed the door—keeping Wylde outside, which seemed odd. But the sense of her fear was even more clear now that we were in front of each other.“What’s going on?” I asked her the moment we were alone as we hurried back through her cave.She was hobbling towards her living area, beckoning me to follow.When I spoke, she stopped suddenly, turning to look at me, and her eyes glowed in the half-light, because we were around the corner from the living area, and it seemed like she only had one lamp on in there.
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233. Remain
~ JESSE ~“Just breathe, Jesse,” Maya said quietly. She sounded like she was grieving—urging me not to give up.But I could barely inhale, and when I did, my lungs didn’t seem to draw oxygen from the air. I was heaving.“Why… why would he d-do that? Why? He promised me he’d never… wait, has he done this before?!” I was horrified and snapped my head around, staring at her wide-eyed and pleading.It was only a small relief when she shook her head.  “Then why?!” I shrieked.
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234. A Choice to Make
~ JESSE ~Maya talked for a long time—about Cazz’s history. About his pain. And about how he’d let me down.I listened. I agreed. I knew she was right. But the longer I sat there, the more I became stuck in a weird duality.Half of me growing more and more numb. Calmer—almost untouched. That side of me felt like if Cazz had walked in right then, I would have just looked at him and asked him calmly to explain.But the other half of me… That half was a forest fire.Grief. Fear. Betrayal. Sick.That side of me continued to crack and shatter, and the longer she talked, the less I heard. Because in th
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235. Judas - Part 1
~ CASIMIR ~I was standing outside Jesse’s chamber door, which had been mostly closed, but not entirely. And I was peering through a tiny sliver of space to watch my mate embrace my best friend.“Rake… if anything happens—”“Shhhhh, don’t do that. Don’t let the tensions here make you catastrophize. I’m back again in less than a week—and I’ll be calling the final Selection for Cazz and you to make the declarations. So, just focus on that. And don’t worry about me.”“No, Rake, I’m serious. If anything happens to you it will kill me. I need you to be so careful. Watch your back when my brothers are around—always. And… and come back safe. Plea
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236. Judas – Part 2
~ CASIMIR ~We stood right in each other’s space, both quivering on the edge of the shift. He wasn’t challenging for dominance so he wouldn’t shift first, wouldn’t push me to it—because he knew he’d lose. But he didn’t drop my gaze, and didn’t back down. If I shifted, he would too.I growled, low and deep in my chest.Rake’s gaze didn’t waver, but he shifted his weight on his feet, balancing himself. “I’ve never touched her, Cazz. Never said anything to her about how I feel. Never given her any reason to think or believe… anything except that I am on her team. I’ve never done anything inappropriate. And before you growl, it’s true—I’v
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237. Fled
~ CASIMIR ~Half an hour later I was pacing Rake’s rooms, clawing hands through my hair and growling.Where the fuck was she? I wanted to run, to shift, to go after her, scent her for myself, follow her and drag her back here. But I couldn’t leave this fucker to escape.Rake, on the other hand, sat in the simple chair in his room, watching me pace. The only clue to his tension, the way he drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair.“Would you sit down?” he growled. “This isn’t what you think it is. She’s going to come back and tell you and you’re going to see. You know that, Cazz. You know her. You’re just creating divisions where n
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238. Don't You Dare
~ CASIMIR ~I growled at the girl, ready to tell her exactly what I thought of that—but Rake cursed.“She’s gone to talk to her brothers. She’s gone to prove herself. You fucking did it, Cazz. You finally pushed her too far—and she’s going to put herself in danger to prove you wrong.”I turned on him then, every ounce of protectiveness of her as my mate and our Queen making me quiver with rage. “I told her no,” I snarled. “I tried to stop her. To protect her. If they kill her, I’m holding you responsible.”“That is such bull
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