All Chapters of Pregnant And Rejected Omega: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
101 Chapters
His Admission
Harlyn“Because I love you.” I am dumbfounded by Stefan’s words. He leans forward and kisses away my tears.Stefan’s words roll around in my mind, and I wonder if he’s okay. Like mentally, because he really appears to be losing it.I’m concerned for him. The shift in his attitude and behaviour is worrying. Was he hurt during the war with the rogues, and has that caused this?Either Stefan has genuinely had a nasty knock to the head and needs medical help, or this is a joke, a game to him. He hates me. Actually, he despises me. So why is he now acting like this?Why the hell is he constantly trying to touch me? Hell, he kissed my tears. What is his plan and game now? Just to make everything even more painful for me? Is he set to make sure that he outdoes my father’s hurt towards me?It feels like he and my father are battling for the top spot on who can hurt Harlyn the most.I don’t feel like he’s being honest, and part of me honestly is worried. This isn’t right or real, and there mus
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Our Past
HarlynI’m confused by his questions. What does where we are have to do with anything?“You honestly don’t remember, do you?” He looks at me, hurt, and I shrug, unsure of what to even say. It’s clear he thinks I don’t remember something, but what is it exactly?“I’m not sure what I’m meant to be remembering, Your Majesty,” I say, looking at him confused.“What if I told you that at this spot, you don’t call me Your Majesty, Highness, Prince or similar, just Stefan?” he asks, and I look at him confused.“I-” What? “I don’t get what you’re saying.” I don’t. I don’t understand why he would say that.“Here, just come here.” He pulls me forward slightly. “Sit.” I laugh at him ordering me. “Just, please, sit down.” Sighing, I sit in the same spot as before, where I was with Wayne, and I watch as he sits next to me.Is this some sort of trick? I glance at him, confused.“Lie down, Harlyn.”Turning, I stare at him. “What? No.” What the hell? I go to stand, and he stops me.“Just listen and li
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Her Refusal
Stefan POVI stay sitting, facing her, trying to figure out the words I need to say.“So, us...The whole mating bond...” Sighing, I try and fix my mind. “About our being mates...”I watch as she nods and smiles, my body relaxing.“I, Harlyn Rich—” her words infuriate me. I quickly cover her mouth with my hand to silence her rejection.“What the hell, Harlyn! I thought you said we were fine?” She said we were fine, she smiled, and then she tried to reject me again. “I’m sorry, okay. I take everything back, I take back the rejection, I take back my words, I take it all back.” I shout, trying to make her see sense.She thrashes and tries to break out of my hold. “Why are you still trying to reject me, Harlyn? I apologised. You remember how we used to be before.” I beg her, trying to make her see sense.Why would she try to accept my rejection? I wanted to shake her for being so stupid; I thought she remembered and realised how much we cared for each other.Was it all an act to
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Choice Taken
HarlynStefan’s words confused me until I felt his lips against my neck. I pulled, trying to break out of his hold.“Stefan!” My scream echoes around us as I feel his teeth pierce through my skin and silence me. My hands clasp onto him, and I begin to feel like I’m flying, a small whimper escaping my lips as I cling to him as he claims me.My head falls back in pleasure, and I feel his tongue sweep across the bite, sealing it perfectly. I don’t move; I feel weightless and whole for a short time. Every part of my body feels content and perfect.“Harlyn Richmose, you belong to me now.” He whispers these words, and he kisses my neck.No. He can’t have.No! Not even Stefan is that evil to do it without my permission.I don’t want to believe this. I don’t want to believe him.“What did you do?” I ask, feeling like I need it confirmed.He wouldn’t. Stefan wouldn’t be so cruel to do this.Oh God, how do I explain this to Wayne?“How dare you!” I scream, all the rage I felt towards him before
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Telling Them
HarlynThe room falls quiet, and Wayne looks at me. It’s clear he is thinking I’m joking, but I’m not. I want to do it tomorrow to prove to Stefan how little he owns me. Everyone is watching, in shock, clearly wondering if they heard me right. They did. I will marry Wayne tomorrow.“Say that again?” he asks, and I laugh slightly; his arms stay wrapped around my body as he peers into my eyes, waiting for confirmation.“Let’s get married tomorrow,” I say again, unable to contain the smile that spreads across my face. I see the shock flashing in his eyes. I don’t want to wait; what is the point in waiting anyway?“For real? I know you agreed, but I assumed you would wait. Only do this, my love, if you are completely sure.” He stands shocked. Even though I agreed to marry him here, I knew in his mind he thought it wouldn’t happen.He is still thinking I’m about to walk away from this, but I won’t. I will be marrying him tomorrow. Nothing and no one has the power to stop us.“Tomorrow? Are
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Her Announcement
StefanI followed Harlyn at a distance as she stormed away, or rather ran. I understand her running from me. I acted on impulse, and that made me make a huge mistake.She will forgive me, though, and when I can prove to her about Wayne, she will be grateful I stopped him from being able to claim her. I have almost walked through the entire palace and can’t see her anywhere.Where could she have gone? I step into the room where she stayed and stand by the door. The room is flooded with her scent, and it’s beautiful. I am sure I can keep her here.Now, if she tries to leave, it will cause her pain; the more distance she puts between us, the worse it will become. I was wrong to claim her without her approval; I felt like I had no choice.She wasn’t being rational. One moment, she was calm and looking at me like she remembered who I was, and then she was off the rails, swearing and screaming she hated me.I guess I did deserve some of it; I deserved it all for what I did to her in the pas
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Confronting Her
StefanI didn’t sleep last night—how could I? My mind was focused on Harlyn and her upcoming marriage to Wayne. Well, she could try. After getting ready for the wedding, I stepped out of the room, and my mother looked at me.“Are you sure it wise for you to go to this wedding?” She asks, and I laugh.“I’m not going to the wedding, Mother, because there won’t be one.” I will stop it before she even walks through that door.“Stefan, you can’t do anything crazy.” She looks at me, and I know she is worried, but I need to do something crazy.“I already did that, Mother; it apparently didn’t work, so I need to get up a level,” I say while smiling at her.“You already did? Stefan, what did you do?” She stands staring at me.“Stopped him from being able to claim her mother, like he tried that night. Which room is Harlyn in?” I ask as I walk around her.“Harlyn is in her wedding dress. You can’t enter that room, Stefan.” She follows behind me.“Oh, but I can. Which room, mother?” I stand waiti
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Refusing Him
HarlynI don’t blame him. I’m getting whiplash. Right now, he’s just stood staring at me, and I feel calm. I don’t feel hate for him. I’m confused over all this, and he seems to be trying to work this out.His mouth opens as if he is about to talk, but he stops and closes his mouth. It’s weird, having him close, having him touching me eases the itch in my neck.It’s weird; right now, I see him and I remember from before he pushed me out. Yet, thirty seconds ago, while he was speaking, it was like looking at an entirely different person. How is that even possible? It’s hard to think of anything or anyone else right now except for him.I don’t want to let him go, and I feel like I need to keep him close to me. Maybe I’m going crazy? I feel his finger stroke down my neck, and it only relaxes me more.Right now, I’m meant to be with Wayne, yet I’m not sure I want to. It’s weird; being here with Stefan makes me feel like I have no feelings for Wayne.Which isn’t possible, I agreed to marry
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Proving A Point
StefanI don’t know what to do; I walk out of the room and look for my mother. I find her with the guests.“There you are, you’re late.” Diandra looks at me, and I push her hand off me.“Not now!” I snap at her and turn to my mother. “I need you.” I walk out, and she follows me.“What is going on?” She stops me and looks at me, waiting for my answer.“I think Harlyn is under a spell.”She laughs at my words.“Don’t, Mother, I mean it. How do I stop it?” I need to know.“That would depend. What sort of spell?” She sits on the small sofa and waits for me to explain.“I don’t know. One where she hates me, especially if I talk, but if I get close to her, if I touch her, it breaks the spell, as long as I don’t speak.”She looks at me like I’m crazy.“I mean it, she is like a hurricane, screaming, hitting me, then if I grip her chin and make her focus on me, and I stay quiet, she’s calm and kisses me. Something isn’t right.” I just need to break it; then I can stop this.“A spell like that
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Unveiling The Truth
StefanI look around the room, and I know I need to sort this out quickly.“You know what I think?” Diandra steps forward towards Harlyn. “I think she put a spell on the king, made him blind, turned him dumb,” she shouts.“I have to agree with the princess here. This disowned child of mine has caused this. Your Majesty, you need to seek help immediately.” The Earl steps closer.“Enough! Stop making out like my son is blinded by magic.” My mother calls out.“If this was caused by that, it started as I was a child. I already said, she is my mate and I knew as a child.” I call out, and Samuel stares at me.He has no idea, and as my best friend, he will hate me so much more when this is over and he finds out the truth. It’s worth it, though, if Harlyn stays here.“I think Harlyn, Stefan, myself and Harlyn’s mother need to sit together and sort this situation. It’s a private matter.” Mother looks between everyone, and I nod in agreement.“No!” King Fredric steps forward. “You want to hide
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