All Chapters of Bestie's Alpha Brother: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
235 Chapters
Chapter 0181
Ava Chris turned to me with a tired expression on his face. “Let’s head back to the hotel,” he said, nodding his head toward our waiting town car. “And have a decent drink that’s not overpriced whiskey.” I nodded, letting him take my arm as we walked down the steps. For the entire ride back to t
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Chapter 0182
Furrowing my brow, I said, “Then what do you suggest? We can import more goods, sure, but… Is that really necessary right now? What with everything going on?” He shook his head. “No, that’s not what I’m thinking. But I have been thinking about the blight, and how maybe there are more ways to handl
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Chapter 0183
Ava Chris was silent for some time. He was silent for so long, in fact, that I was worried he might not speak at all. He sat so still, too, that I began to wonder if he had even turned to stone. Finally, he moved—but only to gently pull our hands apart and turn back to face the bar. I watched fo
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Chapter 0184
Another sigh escaped my lips. “I know, I know. It shouldn’t matter.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Okay,” I acquiesced. “It doesn’t. But that one tiny detail doesn’t change the fact that we need to be wise about our decisions. You’re the Alpha of Moonstone. I’m the Acting Luna. The good of the pack shou
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Chapter 0185
Ava I awoke the next morning to the sound of rain and the bustling city below. Rolling over in my large hotel bed, I saw the long streaks of fat raindrops running down the window panes in a silent race. Normally, I loved when it rained—especially in Moonstone, where the air smelled like fresh ea
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Chapter 0186
I furrowed my brow and recoiled a bit. “No, but—” “Then there’s nothing to talk about,” he said. “It’s over between us.” “Yes, but…” I frowned, still gripping his arm. I stared down at where my fingers connected with the sleeve of his jacket and tried not to think about how warm he felt even thr
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Chapter 0187
AvaThe bags slipped from Chris’s fingers as he saw the picture on the screen. I felt like my legs might give out underneath me; there, on the phone screen, was a photograph of us kissing in front of the hotel.And then, just below it, was a picture from the press event looking awfully cozy.“What t
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Chapter 0188
Ava“You two aren’t romantically involved?” Elder Elise’s gaze slid back and forth between us, clearly not believing Chris’s statement. I sat utterly frozen in my chair, wondering where Chris was going with this.Chris merely shook his head. “No. We’re not,” he explained. “You can thank that picture
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Chapter 0189
As he spoke, he scrolled through more photos from the event—other people posing and hugging, smiling and holding hands. Men and women, men and men, women and women; it didn’t matter who was in the picture. The Elders bristled a bit at the displays of affection, but realization was beginning to dawn
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Chapter 0190
AvaI turned slowly to see Chris watching me, that familiar grin of his tugging at his lips. Sighing, I felt my shoulders slump a bit beneath his gaze.“No,” I admitted. “I don’t. And… I’m sorry for freaking out like that.”To my surprise, Chris simply shrugged. “It’s alright; I can’t blame you. It’
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