All Chapters of A Little More than Strangers: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
65 Chapters
chapter 30
“I think you two should talk,” Collin butted in when he noticed the awkwardness between the two. “I’ll take the kids home so take your time talking. It’s been a while since you have met each other so you have a lot of catching up to do.” Though she was unsure if that was the right thing to do at the moment, Via nodded her head. She followed Troye, who had already walked his way towards Collin’s office's balcony. “It’s been a long time, Vi.” Troye said again with a smile. “How have you been?” “I’m good.” Via felt awkward. It had been years since the last time she saw him, but the emotions she had before she left were still there. She felt apologetic, and her heart was filled with guilt toward him. The two of them started catching up as Collin instructed them. Troye asked questions about the US, how she adjusted, and how she searched for jobs. In return, Via tried to ask Troye questions about his work and how he remained in touch with Collin after what happened between them. Their c
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Chapter 31
When Cassie arrived at Via's house, the sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, her usual bright smile in place. The kids, Jaydee and Kaydee, were already up, their energy infectious as they bounced around the living room. "Auntie Cassie! You're here!" Jaydee exclaimed, running to hug her. "Good morning, sunshine!" Cassie replied with a large smile as she lifted Jaydee into a tight hug. "Are you ready for another fun day?" "Yes! We have so many games planned," Kaydee said, his eyes sparkling excitedly. Hearing the kids welcome her best friend, Via emerged from the kitchen, a cup of coffee in hand. She smiled at the sight of her best friend and her children. "Thanks for coming over so early, Cassie." "No problem at all, Via. You know I love spending time with these munchkins," Cassie replied, setting Jaydee down and walking over to Via. "Are you ready for today?" Via took a deep breath and nodded. "I think so. It's just... there's a lot on my plate right now." Though it was
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chapter 32
Jessica and Via exchanged excited glances as they made their way to the conference room for their first meeting as part of the special project team. The anticipation was palpable, and they couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. This was a big step in their careers, and they were eager to prove themselves. As they entered the room, they saw the rest of the team already gathered: Larry, a seasoned project manager known for his strategic mind; Francis, a young and ambitious data analyst; and Carrie, a creative marketing expert with a flair for innovative campaigns. Raizen Nakamura stood at the head of the table, commanding attention. "Good morning, everyone," Raizen began, his voice calm and authoritative. "Congratulations on being selected for this special project team. I have high expectations, but I have no doubt that each of you will bring unique strengths to our initiatives." The team exchanged nods and smiles, the atmosphere already buzzing with a sense of camar
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Chapter 33
As the day drew close, Via packed up her things and headed to the parking lot, eager to get home and see her children. She approached her reliable old sedan, which had seen better days, and unlocked it. However, when she tried to start the engine, it sputtered and died. "Come on, not now," she muttered, trying again. The car made a few feeble attempts before falling silent. Via sighed, resting her head on the steering wheel in frustration. After a few more unsuccessful tries, she accepted defeat and grabbed her phone to inform Cassie that she would take a cab on her way home. As she waited for a taxi to pass, she stood by the entrance of the building, watching the last rays of the sun dip below the horizon. The city was alive with the evening bustle, and she couldn't help but feel a bit stranded and vulnerable. Just then, a sleek black car pulled up to the front of the building. The driver's side window rolled down, and Via was surprised to see Raizen Nakamura behind the wheel. "Ms
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Chapter 34
Via spent the next morning in a daze, her thoughts scattered between the upcoming day at work and the possibility of reuniting with her father. Collin's words from the previous night echoed in her mind. She was still unsure about bringing the children to meet their grandfather, but she couldn't shake the hope that things would turn out well. She arrived at the office earlier than usual, hoping to get a head start on the day's tasks. As she settled into her desk, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement. Today was the first official meeting of the special team, and she wanted to make a good impression. "Morning, Via." Jessica greeted her with a cheerful smile as she walked in. "Are you Ready for our big meeting?" "Morning, Jess. Yeah, I am," Via replied, managing a smile. "How about you?" "Definitely. I'm excited to see how we can all work together," Jessica said, setting her bag down. "Plus, it's a great opportunity to learn from Mr. Nakamura." The mention of Raizen brought back th
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Chapter 35
Via arrived at the office cafeteria, carrying the neatly packed meal Raizen had given her. She had messaged her teammates to meet her there, eager to share the food and take a break from the hectic day. As she entered the cafeteria, she spotted Jessica, Larry, Francis, and Carrie seated at a table, chatting animatedly. "Hey, everyone," Via greeted them with a smile, setting the meal down on the table. "Look what I brought. Mr. Nakamura gave this to me for us to share." "Wow, that looks amazing," Francis said, eyeing the neatly packed containers. "What a nice gesture." "Yeah, let's dig in," Larry added, reaching for the first container. As they started to unpack the meal and distribute the food, Via found her mind wandering back to her encounter with Stacey earlier. The brief interaction left her feeling unsettled, and she couldn't shake the tension it had stirred within her. Jessica, sitting next to Via, noticed her friend's distracted expression. "Hey, Via, are you okay? You
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Chapter 36
When Via arrived home, laughter and playful chatter greeted her before she stepped through the door. She smiled as she entered, feeling a rush of warmth at the sight that greeted her. Collin was on the floor playing with Jaydee and Kaydee in the living room. They were building a tower out of colorful blocks, their faces filled with joy and concentration. "Mommy's home!" Jaydee exclaimed, jumping up from the floor and hugging Via. "Hey, sweetheart," Via said, returning her son's embrace with a smile. "Did you have fun with Uncle Collin?" "Yeah! We built the tallest tower ever!" Jaydee exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "That's amazing, buddy," Via said, ruffling his hair affectionately. "And what about you, Kaydee? Did you have fun too?" Kaydee nodded enthusiastically, a grin lighting up his face. "Yeah, Mommy! We had so much fun!" Via's heart swelled with love as she watched her children interact with Collin. He had always been so good with them, and she couldn't hel
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Chapter 37
As Via stepped into the office, she couldn't contain her excitement. Today would be a half-day at work, and she was eager to wrap up her tasks and head home to spend time with her children. But that didn't mean she would slack off—far from it. If anything, Via felt even more driven to make the most of her time at the office. Via dove into her work, tackling each task with precision and determination. She was focused, efficient, and a little competitive, pushing herself to exceed her expectations. She lost track of time as she immersed herself in her projects, the hours flying by in a blur of productivity. As the clock ticked closer to the end of her shift, Via's phone rang, jolting her out of her concentration. She glanced at the caller ID and saw her brother's name flashing on the screen. Curious, she answered the call. "Hey, Collin. What's up?" Via greeted him, trying to mask the hint of anxiety in her voice. "Hey, Via. I need you to come to the main house after work," Collin sai
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Chapter 38
“Did you wait long?” Cassie asked when she saw Via waiting near the entrance of the subdivision. “No. I just arrived here, she replied as she entered her best friend’s car. As soon as she was settled, Cassie started maneuvering towards the main house. Silence reigned between the two and Cassie noticed her best friend's discomfort. Knowing Via's family history, she could tell how anxious her best friend was at that moment. “I’m not really sure if this is a good thing, but I want you to know that I’ll always take your side,” Cassie assured her as she squeezed her hand. “How were the kids?” Via asked, trying to divert the topic. Truth be told, she was not just anxious about meeting her dad again. She was more worried about the kids; they were much more vulnerable with rejection compared to her. “They were fine. Though they haven’t met Dad because Collin insisted that you needed to be there for him to meet them.” Via let out a sigh of relief. It was a good thing Collin was able to ha
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Chapter 39
“Dad…” Via’s lips trembled as she called for the familiar man before her. He was still the same. She would always find him seated in his working area whenever she went to his office. Her father's head snapped up at the sound of her voice, and there was a stunned silence for a moment. Then, in a move that took her completely by surprise, he stood up and hurried over to her, enveloping her in a tight hug. Via froze, her body stiff with shock. She couldn't remember the last time her father had hugged her like this, with such raw emotion. "I'm sorry, my child," her father whispered, his voice thick with regret. The tears threatening to spill finally broke free, streaming down her cheeks. She had never expected to hear those words from him, words she had longed for all these years. With just those words, all the fear and the pain that she thought she had forgotten was completely washed away. Something heavy was lifted from her chest, and she could not stop herself from bawling her eyes
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