Bellissima!의 모든 챕터: 챕터 31 - 챕터 40
91 챕터
31. Truth!
Author's POV "Jasmine" Bella called her after landing back to America. "Bella" Jasmine quickly got up from the bed. She looked at the watch, it was 2 am. "Pack your bags... Meet me outside the house, we are leaving." Bella informed her. "You are coming, right?" Jasmine noticed her sad tone. "Yes, i am coming... Give me few minutes... Where are you now?" She asked while taking down her suitcase from the cupboard. Jasmine quickly threw her clothes in it and her other personal stuff. Everything which is special to her. "I just reached near our house, I will stand at the backdoor..." Bella replied. "Bella, please hide somewhere... If our father see you then he will create big issue." Jasmine warned. Bella was standing under the tree, waiting for Jasmine. She wasn't feeling good after leaving Alexander but she tried to make her heart understand that he is not the right guy for her. But her poor heart has already surrendered to Alexander. "This is the new beginning...
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32. Freedom!
Author's pov Bella opened the door with shaky hands and jasmine was behind her with candle holder to hit the intruder. "Ma'am, i think you forgot your purse downstairs." The receptionist said and Bella sighed in relief. "Thank you" Bella smiled at her and closed the door. Jasmine huffed and placed the candle holder on its place. "Why were you scared?" Bella asked Jasmine. "I thought it's thief..." Jasmine shrugged. "Why were you scared?" "Nothing... It's too late... Let's sleep now..." Bella replied and threw herself on the bed. "I'll leave the lights on" Jasmine said. "You can switch it off, Jasmine" Bella said getting under the bedsheet. Jasmine looked at her surprised. "Aren't you scared of the dark?" Jasmine asked. "Not anymore" Bella smiled. "How? Tell me everything" Jasmine slide down beside her. "Tomorrow... I am tired" Bella switched off the lamp. ******** Bella and jasmine went out whole day. They enjoyed in amused park, did shopping, dine in
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33. Panick and Shock!
Author's POV Bella woke up with painful groan. Her body was warm and covered in something. She opened her eyes and saw everything blur for a minute. She blinked her eyes multiple times and then her vision cleared. She looked around and her eyes widened when she realized she is in Alexander's bedroom. She sat up with loud gasp. "Ahhh" She quickly grabbed her neck when it stung. Bella looked at herself, she was still in her shorts and crop top. Her heart started racing as she started thinking about the worst. She looked around scared and saw Alexander by the window. His large frame was almost hiding the window, black shirt with folded sleeves and muscular hands in pockets. His back was facing him but she can tell that he is mad. Very mad and it's not good. She slowly got up from the bed and looked at him cautiously. "Where is my sister?" She asked worriedly. Still he didn't turn towards her. Bella's eyes turned glossy thinking about Jasmine. "She is innocent... It was m
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34. Challenge!
Author's POV Bella was sitting silently on his lap while he was holding her possessively against his body. She was still in disbelief that he killed Amanda in front of her. She couldn't stand straight to see Valentino's reaction because she fainted. Her fear for him got more prominent. She has no idea how to deal with him. She flinched when he placed ice pack on her neck. "This will help with your neck pain... I shot you will syringe." He said. He looked at her and sighed. "I never wanted this... I thought we could stay happily but you are making it difficult Bella..." She closed her eyes. "You want to leave me and i won't let you go... You are mine." "I want to meet Jasmine..." She mumbled. "She is fine" He replied with straight face. "I don't trust you." She looked at him and hissed when her neck hurt. "You will see her when you will behave like a good girl." He replied. "What do you want now... I solved your problem, I am not married anymore." Bella couldn'
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35. Innocent!
Author's POV Bella's eyes widened when she saw what exactly happened while Alexander was watching her with smirk. "Take off your clothes now!" "No! Wait, I must have missed something." She Gulped and replayed the footage. She looked at carefully what's going on between them. Bella glared at Alexander when she saw how Amanda was clinging to him and he was giving her chocolates and stuff toy. "It was for you..." He shrugged. Bella ignored him and looked at the screen. Alexander slammed Amanda against the cupboard when he realised she is not Bella. "Where is Bella... What did you do to her?" He clenched his jaw. Amanda chuckled. "Wow! You know me very well, huh! You realised within seconds that i am not that low standard girl." She said and his grab on her throat tightened. "You are hurting me" She gasped for air. Alexander let her go and stepped back from her. "You are lucky that i have promised Bella that i won't hurt any woman." He glared at her. "She is maki
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36. Threats!
Author's POV Bella woke up when she felt cold in big bed. She lazily stretched her body and opened her eyes. She looked aside but Alexander wasn't there. "Bastard!" She gritted looking at her Naked body. Last night was very difficult for her. She tried to control herself but he was making it extremely difficult. She didn't understand his intentions until he turned her on and told her to sleep with evil smirk. She fell into sleep while cursing him. "Wakey wakey... Princess." She heard his mocking tone. "How was your night?" He Smirked. Bella glared at him. He knows what she was going through all night. She ignored him and huffed. Alexander sat beside her with smirk. "You can't win against me neither your body..." He removed a curly strand from her face. "So stop being stubborn... You don't have reason to be mad at me." Bella clenched her jaw and grabbed his collar, she pushed him on the bed and hovered over him while clutching on his collar tightly. "You have kidnap
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37. Caught!
Author's POV "Ma'am please stop" Henry quickly got up when Bella stormed towards the Luca who was standing in front of closed door. Luca raised his eyebrows as Henry held back furious Bella by grabbing both of her arms. "Leave me... Where is my sister?" Bella glared at him. Luca was calm like he was expecting this from her. "She is fine with me." He assured. "I want to meet her now.." Bella demanded while struggling to get free. "Sorry, Alexander will not allow." He shrugged. Bella closed her eyes and took a frustrated breath. "You are not his slave... You can set her free." She gritted. "I am his friend and i am loyal to him." Luca replied and his calmness irked her. "Sorry Bella but you need to convince Alexander for this... I can't leave your sister without his permission..." "Leave me, Henry... Not like i can fight with this mountain." Bella rolled her eyes looking at Luca, who is double the size of her. She snapped her fingers in front of luca in threatenin
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38. Punishment!
Author's POV "What did I tell you?" He jerked her forward by grabbing her arm. Bella gulped looking at his angry face. "Alex, what are you doing?" Raan gave him warning look. Alexander glared at her. "Right!... It's your influence." He spat. "I warn you, stay away from my private life because if i started interfering in yours then you will regret..." "You are doing wrong to her." Raan gritted. "It's my life..." He clenched his jaw. "If anything reached to Mother then keep in mind what i can do to you." He threatened and dragged Bella outside. "Leave me" Bella tried to release her hand but it was strong in strong grip. Alexander dragged her out and pushed her inside his limo. "You really like to test my patience." He glared at her. "I don't own any answer to you." Bella spat. "You need a lesson" He stated closing his eyes frustratingly. Bella's eyes widened when he unbuckled his belt. "What are you doing?" She asked scared but he didn't answer. Bella panick
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39. Provoke!
Author's POV Bella Groaned and opened her eyes. She felt the soft bed beneath her and thin blanket on her body which was making it hot for her. She kicked it away. "Arghh" She Groaned with heavy head and sat up. Her whole body came to senses slowly. "Fuck" She stretched her sore body. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She frowned when she realized that she is not in his bedroom. She looked around panicked. It was small room with white walls and plain glass windows. She didn't see anything decorative, only cabinets. She heard bird making loud sound and stepped out of the bed. Her legs stumbled due to heavy head but she balanced herself. She was in shorts and thin shirt which belongs to Alexander. She walked outside and her eyes widened when she saw ocean in front of her. She could only see deep blue water and nothing else. Seagulls where making strong sounds showing their authority on the ocean. "What the fuck is this?" She mumbled confused. Her mind was
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40. Regret!
Author's POV Bella looked at him with foggy mind and desperate eyes. She forgot that she is angry with him. This feeling is so strong to resist. He pulled her short down along with her panties. "Spread your legs for me" He ordered and his dominating voice made her damp. He looked at her dripping wet core and his eyes darkened with lust. He spread her legs wide by grabbing her inner thighs and latched on her sweet pussy. "Oh god!" She moaned while biting her lips. "Alex..." Her moans encouraged him and sucked on it harder, driving her crazy. She gasped when he took her clit between his teeth. "Fuck" She pressed it closer to his mouth. It wasn't even a minute and she was ready to snatch her orgasm. "Cum!" He Groaned. Her body trembled when she experienced strong orgasm. Their eyes met with rhythmic panting, he kissed her lower belly trying to initiate further but until then she has snapped out in the reality. "Stop!" She breathed out. ********* Bella is sittin
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